3.17 신규 리그 엔드 게임 확장팩에 대한 세부적인 내용을 빠른 시일 내에 공유드리고 싶습니다!
그 전에 지난 아틀라스 확장팩 테마의 팬 아트들을 아래에서 확인해보세요!

The Shaper by PyramidHead41

The Shaper Guardians by thiagolehmann

Shaper's Orb and Shaper, Kitava, Atziri and Zana by yy6241

Paths & Exiles by Gehinom

The Shaper Fight by Roonimus

The Minotaur by lowgrasswhite

If you have any Path of Exile inspired creations that you would like to share with us and the community, be sure to post them in the Community Showcase forum.
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