Where to get an HFTotem as Scion?

I'm playing a scion class for the first time and I'm having trouble getting the gems to start. I usually buy them from the dealer. Can these only be found in game or can I only get them by trading with other players?

Thanks and Greetings

ist it possible to buy it by a Dealer later Act 2, 3 4 etc...?
Or is it possible to start a new CHar (witch) till lvl 4 and give it the other char through stash?
caracha 님이 2023. 3. 9. 오전 5:59:55에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 3. 10. 오전 6:30:52
ask in chaT anyone will buy u the gem/gems u need lol
Thanks for the hint. I forgot how easy it can be. I got one now ^^
in act 6 u can buy every gem after u beat 2-3quests}

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