[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

I just bought my Harbinger Bow last night (370 Pdps). Aside from a 6-link, I don't think there is much I can upgrade until I can afford some GG jewelry. Any suggestions on pieces that need to be improved?
Just dropped for me
and oh boy, this flask feels good :p
What's the best 6L combination for Tornado Shot + Drillneck?

TS-GMP-PPAD-Pierce-FA-Incresed critical multiplier

Also, would i get bigger DPS if i were to replace Drillneck with a good rare quiver and also replace the Pierce gem after?
vici12#0844 님이 2015. 12. 26. 오전 11:38:57에 마지막으로 편집
I've been trying out blast rain instead of frenzy for single target, what should I look for to boost it and what gems go well with it?
Would going a pure elemental build be more DPS with LA? maybe with voltaxic?
What would be better, your current Talisman 6L body armour or a 6L Queen of the Forest? Thanks.
Hey all! I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped with this build as Im having an absolute blast playing it. A special thank you to Neversink for all the help you give the community!

Im level 76 now in the new Talisman league and just loving this build. I was wondering if anyone could give me a suggestion on what they would focus on next for my character gear wise. Again thank you for this build its awesome!

Here is my gear:

Hi all! Can someone tell me how to solve problem with freezes when LA hits big groups of mobs? Sometimes my screen freeze for 1-2 seconds. I have gf260gtx card.
ashbelgorog 님이 작성:
Hi all! Can someone tell me how to solve problem with freezes when LA hits big groups of mobs? Sometimes my screen freeze for 1-2 seconds. I have gf260gtx card.

Works for me :\

Would going a pure elemental build be more DPS with LA? maybe with voltaxic?

Voltaxic is an entirely different build.

I'm currently am running a pure Ele DPS LA with PTL-WED-GMP-Chain-PPAD. I have around 28k DPS in hideout (with auras) and 75k DPS with charges and flasks up. This build goes elemental by converting (and adding) elemental damage.

I'm using the augmented skilltree

What would be better, your current Talisman 6L body armour or a 6L Queen of the Forest? Thanks.

Queen of the forest is (imo) only really good if you're running Alpha's + Grace. Still it'Ll likely be better than my 6L, since I did a budget purchase.

I've been trying out blast rain instead of frenzy for single target, what should I look for to boost it and what gems go well with it?


What's the best 6L combination for Tornado Shot + Drillneck?


if you're running physical or


for elemental. Either works.


Added a jewel section!
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
NeverSink#3349 님이 2015. 12. 27. 오전 9:45:58에 마지막으로 편집
Hello, im playing a split arrow chain archer and I was wondering if I can use drillneck+pierce in this setup? Or is chain better? I cant find this information anywhere!

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