Did I mess up my build?

It's my first time playing PoE as ranger and I'm in act 4 right now, but my survivability and dps are getting dangerously low. Is there any way to fix this build? I don't want to start over.

My profile:

The build I used:
마지막 추천 2023. 6. 19. 오전 11:16:32
your gem setup is completely scuffed and has nothing to do with the build you're following. why do you even have deadly ailments linked to your LA and TS? if you read the gem you'll see that it reduces your hit damage by 80%. so with a proper 4 link you'd be doing like 800% more damage. just follow the guide, don't randomly add support gems like deadly ailments into your build

in addition, your bow has a very bad crucible mod that reduces your attack speed. you should either scour that node or find a new bow

and you need only one attack skill, so remove all the unnecessary bow skills
auspexa 님이 2023. 6. 19. 오전 10:33:46에 마지막으로 편집
To be honest I am totally new to the POE, I played a bit but never got far enough. I have no idea about the stuff you are talking about, would you be so kind and tell what should I do/swap to get better dps/survivability?
most builds don't need more than one active skill to attack. you have lightning arrow, tornado shot, rain of arrows and toxic rain in your gem setup. remove every active skill except lightning arrow for now, and support it with added cold damage, elemental damage with attacks, mirage archer. this four link can be anywhere, but your bow is already four link so do it in your bow.

and never use deadly ailments support on a hit based build. as I mentioned, it makes you deal 80% less damage.

for survivability, just grab some life nodes on the passive tree and use grace in your build
Thank you, I will do just that!

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