3.17 신규 리그 엔드 게임 확장팩에 대한 세부적인 내용을 빠른 시일 내에 공유드리고 싶습니다!
그 전에 지난 아틀라스 확장팩 테마의 팬 아트들을 아래에서 확인해보세요! The Shaper by PyramidHead41![]() The Shaper Guardians by thiagolehmann![]() Shaper's Orb and Shaper, Kitava, Atziri and Zana by yy6241![]() ![]() Paths & Exiles by Gehinom![]() The Shaper Fight by Roonimus![]() The Minotaur by lowgrasswhite![]() If you have any Path of Exile inspired creations that you would like to share with us and the community, be sure to post them in the Community Showcase forum. |