Baldersh's Chin Sol Trapnel Shot Modified Build.

I normally play with ranger but I always had issues dealing with both physical and elemental reflection. When I saw the build guide of Baldersh's Chin Sol Trapnel Shot (, I decided to try it out and I loved it. However, since I believed the guide to be a little bit incomplete, I made a lot of modifications and I wanted to share it with you.

I'm currently Lvl 88 at Standard, with 4k of life and 400 ES and I still have the uber lab to complete, so I still have room for additions.



The passive skill tree follows the same path as the Baldersh's Build. However, there are important nodes I changed:

First, thanks to the modifications to traps with Bestiary League, most traps now last 4 seconds instead of 8 and most trigger at the end of their duration, this means that my traps are completely immune during their whole duration and will always trigger after taking the Clever Construction passive node.

Second, I took the whole path to Phase Acrobatics to improve my defenses. Also, with the Bestiary League, Acrobatics decreases ES in 30% instead of 50% as it used to.

Third, I decided to take some life and evasion from Revenge of the Hunted notable passive.

Fourth, I took the Survivalist notable because I was a bit low on my cold resistance. If I manage to improve it a bit with new rare gear, I would take the Void Barrier instead right in front of Survivalist passives.

Fifth, I took Arrow Dancing since I tend to be out of reach of foes, so melee damage is a reduced concern.

Finally, I left out the Eldritch Battery node. I took this decision because I was lacking in life and had around 400 ES protecting my mana when only I spent around 100. I felt I was wasting that ES so I modified my mana expending through my skills. Also, my mana reservation forced to take a node near Chaos Inoculation to reduced my reserved mana in 4%.




In order to maintain some life and mana with your traps, the new Pyromaniac is the first to take.
On cruel and merciless lab, the path to Chain Reaction is taken. For Uber lab, since I'm a bit defensive, I would take Born in the shadows but it is fine if you prefer Explosives Experts instead.


The two mandatories uniques are Tinkerskin and Chin Sol, along with two Collateral Damage Jewels:

It has some good life, some ES and Evasion, plus trap Cooldown recovery speed and, most important, the ability to recover life and ES on triggered trap. I modified the set up of one single gem. Instead of Increased Critical Strike Chance Support, I added a Blood Magic Support Gem. The rest of the gems are the same as Baldersh' Build. This causes the skill to cost around 60-70 of life. This quantity is insignificant thanks to some life regeneration from the tree (Golem's blood), some from my belt and the unique mod of the body armour. On a 5-6L, the gems should be (1)Shrapnel Shot + (2)Trap Support + (3)Cluster Traps Support + (4)Blood Magic Support + (5)Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + (6)Added Lightning Damage Support.

Chin Sol is good because of its increased damage at close range, a good physical damage, some added fire damage and a decent crit chance. Mine is 6S and 5L and contains my Blast Rain Skill. Just as Shrapnel Shot, this one is supported by a Blood Magic Support instead of Increased Crit Chance Support, but it is not the only change. There are really 2 skills in here: (1)Blast Rain + (2)Trap Support + (3)Cluster Traps Support + (4)Blood Magic Support + Mirror Arrow. I had an added lightning support but, when I was trying to chrome the bow I ran out of them, so I had 4 greens and 1 red linked. It ended up as a good combo since it helps distract all foes while you run or reposition your self. It is also cool to see up to 11 copies of yourself in game distracting enemies while you run away. In case of a six-link, I would add an Elemental Damage with Attacks Support.

The other unique is a couple of Collateral Damage Viridian Jewels.

But, I added another set of uniques in order to increase my damage and defences: Essence Worm Unset Rings. To me, they are good since I can have two free lvl 22 auras and some other thing reserving my mana.

One ring has Wrath Aura to increase my damage output. You can change this one for hatred or anger if you like, but this one matches better with Shrapnel Shot Theme.
The other ring has Grace Aura to increase my evasion. You can change this for any other you like, though; I tried with Haste first before getting some speed on my boots and then with Discipline before taking Acrobatics.

A rare amulet to give me some strenght and intelligence, resistances and some extra damage. I don't know if I should add some exalted orb on it. Don't want to waste it.

In case you don't like the rings, I use to have the next two to improve my resistances (and become immune to chill and freeze in addition to the Immunity to Ignite and Shock from Ascendancy).

My rare helmet gives me good resistances and currently has my other mana reservation gems in a 4L: Blasphemy Support + Temporal Chains + Herald of Thunder + Enlightened Support (Lvl 3). I decided to add Temporal Chains as an aura as an extra layer of defence against melee damage, it allows me to run away before getting hit. I changed the original Herald of Ice for Herald of Thunder because tooltip said I had more damage. It is important to notice that, due to my rings, I have an 80% increased mana reservation, so at least a lvl 3 enlightened support gem is needed. I also want to obtain the lab enchantment to decrease my herald of thunder mana reservation, so It will take a while.

My current quiver gives me some life, extra elemental damage, some extra crit chance, though I really don't have a good crit, and some chaos resistance. The elder mode for poison is a bonus and gives me extra damage. As far as I have looted, this is the best for my character, mostly because of life and only chaos resistance source.

On gloves, I have some resistance and life but I'm looking forward to improve it. In it, I have Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks, Vaal Lightning Trap and Phase Run. Blink Arrow to escape faster and move better through gaps and lab; Vaal Skill to Shock enemies; and Phase Run I added it to increase my movement speed since I don't have a good one and also gives me 80% invisibility to enemies so I can escape or sneak out easily, not mentioning moving between groups of enemies in maps. The only downside is that I need around 700 Mana in order to use my Phase Run and Blink Arrow skill since my mana reservation currently leaves me less than 30 to use Phase Run (~15 mana) and Blink Arrow (~25 mana).

My boots have resistances, life and some horrible movement speed. I know I have to improve these. The idea is to have socketed in here: Cast when Damage Taken Support Lvl 1 + Immortar Call Lvl 3 + Increased Duration Support + Vaal Grace. I don't have that way because I ran out of chrome orbs. I used to have a unique abyss boots Bubonic Trail in order to increase my damage output while walking around foes, but my resistances were horrible. I had to change them back.

I have a Stigian Belt with good life, some resistance, good life regeneration in order to maintain my Blood Magic Skills, plus added trap damage. Also, I have a socketed Abyss Searching Eye Jewel with Cold Damage. It ain't the best but I'm looking for some with cold damage, res and life if possible.


They are two for life and one has to remove bleeding and the other poison.
My other three increased my evasion and dodge chance: Jade, Quartz and Stibnite. One has to remove curses and other must remove freeze and chill; the other one could be any you like.



I have not completed my pantheon with this character. I used Brine King Soul to avoid stunning before getting rid of Eldritch Battery. Now I think I prefer Lunaris. The minor god is Ryslatha in order to refill my life flasks.


I like the idea of improving my boots and gloves. I need some extra resistances on them and some life all over the place. In the passive skill tree I need some place for a cheap construction viridian jewel and I may take Unstable Munitions for more trap damage near the perfect agony keystone. I could also use some life and ES (Melding notable).

And that's it. Thank you for reading.
마지막 추천 2018. 3. 13. 오전 1:14:20

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