One Hand Sword?

EDIT: Champion Reave/Blade Flurry

I havent been playing this game for very long, but one thing that I have noticed is that when I copy a build that is advertised as being able to "delete all content," I end up not getting the effect that they show.

I am shopping for a new one handed sword and was wondering what the most important features would be for it? Should I go for the highest physical dps thats available for my budget? How important is attack speed and crit on the sword itself? Would I lower pdps sword be better if the base crit is 7 instead of 5? Crit multi on sword required?

I will link my gear if anyone could give me positive feedback on what I should upgrade and in which order.

Thank you all so much! I hope to get better and one day be able to take out end game content before leagues reset and I have to start all over again.
ddaenekas 님이 2018. 3. 28. 오후 3:24:43에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2018. 3. 29. 오후 8:52:16
attack speed makes the attacks with multistike smoother, crit gives higher damage. Get a 1.8 aps foil, a 6~7% crit chance with 280pdps would be better than a 330pdps with 5% crit. But if you can't afford high crit just get a cheap high pdps and aps sword.

At some point might as well test if increase ele damage gem gives higher dps.

Keep in mind mathil's steel ring gives him additional thousands of damage since he rolled added phys. Get a cheap high ilevel base and start alt spamming it. might have to end up sacrificing some res.

Haven't tested out abyssus, but it could be what you're looking for in terms of raw damage.

apart from the base sword, does little bits of additional phys damage like 5-12 really make THAT much of a difference?
ddaenekas 님이 작성:
EDIT: Champion Reave/Blade Flurry

I havent been playing this game for very long, but one thing that I have noticed is that when I copy a build that is advertised as being able to "delete all content," I end up not getting the effect that they show.

I am shopping for a new one handed sword and was wondering what the most important features would be for it? Should I go for the highest physical dps thats available for my budget? How important is attack speed and crit on the sword itself? Would I lower pdps sword be better if the base crit is 7 instead of 5? Crit multi on sword required?

I will link my gear if anyone could give me positive feedback on what I should upgrade and in which order.

Thank you all so much! I hope to get better and one day be able to take out end game content before leagues reset and I have to start all over again.

Hey mate

You have 4 - 5 major sources of damage yet to be taken advantage of in terms of gear.

Amulet, - 3 mods easy add 10% more dps for cheap.
Rings - 1 has a phys mod, though the other doesn't. These can add 5% more damage relatively easy.

An abyssus will add 30-45% more dps. A legacy one will add over 50% more damage.

Champion is a skill-based hero because of having to manage so many things like having fortify procced, bleed totems down, adrenaline running, charges thrown, haste, flasks, etc, makes it challenging to maintain this "deletion" dps, though I do believe champion is curently the strongest melee class!

The easiest way to passively get more dps is to get a weapon with a higher pDPS and feed bloodlust. You could even get a blood seeker. Then you can use the damage on full like gem, and focus more on getting better accessories and jewels, while at the same time being much tankier and have more dps.

lots to do!
No one can hear you poop in the forrest.
ddaenekas 님이 작성:
apart from the base sword, does little bits of additional phys damage like 5-12 really make THAT much of a difference?

5-12 matters a lot

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