[3.24] Elemental Hit of The Spectrum (advice req)

Hi guys!

I see on poeninja that deadeye is the most played class in this season and
EHotS is the second skill played for that class so i do my try!


very fast for map but i really don't know if i play well, if link is optimized, gears are good and how to improve build! (haste is a must? inspiration skill is better with EotS then wed)

can be MF? can be switched for boss rush?

I mean, I'm writing in the guide section but I would like some advice!!!
Thanks in advance.

Edit 14/04 :

i do some change for optimize it (new belt for flask charge,cap chaos res, lightin coil for dmg reduction)


i miss oriath end and dying sun for moar qol and a good bow/quiver but i think is a good way to play this skill imho.

Edit 17/04 :


better bow and flasks up, think i have done with it, good juyce mapper but cant do t17 bossess....
Beskaius 님이 2024. 4. 16. 오후 9:47:13에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2024. 4. 14. 오전 3:00:46

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