[3.21] HoWA Molten Strike Build | Trickster | Crucible | Path of Exile 3.21

Hey guys, molten strike trickster build is here. Using Hand of Wisdom and Action (HoWA) and it gives us "Adds 1 to 10 Lightning Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Intelligence".
Molten Strike is a strike (attack) skill that strikes an enemy, with some of the physical damage converted to fire damage. Each strike creates multiple molten ball projectiles that land to deal damage in a small area.
Damage is not insane but or anything can face tank most of the skills while leeching.

Build Cost
- High Budget: 50-100 div

Elemental Ailment Immunity:
- 50% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments (Ancestral Vision)
- 51% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments (Boots)

Spell Suppression:
+19% Chance to Suppress Spell Damage (Body Armour)
+14% Chance to Suppress Spell Damage (Boots)
+13% Chance to Suppress Spell Damage (Watcher's Eye)
+56% Chance to Suppress Spell Damage (Skill Tree)

Exposure: Level 5 Awakened Lightning Penetration

Leveling: Leveling gems and trees are in the video.

Leveling Uniques:
- Last Resort (Lvl 1-34), Mortem Morsu (Lvl 34-68)
- Tabula Rasa
- Karui Ward
- Blackheart x2 (Lvl 1-24), Le Heup of All
- Praxis
- Seven-League Step
- Goldrim
- Lochtonial Caress
- Belt of the Deceiver

PoB: https://pobb.in/NcTJLQqBOESM

Skill Tree: http://poeurl.com/dR66

Build Video: https://youtu.be/bxREzeDf85o

Bandits: Kill All


Gem Setup:

Vaal Molten Strike (Divergent) - Elemental Damage with Attacks (Awakened) - Energy Leech - Multistrike - Lightning Penetration (Awakened) - Slower Projectiles (Boss) / Greater Multiple Projectiles (Clear)

Whirling Blades - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Rage (Divergent)

Vaal Grace - Wrath - Discipline - Enlighten (Lvl 3)

Steelskin - Vaal Haste - Increased Duration / Flame Dash

Sniper's Mark - Mark on Hit - Inspiration

Ancestral Protector (Phantasmal) / Purifying Flame (Divergent) (Lvl 1) - Cast when Damage Taken (Lvl 1)
wishdropper 님이 2023. 6. 8. 오전 10:51:24에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 6. 8. 오전 10:50:28

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