CoBro Lash - Only Murders in Affliction

Hello and welcome to my Cobra Lash Affliction League build guide.

Cobra Lash is an attack projectile that can chain and poison. This build adds projectiles and a chains to become a fast mapper and Boss killer. Big, fast chaos hits that shock to help our fat poison stacks.

Here is my gear with gem links,enchants and gear corruptions. All physical damage is converted to chaos damage. We use Despair curse to reduce chaos resist for our hits and our poison. The build defences go for Evasion, Armour, Block/Spell block and Spell Supression. With an Ashes of the Stars amulet plus the +1 to gems chest I have 11 chains with Cobra Lash.

Passive Tree Link: Level 98

Wildwood Ascendeny: Warden of the Maji

Oath of the Maji, Coated BLade, Natures Concoction, Wildwood Blessing

No gems in Helmet, or gloves for more Life, Resists

Bandits; Help Alira for Crit Multi, resists, and mana regen

Ascendency: One Step Ahead, Swift Killer, PolyMath (14 Masterys), Heartstopper

Aura:, Determination, Bark SKin Tempest Shield, and Precision.

Use Whirling blades for movement,and to Fortify. You need plenty of damage with Whirling blades to get fortification.

Withering step with quality, for some movement speed in maps and to give 12 withered debuffs.

You want a Large cluster jewel with Fan the Blades. I got Aggresive Defence on the cluster also for fortify duration, but its not really needed.

Unnatural Instinct has gotten cheaper this league, put one by the frenzy charge node Fervour. This jewel is optional.

Pantheon: Araakali , Abberath

Flasks: Natures Concoction Wildwood Ascend, keeps the Witchfire brew and your Rumis(gives you 75% max block) to constantly gain charges with hits. Put your tincture inbetween these two. Also I like to Instill Orb them with "Use when full" they will be on almost all the time and you will probly have some to spare for a boss fight.

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Here is a link to POE Ninja where you can look at it in Path of Building. Only 2 Tricksters on there that are Cobra Lash.

Some good leveling Uniques:
Start out with a Mortem Mortis Claw with a Retaliation Charm Amulet, and a Lycosadae shield thats a good start. Later get a Wasp nest claw and a Dendrobate Armour, that should take
pretty far.

Wow here's a link from a fellow Canadian to help improve your POE performance, it really works.

Build Adventure Log: The story of how it came to be.

I had no clue what to play for Affliction league. I saw Aero's video on Cobra lash and decided I want to try Cobra. I started with a witch and quickly decided to switch to Shadow.

I got a good start and had a Retaliation Charm Amulet drop early and decided it was great, been using ever since. Trickster with Frenzy charges seemed like the way to go.

Oath of the Maji helps the build alot with resists, life and movement and decided to stick with it. Also bought a killer Tincture (30c) that shocks and has chaos penetration.

At this point I knew I was going to drop Void Manipulation, which is a great support. Also dropped Perfect Agony, not enough crit multi to make it worth it.

I had a good Jinxed juju drop and put it up for a scour and soon realized it was
worth 40c or more.

Started with Wasp nest but soon found Touch of Anguish could be a good claw with an extra chain at full frenzy.

Wow big drop a Unnatural Selection jewel! My build tree cant use it so I sold for 2.5 divine. My build can get pimped now but what to get?

Decided to buy a 6link Cheribums (80c)armour and got a level 5 awakened Added Chaos(95c).

I used two Le Heup rings for a long time and decided to upgrade my rings. Attributes were being a pain with the extra intelligence and strength needed.

I sold alot of stuff for scour orbs. I still havent completed my last ascendency. No trials were showing up and no one was selling their Offering to the Goddess. I finally got an offering and ran it and got one shotted by Izario.

Bought some jewels one with Fan of the blades and it had Aggressive Defence which had Fortify. Decided I need Fortify and switched from Flame dash to Whirling blades. Wow great choice because I added Nightblade support and the build started to get tanky.

I waited forever to get my last Ascendency and was very tempted to take Escape Artis, I took Heartstopper. I wanted to get Barkskin from Wildwood but not enough mana.

Wow Divine drop! My lucky league!

I was tempted to get a frenzy charge pair of Snakebite gloves but they were 1.5 divine. I was happy to have my Depair on hit snakebites. I saw a pair with despair on hit and added crit to attacks, they were 80c. I had to trade the divine for them. I got back more chaos than I thought I would.

A unique Ghastly Theatre shield dropped. I thought it was great. I was using Lepers Alm shield. I started looking at other unique shields and it hit me! Lycosidae! Perfect because I was always blinded and I would always have 100% chance to hit. I found a good one with perfect block and corrupted block, also spell block, 20c nice. Dude gave it to me for free! Merry Christmas.

Needed vaal orbs for the tricky colors I needed. Used some tainted chromes and it worked out easy. I switched from Precision to Tempest Shield. Also went with Lightning Golem instead of Ice.

New set of rings with open prefix to get attack chaos damage. Noxious catalysts helped it from 15 : 27 to 18 : 32. I was hoping for more oh well.

I used alot of regrets to get out of accuracy and get block nodes and another Frenzy charge from the tree! Also finally got Overcharged enchant on my amulet.

Wow build is rocking unid'd corrupted maps like a champ. Two map mods that suck are the Steal charges, and reduced total life recovery. I was hoping the Claws of the Magpie would steal all my charges back. I have to stay more ranged and try not to get hit.

Level 92 and out of currency, the grind is on. I am starting to think I should change my tincture to All damage will Freeze. It goes well with my claw and could possibly use Hypothermia. Wildwood is a pretty hard hitting league.

With new tree I could possily get some mana reservation for Barkskin, or the Stealth aura.

Got a ring with Aspect of the cat nice! Had to get another mastery that resevered mana. Changed a Mastery to extra Stealth. I could possibly try Barkskin, or a Herald of Agony but i dunno if its worth it.Got a nice new belt luckily it had some flat mana on it, much needed.

Wow a divine orb showed up in my Ritual alter, for cheap too. Going back to claw with life gain on hit, extra crit multi is nice but LGOH can save you. Added a flame dash, had to take out a golem. Died to physical reflect from my whirling blades, doh!

Christmas day. I put up for sale a Bow with a T1 elemental damage that you could roll over and over. I didnt really know how much it was worth. I put it in my 4c bin and some guy gave me 4 divine for it, nice! I sent most of it on an Ashes of the Stars(2.5 div) with 27 bonus quality to gems. I then got some Ralakesh boots (50c), a Oleysas delight belt (20c) and and level 5 Awakened Vicious projectiles (1.5 div).

Got a perfect Touch of Anguish claw and made it 30% quality with Beastiary.

I had to sort out my rings again, wut a pain. Bought a new one and needed primal to change an element resist. Got the Ashes enchanted and tried some new colors on my Cheribums armour. Damage on full life gem is tempting to use with my leech and life on hit....bedtime.

Wow just vaal'd a bunch of random unique gloves and got a Frenzy charge on a Snakebite! Changed my whole build after doing that. Dropped the Lycosadae shield and went for accuracy with Precision. I decided to go for more Poison. Trying out Perfect agony and crit affliction gem. WEnt back to Lepers Alm shield.

I learned a lesson that ignites can kill you easily in maps. Went back to being ignite proof.

Wow +1 Cospris! (3 div) Adds another chain and all support gems get a level.

Bought a new shield (75c) with block, spell block, attack speed and max life. Time to stop messin around and get some levels.

New Claw (150c) amazing void fangs claw! I tried to Divine it better but it got worse, I spent 3 divines for nothing much.

Woa 3 abyss socket Shroud of Lightless drop, was thinking of keeping but sold for 29 divines.
Bought some upgraded gems and new snakebite with frenzy and life corrupt. I guess I could try to divine claw again but probly not worth it.

New gem setup with Cruelty and Unbound ailmnents. Using withering step and a withering touch with Herald of agony. Also using Arctic Armour which is supposed to help with the physical damage,
Rorshax 님이 2024. 3. 23. 오후 4:11:59에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2024. 4. 11. 오후 3:44:09
이 글에는 현재 사용할 수 없는 아이템이 포함되어 있습니다.
This build is 90% uniques. Are any of them specifically required? What are your defensive layers?
"Bonus points if it is Scion/Witch because they have nice knees. Ranger has ugly knees and other characters are men so playing them would be homoerotic." - CAKE, 10/20/21
Ya lots of uniques, most are easy to get for pretty cheap. None are absolute except for the Retaliation charm, which is needed to get frenzy charges right away. The build is buffed alot by frenzy charges.

Some defences are Evasion, Blind, Spell suppresion, instant leech,Elusive, 30 block (add a rumi flask for more), life on hit, Energy shield (might go into Ghost Dance), decent life total, so far 4k.
Ascendencys help alot, Polymath for recovery on kill, Heart Stopper, and One Step ahead is great.
Rorshax 님이 2023. 12. 13. 오후 4:01:05에 마지막으로 편집
Just 5linked my Cheribums!

Rorshax 님이 2023. 12. 15. 오전 9:23:06에 마지막으로 편집
Updated some gear, and bought some good gems while they are cheap.

New claw corrupted and tainted, adds another chain on full frenzy charges.

I might get new rings with reduced mana cost but I'm out of currency, Le heap is pretty good for now. So far this build cost is under 100c.
Rorshax 님이 2023. 12. 15. 오전 9:40:52에 마지막으로 편집
Got some new gear, and alot more DOT.
CoBro just got a nice corrupted Cospri's!
New void fangs claw! Still gotta get the attack speed perfect.

Added alternative amulet, Zerphis Heart setup.
Rorshax 님이 2024. 1. 25. 오후 3:40:30에 마지막으로 편집
Posted a Bark skin armour alternative build.

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