Armour stacking Smiter 3.21 Help

Hey guys, I'm building an armour stacking smiter scion and I've seen some players with 60-100mil+ dps but I can't seem to break past about 13mil dps and I'm honestly entirely confused. I've compared my build on POB to a build with 55mil dps, and mine is almost identical but somehow the build I'm looking at (I'll link my build and the guide build) has way larger numbers than mine. I've even copied the items over to my POB to see if there's really that big of a stat difference and it's barely made a dent to my build's DPS. If I could get some help here to see what I'm missing that's causing me to lose out on some major DPS I'd reeeeeally appreciate it because I love this build and I'd really like to be an uber boss farmer. If it's easier/convenient to talk on discord my discord is Storm_Quake#2716. Thanks for anyone who takes the time to read/help me out here!

My build POB:
Guide build POB:
Stormquakes 님이 2023. 5. 22. 오후 1:34:20에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 6. 1. 오전 7:40:35
I'm not an armour stacker expert at all, but just by comparing the two pobs:

1. Check the configuration tabs and replicate the settings in your pob.
2. The other pob have ~200K more armour and -65% Lightning resistance
3. The weapon from the other pob is proving more dps

While changing 3 above mentioned elements + a Vaal Smite 21/20 I end up with ~48M dps in your pob. The bottled faith is also better, this will bring dps to 49.5M.
Prong007 님이 2023. 5. 24. 오전 9:16:54에 마지막으로 편집
Let me use this thread to ask how can I improve my armor stacker?
I use lightning strike, but otherwise it's very similar.
Budget for improvement is around 50-100 div. But I have no idea where to start.
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