[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
crap, I should have thought more about this before I redid the skill tree. I used the offensive skill tree recommendation on the first part and and now at the end I find myself not able to use most of my gear as somehow my intelligence went from over 100, down to like 50...... Luckily I was able to rework it a bit and refund a couple of my passives and grab a couple of the +30 int nodes...
Mentoya#7912 님이 2015. 7. 12. 오후 7:44:47에 마지막으로 편집
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Anyone cares to elaborate the replacement of Incr. Critical Damage with Phys. to Lightning? I'm running a 5L atm, and I got:
TS (20/20) => Faster Attacks (19/20) => GMP (19/20) => PPAD (20/20) => Incr. Critical Damage. Should I replace the last gem with Phys. to Lightning? Thanks up front. |
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As background, I'm level 69, following the passive skill tree fairly close, with the exception of 4 points into Strength and Intelligence nodes (gotta have them, or I lose some of my gems), plus a couple points to get extra mana and +40% mana regen (gotta have it, as running out of mana remains a problem even now, esp. with two auras going).
My Tornado Shot is on a 4L Decimation bow, with GMP, PPAD, and Faster attacks. The tool-tip DPS (with Hatred and Herald of Ash running) is 1K. For my puncture shot, the DPS is 2K. So: I'm off by about 15x. It takes 4-5 shots to kill level 65 white mobs. Clearing Docks (!) I have to take it slow and easy. I'm sure my gear sucks. Then again, when I look at the "this is what I was using to clear level 79 maps and kill Atziri", the only real DPS boost I see is that the belt adds 10-20 physical damage per shot. So: where exactly is the multiplier coming from? I don't expect to be doing 17K TS without a harbinger bow (which means getting to level 71-72 before I can even look at buying one), but I do need to be doing at least 3x the damage that I'm doing now if I have a hope of killing Dominus and making it through the insane 4th act, never mind farming high level maps. I do see extra damage coming off the other items. But honestly, none of those items is in reach. I saw a Rat's Nest going for a very reasonable 2 exalts. I asked the guy if he'd take something else, as I have yet to see even one exalt. He said he'd accept 80 Chaos Orbs instead. I laughed: I had 8 of those, so I was only off by a factor of ten. IGN: Feihthaven
IGN: Vizthrin |
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Yikes, I don't know what's going on, but this build doesn't seem to be near as powerful as it use to be....I reset my passive skill tree and use the "aggressive skill tree" listed on the first page, but even in a level 70 map(on my level 83 character), my health is draining faster and I'm running out of mana all of the time. Prior to the patch, my health bar rarely got touched and I always had plenty of mana :(.........
oh well, guess it's back to creating a new character again. |
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Okay, I got rid of the dodge nodes on the right side of the tree and grabbed a bunch of mana nodes instead....It really was the only way, seems to have worked so far, but we'll see.
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" That's probably the global leech nerf at work.... Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful? |
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Doing 33k dps now, I still need to level my masters so I can improve my bow( not really sure how they work. Wether I can use the sharpening wheel on a bow or not) I haven't played in over a year.
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" It's because the call on damage or whatever doesn't work anymore. That's why you're taking more damage now. (enduring cry, immortal call) lsp#2358 님이 2015. 7. 12. 오후 8:53:42에 마지막으로 편집
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" Don't forget he's failing to do uber with mirrored gears. Apparently the buff was too much for him even though ts itself had a buff. IRL stuff
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You can defiantly feel the leech changes especially with mana. I've switched back to using thiefs torment ring and refunding the mana nodes. This seems to give me the best results and the loh from the ring helps as well
I have a 5 link Bow and armor using the follow frenzy, physical to lightning, wed, ppad, and faster attacks for single target and frenzy charges. Then tornado shot, gmp, ppad, pcoc, and faster attacks This let's me keep up 4 of each charge but I will most likely change bandit choices for more frenzy charges. Doing around 64k frenzy and 17k tornado but definitely am taking a lot more damage and need to do some twesking. Thinking about going with a dareso armor for the endurance charges stephenp1983#3755 님이 2015. 7. 12. 오후 10:07:24에 마지막으로 편집
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