[3.13] (Updated) Durimon's Elemental Hit Miner, Unreal DPS Melting Everything in 3.13, All Contents

Ok, I am done with final update for my ele. hit miner. What I mean by 'final'
is not literally final one that you cannot get it stronger. There are so many
space left to expand your dps/defense still, but I think this cheap version
is already enough for all contents in 3.13. This is final update for 3.13
simply because I won't make another update. I will start working on new builds.

It is well balanced between crazy dps/defense, clearing ALL CONTENTS in 3.13
without difficulty.

Also, you won't need fancy finger movement, since this build mostly DELETE
enemies around you.

I spent 16 ex but after I uploaded my guide on youtube, the price spiked already.
And, sadly, there are not good gear items in trade anymore.

So, I thought I needed to write some short note on making gear items, and you
can refer to bottom below on the POB link I provided.


Awk.9 Minotauer with Maven, Awk.9 Conqueror and Sirus Melting, Awk.9 100% Delirium Map with full farming mods (conquerors + beasts also), Awk.9 Maven Melting:


POB and English Guide Note :



I started this league with 30c chaos version of this build, killed awk.8 Sirus. Then I started update the build, but found out that I need more time to work on it because there are many new features build makers must consider. So, I decided to upload 1st update version even though I still need to strengthen defense part (ex. chaos damage resistance mechanics).

Although it's squish, this build completed all the content that 10 ex builds (current price) cannot even think of. For example, killing 4 breach bosses (2 death) and reached awk.9.

With this 1st updated version, you will enjoy 'unreal' dps melting everything within a sec or two.

I am still working on 2nd update version that has more dps and much better defense for new contents in low price again.

I will update this thread when I am done with 2nd update.

Budget : 10 ex only


Awk.9 Minotauer, Awk.8 Conquerors Melting (0.3 ~ 0.5 sec), Awk. Sirus, 4 breach bosses in Maven (2 death):





Early Starter 30 Chaos Version (Finished awk.8 Sirus) POB:

bluewelkin 님이 2021. 1. 29. 오전 12:14:55에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2021. 7. 4. 오후 2:14:28
Looks really convincing! I will try this build. Thanks Durimon!
Hi. Why do you use chin sol for the bow?

Also would barrage support be good?
ShakeAC 님이 2021. 1. 28. 오전 9:19:50에 마지막으로 편집
Final Version Updated
Hi Durimon, thanks for the guide!
Do you have any advice for leveling? I check the PoB for 30c version and its using Chin Sol, which available at lvl 62 If I'm correct. Do you use any Mine builds and then Respec to the build?

I made this build it does good damage but I die all the time. I have 4k ES but it does not seem enough was kinda hoping to be a bit tanker but it sucks to die all the time.
still worth to play this build?

god no answears....
UcigaToaca 님이 2021. 7. 7. 오전 9:15:40에 마지막으로 편집

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