[3.15]Expedition PENANCE/ SPARK Aura Stack, 50M+ DPS, BEST BUILD IN GAME | 20-30 EX BUDGET VIDEO

solomia 님이 작성:
Would appreciate if someone can help advice on why I'm not able to hit capped 90% all resistance, instead I'm at 89%, thank you!


You don't have 3.00 aura effect you are at 2.38 +.32(purp harb) you need to be at 3.00 for 90% res cap. After gem level 23 the purities do not add more max res from gem level.

Ah I see, thanks!
Hello guys, I have a problem. I have this potion with leech energy shield as a mod , but when I use it it seems like I leech nothing. On the other hand Atziris promise flask makes me immortal.

why you no answer me, I not bad person :(
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom 님이 2021. 9. 8. 오후 2:13:01에 마지막으로 편집
Spacecom 님이 작성:
Hello guys, I have a problem. I have this potion with leech energy shield as a mod , but when I use it it seems like I leech nothing. On the other hand Atziris promise flask makes me immortal.

why you no answer me, I not bad person :(

I dont think the creator really check this thread at all and this build is out of reach of most now. I don't have the 50ex to buy an implicit ring to progress it personally let alone a grace shield, lol...

Only things I can think of are the map you are running doesn't allow leech, you're on full ES anyway or you've got something blocking it in your skills - can't see your profile to check though.

Hey guys , I started to level this character , And i didnt find the wands recipie
For the leveling anyone can help me with that? , he says he have a video on it but i didnt find it anywhere
Looking for the right Glorious vanity to re tune my tree.
Can someone help me out? According to my calculations, I am over 300% aura effect (2.35 in PoB + 0.4 purposeful harbinger (3 heralds, 2 nodes) + 0.37 glorious vanity), but my estimated physical damage reduction is only 32%. I thought that running 13 auras and 300% aura effect should make it at least 39% (13 * 3).

EDIT: nevermind, I was counting my heralds as auras...
maniard 님이 2021. 10. 6. 오전 6:08:14에 마지막으로 편집
"We're also addressing the extreme power of Auras.."
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom 님이 작성:
"We're also addressing the extreme power of Auras.."

Already prepared by playing d2r more than PoE in the last couple days.

EDIT: with the news dropped today….. rip aurastacker ???
andrew8448 님이 2021. 10. 7. 오후 5:12:25에 마지막으로 편집
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
i will ask my question here, since this seems to be one of the threads with authorities on aurastacking and i havent had much luck with replies in the manifesto thread

Why are Aurastackers dead?
Yeah sure its not possible to get aura reservation to 0% now, but no one did that before for all auras anyway.
According to my calculations it should still be possible to fit all the auras you need into mana and life (or am i missing something obvious?)
A much greater problem is the extra aura-effect and crit-multi one has to find now to reach 90% allres and deal good dmg.
Am i just stupid or are all the others stupid? xD

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