[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

NeverSink 님이 작성:

Here are some hints on how to make leveling easier:

1) DAMAGE - Use burning arrow as your single target early on and sharpnel shot for multitarget. Switch to lightning arrow with LMP later on. You can run ballista and firetraps early on to help damage. Blast rain is your best single target until you get a real barrage setup.
Use Blastrain->PhysToLight->ElementalDamage->ConcEffect/PPAD to maximize your leveling/early mapping DPS´

Excuse me the stupid question but till level 28 and get Tornado Shot I should use Burning Arrow (ST) / Sharpnel (AOE) THEN LA + LMP (AOE and ST?) up till 28 and THEN start using Tornado Shot + LMP + anything else? (AOE/ST) and Blastrain (ST)?
Im running Lunaris and Tukohama right now.

I wouldnt really put much stock on pantheon atm , they are very minor buffs. Just go with what feels right for you.
Iamandre 님이 작성:

Excuse me the stupid question but till level 28 and get Tornado Shot I should use Burning Arrow (ST) / Sharpnel (AOE) THEN LA + LMP (AOE and ST?) up till 28 and THEN start using Tornado Shot + LMP + anything else? (AOE/ST) and Blastrain (ST)?

While leveling you've got some flexibility as your default AOE attack:
I changed it up every few levels for variety between LA & Tornado Shot & ran PPAD - GMP/LMP - FA with it. PhysToLight & WED could potentially be more useful but I usually didn't have the right shots. Both perform similarly.

For ST I used Burning Arrow until I had enough slots available to set up a 4 link Blastrain with Conc effect. Which i think was around end of Act 5.

Note if you're a full noob like me while attaching piercing onto burning arrow feels good in random mobs it actually reduces the DPS if you're trying to single target down the boss.
huenikad#7159 님이 2017. 8. 13. 오후 1:23:59에 마지막으로 편집
edit: double post cause of internet errors
huenikad#7159 님이 2017. 8. 13. 오후 1:23:12에 마지막으로 편집
huenikad 님이 작성:
Iamandre 님이 작성:

Excuse me the stupid question but till level 28 and get Tornado Shot I should use Burning Arrow (ST) / Sharpnel (AOE) THEN LA + LMP (AOE and ST?) up till 28 and THEN start using Tornado Shot + LMP + anything else? (AOE/ST) and Blastrain (ST)?

While leveling you've got some flexibility as your default AOE attack:
I changed it up every few levels for variety between LA & Tornado Shot & ran PPAD - GMP/LMP - FA with it. PhysToLight & WED could potentially be more useful but I usually didn't have the right shots. Both perform similarly.

For ST I used Burning Arrow until I had enough slots available to set up a 4 link Blastrain with Conc effect. Which i think was around end of Act 5.

Note if you're a full noob like me while attaching piercing onto burning arrow feels good in random mobs it actually reduces the DPS if you're trying to single target down the boss.

Thank you so much for answer me xD Very kind of you.

So if I got it right I just need a Bow with 4 green sockets linked to always have PPAD + GMP/LMP + FA and keep switching my main AOE.

And for ST Burning Arrow all the way to act 5.

Thanks for the tips :)
hey there, can you have a short look over my char as the damage feels lacking.
would appreciate a few tips in which direction to go

I'm playing in Harbinger HC. Is it a viable option to go towards the marauder tree and pick up the life nodes there? I'm in act 7, level 57. I feel like I'm doing enough damage for the moment and have enough crit chance - would like to get as much life as possible.

Also when is the right time to pick Vaal Pact? Maybe starting maps? Is it possible to survive without it (against non-reflect at least)?
Sartorius9#1711 님이 2017. 8. 13. 오후 3:09:37에 마지막으로 편집
Hey! What do you think about Scion (slayer/raider) tornado?

This is my current gear, nothing top of the notch but your build seems to work well.

I also have my PoB link if someone would like to take a look and give me a hint on how i can upgrade my items best and what to get next.


Thx in advance for your help guys!
So I'm level 80, doing T6-7 maps and have 50co to spend in my next upgrade. Which item should be the first to upgrade? Can you help me out?

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