[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

AllSunsDawn 님이 작성:
nicomocosca 님이 작성:
Sorry if this question sounds dumb, I'm new to the game. Could I use ice shot with this build, or should I invest more points to increase elemental and cold damage? Can ice shot work well by taking a lot of points in physical damage and crit?

Ice Shot converts Physical Damage into Cold. I'm sure theoretically the optimal Ice Shot tree would be a tad different from this one, but overall damage numbers should remain similar.

A caveat when you are 6-Linking an Ice Shot though, the mana cost is quite high.

Thank you. Would it be better to skip acrobatics and load up more hp for this build, all those evasion nodes he grabs also increase armor rating, it seems grabbing acrobatics is counterproductive as it reduces armor?
Kev93 님이 작성:
Holyjustice 님이 작성:
Some people mention that TS is not good anymore in beta, so they are nerfing it ? If that so i need to buy SA instead of TS. Thanks for answer in advance.

Warning! 2.0.0 Spoiler! (about Tornado Shot, GMP and LMP)

Its a little bit Nerfed but with GMP Buff - i think - still viable.

Old Tornado Shot (1.3.1):
• Lv. 20 = 109% Base Damage
• Quality 20 = 10% more Projectile Damage

New Tornado Shot (2.0.0):
• Lv. 20 = 99% Base Damage
• Quality 20 = 20% more Projectile Damage

-10% Base-Damage ova. but +10% more Proj. Damage

and LMP / GMP is buffed in 2.0.

GMP: From 50% Less Damage to 35%
LMP: From 30% LEss Damage to 25%

thats all right. But the biggest "nerf" is that ts dont shotgunning anymore. thats make
a big difference to the situation now.
I like sa till now more then ts.
ichbinwerichbi 님이 작성:
Kev93 님이 작성:
Holyjustice 님이 작성:
Some people mention that TS is not good anymore in beta, so they are nerfing it ? If that so i need to buy SA instead of TS. Thanks for answer in advance.

Warning! 2.0.0 Spoiler! (about Tornado Shot, GMP and LMP)

Its a little bit Nerfed but with GMP Buff - i think - still viable.

Old Tornado Shot (1.3.1):
• Lv. 20 = 109% Base Damage
• Quality 20 = 10% more Projectile Damage

New Tornado Shot (2.0.0):
• Lv. 20 = 99% Base Damage
• Quality 20 = 20% more Projectile Damage

-10% Base-Damage ova. but +10% more Proj. Damage

and LMP / GMP is buffed in 2.0.

GMP: From 50% Less Damage to 35%
LMP: From 30% LEss Damage to 25%

thats all right. But the biggest "nerf" is that ts dont shotgunning anymore. thats make
a big difference to the situation now.
I like sa till now more then ts.

TS never really shotgunned. It's secondary effect could overlap though. And it still can. So mechanically nothing changed about TS. In fact the damage of TS went up in this patch overall.

TS is still an extremly strong skill in beta. It's also stronger than split arrow versus single target. However, splitarrow chain has a lot more area coverage, but is very weak against single targets.

Both skills are very viable.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
NeverSink#3349 님이 2015. 6. 29. 오전 3:55:51에 마지막으로 편집
NeverSink 님이 작성:
ichbinwerichbi 님이 작성:

TS never really shotgunned. It's secondary effect could overlap though. And it still can. So mechanically nothing changed about TS. In fact the damage of TS went up in this patch overall.

TS is still an extremly strong skill in beta. It's also stronger than split arrow versus single target. However, splitarrow chain has a lot more area coverage, but is very weak against single targets.

Both skills are very viable.

Hi Never

Thanks for the Info. But why is then the clearspeed with ts so week. For single target i use frenzy and for moving target still punkture. And it works great.
And i only said its not as strong as sa and not so strong as in 1.3.
And why do you say that it not really shotgunned? Thats not my experience.

By the way. Your video with scion is verry nice, but you are not understandble in the second part of it.
AND you use the wrong class :-)
ichbinwerichbi 님이 작성:
NeverSink 님이 작성:

TS never really shotgunned. It's secondary effect could overlap though. And it still can. So mechanically nothing changed about TS. In fact the damage of TS went up in this patch overall.

TS is still an extremly strong skill in beta. It's also stronger than split arrow versus single target. However, splitarrow chain has a lot more area coverage, but is very weak against single targets.

Both skills are very viable.

Hi Never

Thanks for the Info. But why is then the clearspeed with ts so week. For single target i use frenzy and for moving target still punkture. And it works great.
And i only said its not as strong as sa and not so strong as in 1.3.
And why do you say that it not really shotgunned? Thats not my experience.

By the way. Your video with scion is verry nice, but you are not understandble in the second part of it.
AND you use the wrong class :-)

I was testing tornado shot earlier. The clearspeed is quite fine, but the damage is more concentrated, SA just has this "shoot and forget" comfort due to chain, while TS can focus it's damage on a spot, while still doing a lot of AOE damage.

Shotgunning is defined by GGG as "multiple initial projectiles fired at the same time can hit the same target more than once". This was never the case for TS.

From the initial 100% pierce arrows, a target can only be hit by one arrow at the same time. The secondary effect that can overlap was not defined as "shotgunning" (it's more like a "cluster explosion" and was not hit by the shotgun change either).

Yeah, I'm reuploading the video right now. Simply decided to cut out the music. Thanks though.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
NeverSink#3349 님이 2015. 6. 29. 오전 4:24:53에 마지막으로 편집
thanks for the replay.

What build will you prefere in 2.0. if you look of clearspeed and safeness.

The scion build or this ts build.

I love my ranger verry much but i have only at the beginning of the scion hype played one. So if that build is as good as the ranger build i give him a try.

I love your video. so perhaps you make also one for this build in 2.0 :-)

Hey just wanted to ask what you think about the new hyrris ire with 2.0 is it possibly the new BIS chest? The added dodge and spell Dodge seems awsome for this Build
IGN: Crix_st
LL Blade Vortex
Kev93 님이 작성:
Holyjustice 님이 작성:
Some people mention that TS is not good anymore in beta, so they are nerfing it ? If that so i need to buy SA instead of TS. Thanks for answer in advance.

Warning! 2.0.0 Spoiler! (about Tornado Shot, GMP and LMP)

Its a little bit Nerfed but with GMP Buff - i think - still viable.

Old Tornado Shot (1.3.1):
• Lv. 20 = 109% Base Damage
• Quality 20 = 10% more Projectile Damage

New Tornado Shot (2.0.0):
• Lv. 20 = 99% Base Damage
• Quality 20 = 20% more Projectile Damage

-10% Base-Damage ova. but +10% more Proj. Damage

and LMP / GMP is buffed in 2.0.

GMP: From 50% Less Damage to 35%
LMP: From 30% LEss Damage to 25%

Isn't it INCREASED projdmg instead of MORE?
Yes it is, at least for quality bonus in pre 2.0.
Ranger builds list: /917964
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If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch.
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This has to be one of the best guides I read so far, really god job NeverSink. Your loot filter is op aswell btw :). One question though I really like your skilltree the only thing I wonder is if the 4 points for Heavy Draw are worth it or spent better somewhere else. Cheers!

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