sebastianwhrj의 아이템 필터

CopyOf_Exosta - Solo Play

플랫폼: PC (최종 유효 버전: 3.16.3c)
작성자: : sebastianwhrj
마지막 업데이트 : 2021. 12. 28. 오전 9:27:01

Standard-Economy Loot Filter. Balanced Version. Choose this filter for Solo Mapping, Delving, Boss farming. Check my Strategy Guide Loot Filter page for a detailed description of the filter!

버전 : solo play

CopyOf_Exosta - MF Party Play

플랫폼: PC (최종 유효 버전: 3.16.3c)
작성자: : sebastianwhrj
마지막 업데이트 : 2021. 12. 28. 오전 9:28:03

Standard-Economy Loot Filter. Choose this version if you play MF! Ideal for all content, if you want to play fast. Check my Strategy Guide Loot Filter page for a detailed description of the filter!

버전 : party play