[2.6] Burn Baby Burn | 1ex Budget BA Path Finder | The one true Tripple-Dip


Potato Quality (I apologize for those)
Terrace T10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwnCWXDzX1o
Sulphur Wastes T13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im1ifZFJVns

Core Uniques:


Not so Core Unique (FeelsKoamMan)


Depending if you use Koam's Roots or not, gearing can differ a bit. I currently just started the character on a 1 ex budget and well, that's how the character looks.

Rare Gear wants
+ High Life Rolls
+ Missing Resistances
++ Chaos Resistance, if you want to go fancy
+ WED on Belt and Quiver
+ Phys to Attacks for more Conversion Swag

So in case you are wondering why I would pick flask finder for an elemental build with all those OpieOP ele classes around. Don't ask me, but I converted the character of a Ice Shot Finder and haven't been regretting it ever since. The 100% flask uptime + flask luxus makes it feel really nice. And once you pop a Alchemist's Quicksilver of Adrenaline, you probably wouldn't want to switch classes either.

For Ascendancies we pick

+ Veteran Bowyer - talks for itself (more charges, more damages)
++ Nature's Adrenaline - really great for clearing with Quicksilvers (speed)
+++ Nature's Boon - look at that armour, now look back, now look at the armour
(++++ Master Surgeon) - 30% inc life = nice + we can roll a free other mod on flask


Oak or Kraityn

Passive Tree

Level 83 (currently)


Cloak of Flame has a wonderful synergy with ignites. the 50% inc duration synergizes really great with the tons of ignites we stack + burning ground, since both benefit of it. Additionally the 10% ignite chance helps keeping the ignites up even though, it is not the main cause I use this armour for. Since I play with Kaom's Roots and need some high Resistance rolls on my gear I wanted to save my currency by getting a really high Fire Res armour, that additionally takes the job of dealing with Physical Damage. Due to the 20% conversion and our Nature's Boon + tons of Resistance + (maybe Purity of Fire), we mitigate the amount of Physical Damage taken by quite a nice chunk.

Since I love burning myself down, those 2 babies couldn't miss out the fun. Both scaling our damage quite nicely for really cheap and additionally helping you sustain the ignites. The self-ignition is the reason why we DO NOT TAKE Master Alchemist, since it would prevent us from igniting yourselves.

The heart and soul of a BA Ranger. The addition of Xoph's Nurture in Breach and the new jewel "Sudden Ignition" in Legacy really gave me final kick in the butt to make this build a thing. Combined with Pitch Darkness you just spread the ignites everywhere and double-tripple-Dip your asses off. "Recover X Life when you ignite an enemy" in a build that revolves around igniting shit a lot.

Tons of Life and sustain due to the inbuilt stun immunity via Unwavering Stance.
The other unique mod of Kaom's "You cannot be slowed to below base speed" is a really nice thing to go with too.


Soon to be featured more nicely with more explanation.
Currently the best feeling setup for
BA-mapping is
BA - GMP - addFire - WED - SlowerProj
BA-Bossing is
BA - PPAD - addFire - WED - SlowerProj - (lessDuration?/RapidDecay?) as 6L

RoA Totem + CoH + Flammability
Soon to be:
SR Totem + Vaal Lightning Trap + Inc Duration
SR Totem + CoH + Flammability

Auras, Heralds and other buffsn:
Herald of Ice (shatters are fun)
Herald of Fire(obviously for damage and overkill burns)
Arctic Armour (great synergy with Cloak of Flame + Kaom's when standing around tanking breaches and stuff)
Flame Golem (because it scales the burns best of all the golems. Might consider Stone or Chaos Golem for more tanking as alternatives.)

Don't mind that Vaal Burning Arrow. It was a failed experiment and currently fulfills the duty of the so much loved panic button for this build. Since you instantly heal to fulllife when clicking this into a group of enemies.


The build is not at all finished yet. And was built on quite a budget of around 1 ex.
For the armour I just scouted a cheap Cloak of Flame with the right rolls (near perfect) for 1 chaos and got myself the prophecy Jeweller's Touch for 26c, which allows you to 5 link the chest without problems. The rings were quite cheap too, both around 1c. Eye of Innocence was a leftover of corruption myself one with +1 curse (sadly no success), but you could count it as around 9c. Kaom's Roots are what? an alc? The 5 Link Xoph's Nurture was the most expensive thing of the build with a insane price of 30c...
+ 4 alchemy for 1xSudden Ignition and 3xPitch Darkness (perfect rolled)

To the rare gear:

The belt was pretty cheap for 3c. Gloves were around 5c, even though I could replace them with better ones, since I don't need the additional Intelligence anymore (had trouble with being intelligent). The helmet was 5c, a real bargain compared to what some people want for a helm like that (the +1 minion is random af). Quiver was a self-found one, but I'd say it is worth around 3c? Maybe a lot less tbh.

That sums it up to around 85c + 5alc. So we are totally fine around 1ex.
It was a fun little experiment, that now started my interested in playing that build and optimizing it for maybe T15+? (only the parts that can be ignited, that's to be said)

Gearing up for End-Game - going out of budget

You will never be able to do ignite immune bosses. Unless you want to take a long looooong time for them. So we pass on those.

Getting a Signal Fire, an essence-crafted helmet and a six-linked Bow is my next priority.
Why the Helm ? Because I want to use an Essence of Hysteria for 30% MORE elemental damage to socket my Burning Arrow into the Helmet with minor damage loss. Allowing me to socket Vaal Burning Arrow into the Bow.

Alternatively you could drop your sexy boots and get some rare one or (Voidwalker?) and get a Kaom's Heart after rearranging your skill gems.

After that just maximizing your rare gear is top priority.
Maybe essence craft your gloves with essence of insanity to let the SR totem stack faster.

akei56 님이 2017. 4. 18. 오전 6:42:01에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2017. 4. 17. 오전 2:35:45
Hey, nice build it seems!!! Can we get a video showcase?
I like your build,

I'm curious though, wouldn't poison from Master Herbalist add more damage than Veteran Bowyer? I'd like to import your char into path of building and check out the damage.
I like your build,

I'm curious though, wouldn't poison from Master Herbalist add more damage than Veteran Bowyer? I'd like to import your char into path of building and check out the damage.

Well, since poison scales from chaos and physical damage and I convert everything into fire damage, I would assume it doesn't really do anything.

I know Flaskfinder is much more powerful as poison oriented class, but I wanted to try something new :)

Hey, nice build it seems!!! Can we get a video showcase?

Sure I can try to make one :)


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