what's the best weapon type for the Shadow?

im relatively new to path of exile, my highest leveled character is only lvl 10. i started a new character, who's still lvl 1. can someone please tell me what weapon type (claw/daggers/sword) would be best for a new player? (btw the lvl 50 character on my profile is my dad's)

Edit: ive just chosen dual daggers so i dont rlly need help anymore
Mdubyab71 님이 2023. 4. 1. 오후 6:42:00에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 4. 13. 오후 1:52:00
Depends on the build. There is no "best" weapon. For example, something like Quill Rain, a level 5 weapon is still used by high level players.
thank you for the clarification!
This is extremely dependent on your play style and league, if your gonna play softcore anything works, because u can just die 9999 like a noob and do the content.

If you want to play the game properly and go the hardcore route at the moment melee is simply imposible with the shadow afaik.

Your gonna have to play the shadow either like a ranger or a witch to stay alive because the shadow is such a design mess that you cant even play the standard build and stay alive in maps.

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