Divine Ire, spellblade trickster [3.22] (50-100mln MOB dps)

Divine Ire, spellblade support, low life shav trickster.

Mob dps around 50-100m, because that highly depends how many enemies are round. This build is best at juiced mobs, so I'm giving mob dps instead of pinnacle/guardian dps, which is much lower around: 10-15m.

PoB: https://pobb.in/wUFUvyFseAum
( pob setting here: 1 rare/unique, 10 other enemies in divine ire radius )

Demo (80% deli, t16, rare):

NOTE: In 3.23 Divine Ire will be re-balanced and probably overall will be in some cases better in other worse if I understand the patch notes correctly. There will be no tatoos though, so some stuff needs to be redesigned anyway, but divine ire is significantly changed, so anyway the build needs an overhaul. Divine Ire should perform just as good, only a bit different.
Fnts7 님이 2023. 12. 3. 오후 6:52:42에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 12. 2. 오전 9:45:58

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