[2.2] Player159632's Top Tier MF Builds.

shukolade 님이 작성:
1300 ex for a support char just to be able to solo a bit.

I can build a 10 aura support mf culler for less than 10, why would you do that?

It's called an expensive build. Go find a cheaper one if you can't afford it or change it around. No one said you must run exactly what is shown.
BerMalBerIst1 wrote: What if GGG doesn't nerf anything and decides to buff a bunch of stuff?

666lol666 wrote: In that case someone has kidnapped their kids and is forcing them to do so. These guys are allergic to buffs, they are in love with the nerfhammer!
In your item dropdown I saw reduced mana linked to aura gems. I think you need to update that part.

and currently how many auras do you use at the same time? I am struggling to keep my 10 auras on..

yelowston 님이 작성:
Zealot's Oath is missing in the posted skill trees I think.

Woops mybad, thanks for the heads up! :)

𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝕺𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
aim7811 님이 작성:
In your item dropdown I saw reduced mana linked to aura gems. I think you need to update that part.

and currently how many auras do you use at the same time? I am struggling to keep my 10 auras on..


The items are linked to showcase the items, not the gem links, no need to be updated.

I only run 6 auras. No more are required thus pointless to run more. :)

the auras that im using are shown in the gem links.

𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝕺𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
Why does my totem die with 1 hit? I just set them up and they are dead in the next second...
King0fEarth#4271 님이 2015. 7. 30. 오후 7:39:23에 마지막으로 편집
Hi, very nice guide. Back in time I made a culler-support char, but this culler-tank seems an interesting alternative.

Since I see you are a very experienced culler, there are some things I would like to discuss.

1-From a pure culler perspective (no dps shit), I see you ignore spell totem + incinerate. Quality on incinerate gives projectile speed (46% at 23Q), so projectiles reach further. You instead choose flame totem + faster casting, which has insane aps. I personally think incinerate is already very fast and prefer the higher area.

There is also the other thing about mana cost, I haven't realocated pasives, so I don't know what is more confortable with flask. I remember using flame totem on 1.2 just because it was more expensive so I could manage distillate better, but with blood of karui (btw, very good idea) maybe its not needed.
So, you value more flame totem or just forgot about the quality on incinerate?

2-Belt: perandus blazon vs demigod's bounty.

24% all res (72% total combined res)

30 all atributes (1-2 passive points in str/dex and 6% increased energy shield from intelligence)
12 IIQ (legacy version, 8 if non legacy)
20% fire res
20% flask duration (not awesome, but very nice)
-2 dmg from attacks (lol)

I'm pretty sure you have read chuca's thread (if not I'll try to find it), with the hypothesis formula of iir and iiq stacking additively with themselves and multiplicatively with each other, as well as existing strong diminishing returns.
Based on that and our current levels of mf, I find 12% IIQ is better than 30IIR. Also works on currency, and since new itemfilters we don't have screen clumpering anymore. So, for me perandus is way better than demigods (at least the legacy ones).

3- ES Shield vs prism guardian.

Hoy many ES do YOU lose (with your pasives) when trading shields? Prism alone almost caps resis, and saves A LOT of gem links and hp reserved, but the ES is soooooooooo low that I don't know.

You could fit grace and I don't know if something else. Grace helps a lot with crits (since the double evasion roll).


Need people to farm endgame with
My culler build thread/943897
My accounts: Brujitasexy, Jannah
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Hey, Just interested to find out if you're doing 2.0 video at all? Kind Regards
Anyway to do this with anything other than totems ?lvl 74 and clear speed is just soooo low it takes ages to kill stuff, especially magic packs and bosses :( Would RF be possible ? since that skill requires no mana, and requires no investment from the tree to be effective.
Xaxeth#3117 님이 2015. 8. 3. 오전 4:13:36에 마지막으로 편집
King0fEarth 님이 작성:
Why does my totem die with 1 hit? I just set them up and they are dead in the next second...

Most likely because your spell totem isnt leveled

𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝕺𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
Dulahan90 님이 작성:
Hi, very nice guide. Back in time I made a culler-support char, but this culler-tank seems an interesting alternative.

Since I see you are a very experienced culler, there are some things I would like to discuss.

1-From a pure culler perspective (no dps shit), I see you ignore spell totem + incinerate. Quality on incinerate gives projectile speed (46% at 23Q), so projectiles reach further. You instead choose flame totem + faster casting, which has insane aps. I personally think incinerate is already very fast and prefer the higher area.

There is also the other thing about mana cost, I haven't realocated pasives, so I don't know what is more confortable with flask. I remember using flame totem on 1.2 just because it was more expensive so I could manage distillate better, but with blood of karui (btw, very good idea) maybe its not needed.
So, you value more flame totem or just forgot about the quality on incinerate?

2-Belt: perandus blazon vs demigod's bounty.

24% all res (72% total combined res)

30 all atributes (1-2 passive points in str/dex and 6% increased energy shield from intelligence)
12 IIQ (legacy version, 8 if non legacy)
20% fire res
20% flask duration (not awesome, but very nice)
-2 dmg from attacks (lol)

I'm pretty sure you have read chuca's thread (if not I'll try to find it), with the hypothesis formula of iir and iiq stacking additively with themselves and multiplicatively with each other, as well as existing strong diminishing returns.
Based on that and our current levels of mf, I find 12% IIQ is better than 30IIR. Also works on currency, and since new itemfilters we don't have screen clumpering anymore. So, for me perandus is way better than demigods (at least the legacy ones).

3- ES Shield vs prism guardian.

Hoy many ES do YOU lose (with your pasives) when trading shields? Prism alone almost caps resis, and saves A LOT of gem links and hp reserved, but the ES is soooooooooo low that I don't know.

You could fit grace and I don't know if something else. Grace helps a lot with crits (since the double evasion roll).


Thanks for the questions first of, i like the ideas you are giving.

Question 1
First of, sorry for the boring answer that i will be giving on your first question about Flame totem contra incinerate with 46% Proj speed.

I use proj. speed in my link therefore i have a long flametotem too. These are the stats of both:

Flame totem(with culling link): 9 projectiles / 69% Proj speed
Incinerate(with culling link): 7 projectiles / 115% Proj speed

My goal on the totem is to make it have the biggest square area covered.

- 9 Projectiles will give a tiny bit more width to the area, something thats only achievable by extra projectiles.

- Projectile speed gives it more length, however it has a diminishing return, you can simply try this by having 40% proj speed from incinerate, and adding "projectile speed" gem. Your length wont get twice as big as like i said, for each projectile speed you add, it will have less effect.

In the end they are both viable options but i find flametotem nice for party culling as incinerate will cast slower, however it's way cheaper to cast continutivly.

Question 2
Demigods bounty VS Perandus blazon (Legacy)

What you say is completely right, stat wise when it comes to MF Perandus blazon beats Demigods bounty in ANY way posible, however considering this build does not use Purity of Elements i had a hard time capping my resistances on just Purity of Fire, Ice and Lightning, that's the soul reason i am using Demigods bounty.

If you don't undercap resistances on using a Perandus blazon its worth it 11/10. And like you said, 30 attributes is extremely nice as that gives you two nodes back.

Question 3
Energy shield based shield VS Prism guardian

Prism guardian is a great sheild as it's the ONLY item that has 1:1 blood magic thats currently viable to use. However as magic finder you usually find a hard time getting high ES on gear, and the shield is the second best ES income (After chest if CI, otherwise best), not only can you get a solid 600 ES + shield, there are nodes above the witch tree that give you imense shield.

To give you a rough calculation; i lose 4500 ES if i unequip my shield. Prism guardian can make you more of a support character by having more auras on blood magic however. For this build it just does not compeat.

I really appriciate your questions, if there is anything else you would like to discuss, don't hessitate to ask!

- Regards Culler

𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝕺𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
Kaoms_Heart#4450 님이 2015. 8. 3. 오전 10:22:14에 마지막으로 편집

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