Scion Fire CoC Cospri's Inquisitor/Chieftan 15MIL+ DPS

This build is heavly inspired by orginal idea of:


Very High Damage for CoC Cospri's
Fast Farmer
While still melting Bosses
Peram Blind, so multiplier to Evasion
Cheap to start
100% Chance to hit while dual-wielding

Dodge build, you will get one-shotted sometimes
No shatter sounds:(
Perfect gear will cost a bit

Gear is just an idea of what is possible, you can squeeze more dmg by using very good jewels.

1) Jewel is left open for Threat of Hope, and those anointments are what you pick with Thread of Hope Medium range.

2) Blind chest is most important, +Crit is secondary

3)15aps is the goal, but anything between 12-14 will do just fine

4)Gems are changeable i chose empower to help with crit gem, not needed, other stuff like elemental damage, controlled destruction will do just as fine
마지막 추천 2020. 2. 5. 오후 3:42:44

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