Need Help with MS Shield Build

Hi guys,

i need help with my Build, i wanted a really Tanky Build with good DPS.
So i chosed Shield and Molten Strike(because it says it has the potential to be the best singel Target meele attack), till now tankyness is quite good but dps is lacking(23K showen at tooltip with buffs and while ignited).

Yesterday i changed my Helmet to Abyssus and it was a good dps boost. Now i know there are really tanky DW Builds with lots of dps.

But i allready tooked to much shield passives, so i think i stay with shield. What should i work on next to boost my dps. Currency are quite limited, but i can work for it if theres something really needed.

I didnt found any comperssion between lead sprinkler and dreadsurge, would it be worth to change?

Thanks Kajiru
마지막 추천 2018. 4. 9. 오전 6:00:15
Your ring 1 and your amulet don't have any life, neither does your helmet -- and you're using abyssus, to boot. That's already pushing the envelope.

But you're also way low on Life on your other gear.

Your ring 2 stats:
(11% chaos res)
+47 int
11% inc. fire dmg
23 to max life
30% chaos res

Your boot stats:
(10% chance to dodge if taken crit recent)
43 to max life
45% to fire res
29% to cold res
30% to chaos res
11% inc. movement speed

Your gloves stats:
(19% inc. melee dmg)
adds 7-12 fire dmg to attk
+86 acc
+4 armour
40% to cold res
19% to light res
50 to max life

(Edit: If you add these three slots together, it totals to 116 to max Life, which you can get on a good pair of boots alone.)

Haven't deeply explored your Tree/etc, but this might be a good place to start looking at if you're having troubles.

- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
bwam 님이 2018. 4. 8. 오후 3:30:55에 마지막으로 편집
I also re-did your Tree for you. I kept almost everything you did as it was, but just made it a little more efficient in pathing. The one thing I got rid of was the Fortify/"Rampart" node wheel. Picked up 15% to life & unwavering Stance & "Fury Bolts" (projectile dmg).

Edit: Same number of points used, ofc. And it shouldnt cost too many Orbs of Regret to get done.
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
bwam 님이 2018. 4. 8. 오후 3:43:39에 마지막으로 편집
I see, i try to farm some currencys to get better life rolls on gear. But my biggest issue is DPS, any way to boost my dps in a save way?

There must be a break point where Leadsprinkler is better than Dreadsurge, am i right?

I still dont know how stuff is calculated, got any good guide for stats calculation?

Greeting Gischa

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