need help with build

Hi. Despite playing multiple leagues I am a noob at building due to playing same totem arc/fp build for a few leagues in a row, so this league I decided to play something else and I made a mistake in picking a guide because I barely can do maps with the build I currently play and there's nothing said about end game equipment, only for beginning of league, so I'd like to receive help from experienced players on what to do with my Scion character.

I have pinned the scion character in my profile for anyone that would like to help and check the character.

The final build from the guide I picked is here:

So far I barely can do maps higher than t8 with equipment/build of reave I have, despite having 80k dps with everything buffed.

The questions are:

1) It is possible to clean t16 maps and all end game content with reave build for scion, if yes, then how exactly I should improve my scion reave char? What items etc
2) If it's not possible to properly play as reave scion, what build I should change to?
Arni_esqr_RS 님이 2022. 11. 15. 오전 7:51:43에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2022. 11. 17. 오전 9:50:53

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