Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Does the cold dmg actually work for us? ne0x1n#6385 님이 2016. 1. 11. 오전 10:05:02에 마지막으로 편집
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I've followed the no jewel tree and right now, I feel like I can't improve my DPS anymore. I struggle to do higher maps over 8. I've been trying to get the right socket colours(BBBBGR) for my lightning coil, but so far haven't been successful. Any quick upgrades I could do to my gear for a bit of DPS boost? I don't have much currency to upgrade, maybe ~1exalt. Thanks |
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Why using cold penetration with arc and not lightning penetration, arc is lightning damage isn't it ?
Fourbie#6961 님이 2016. 1. 11. 오전 11:23:38에 마지막으로 편집
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" Well, I am a complete newbie myself but looking at your gem setup, there seems so much wrong with it that I would believe getting that sorted out first may be a good start for you. For example your gloves, you have Clarity, Bloody Rage, Artic Armor and Enfeeble on it. So 4 active skills without any support. The correct setup should be for example: Cast when Damage Taken Enfeeble Summon Golem Immortal Call (Note: The level of Enfeeble, Golem and Immortal Call are already too high to make them work, read the initial guide post again. I know what I am talking about as I did a similar mistake myself when I started with this build) Or: Clarity Enlighten Flame Dash Arctic Armor All your other gear sockets like Helmet, Boots, Weapons seem similarly wrong to me. The only thing that seems quite right is your chest, although you should switch Lightning for Cold Pen to improve the benefit you are getting from CotB. Again: I am still a noob myself just being some weeks into the game but the gem setup looks really messed up on your gear. Legedric#6450 님이 2016. 1. 11. 오전 11:53:42에 마지막으로 편집
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That are my actually items, i didnt play the game 6months but i wanna start now and i wanna go this build. Before i had arc build too but little another. I went no jawel tree and the question is now, what can i do with those items? I am not rich xD. What should i sell? And buy items they help me now a bit so, that i can play with this build. And another question. Should i have still take now "Mind over Matter" if i have 2500 Mana and 2700 Life + 800 Energy Shield? I need really help, thanks so much for answer anyway Sry for my bad english Im lvl 77 Numbus00#0459 님이 2016. 1. 11. 오후 12:43:39에 마지막으로 편집
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I'm thinking about rolling another character and it will be following this guide if I do. I completed Vinktar Square on my first character and have the Lightning Pen Vessel of Vinktar:
Is this OK to stick with, or should I try to swap for one with Added Lightning Damage to spells? k0pfschuss#4291 님이 2016. 1. 11. 오후 2:21:32에 마지막으로 편집
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@mlande14: Don't waste money on quality gems, just recipe the gems that need quality.
You could save up for a 6L coil, good jewels or simply save currency for challenges/other stuff. @kodapa2567: 0.5ex/hr is just an average value and depends highly on how efficient you farm, which includes time to clear zone, how you clear the zone, time spent in town, chaos recipe management and last but not least RNG. You need more life on gear, your jewels can be replaced too with some that give atleast 2 good stats. @Vaaroth: Grats on the VB! I have yet to chance one, but i got lucky and got one drop. @partyboy79: Your gear looks good for the investment. Doryanis is more DPS because it gives almost double the spell damage and some good cast speed, while your dagger obviously has more crit. I'd personally go with one dagger + sceptre to get the best out of both. @subtleorwhat: Sounds decent! Blood Dance are a good replacement for Blood Rage when not using Coil, but with Coil you'll need the res slot. @ne0x1n: Yes it does, but only when using CotB and only for the converted part. @dabomb69: Like Legedric pointed out, switching to the correct gem setup will help you alot. DPS wise you can upgrade your wands, one could need cast speed the other more crit. The rest will come from levels, Vinktar Flask and a 6L. Btw. you should switch Light Pen with Cold Pen when using CotB, more freeze duration which will add safety in maps. @Fourbie: That's correct, but we're using Call of the Brotherhood to convert 50% to cold damage. After doing so, Light Pen would give more shock duration but Cold Pen gives more freeze duration, which is better in a defensive aspect in high level maps. @Numbus00: Keep the Facebreakers and Three Dragons, the rest should be replaced to items with good life rolls (50+ on jewelry, 80+ on other gear) and resistances. On jewelry you'll also want mana regen. For your weapon, look for either two wands with 10% cast speed and 80% spell crit chance or a dagger with good spell damage and spell crit chance + a sceptre. @k0pfschuss: I've got the pen version on my first vinktar run in Talisman too so i had some opportunity to test it. It's better than the flat version in EE maps and generally against high light res enemies, in all other situations the flat version works better. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Today my question is not purely related to this build but more to PoE in general.
I am level 86 now and I keep running maps over and over but I am not getting a good amount of maps higher than T5. I had some T6, 7 and few 8 but I used them all and I barely find any other maps higher than T5. I do trade up my T1-T4 maps but right now it somehow seems like I am stuck with running T5 most of the time having like 1 T5/6 map drop only every 2nd or 3rd run. This kinda sucks as I am already getting bored running thise easy as crap T5 and below maps and motivation starts to drop as I do not seem to get up any further in map tiers. I know map drops are not influenced by IIQ/IIR so what is it? Am I doing something wrong? Should I go back to lower tier maps to find more to vendor-up or is it just me having bad luck? I already thought about buying maps but I don't want to waste my limited currency on this. |
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hey, thank you for the guide!
got a few questions: 1. You suggest to switch out the lightning damage gem to a lvl 3 Empower. I get lower dps when using lvl 3 empower, do i miss some synergy or is it just my gear-constellation? 2. I've a HUGE problem with Reflect, basically the only thing that can kill me up to 12/13 maps. It's way to hard to find the reflect Mobs before i hit them with an Arc-Chain and oneshot myself. I wonder if there is a solution (other than "be more careful") since i (like to) play very aggressive. 3. You've any gear suggestions, i dont know how to link my gear, hopefully you can just inspect my profile (Charactername is "Klenee")? I dont know if i should get a Vinktar & Taste of Hate or save for a Lightning Coil (i didnt bought it yet cause my only problem is reflect). Thank you very much for taking your time to answer my questions, probably some questions got answered before but read all 120+ thread-sites is a bit too much tbh :P. |
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@Legedric: Properly rolling your maps will help alot. I usually aim for 15%+ packsize and 60%+ quantity, also chiseling maps from T8+ and putting zana's domination mod from T10+. Once you've built a good mappool, chisel from T10+ and put domination on T12+.
I've solo sustained maps this way all the way to Lv98, and usually have no problems sustaining in new leagues once the currency is rolling. But i must also say, sometimes you just get an unlucky streak and will fall behind some tiers. @klene: Hey there! The DPS with Empower will indeed go down, but it's easier to chrom when using Lightning Coil. You can also reach another chain once you can afford a Lv21 Arc and Lv4 Empower. And last but not least Empower gives a red slot to switch in Life Leech for whenever you need it. The reflect thing is unfortunately really only an attention thing. Even if you didn't see the reflect mob in time, popping your resist flask(s) and your seething divine will save you. Another way is Vessel of Vinktar, you can pretty much burst down any reflect mob with that flask up. Unfortunately your character tab is hidden, so i can't take a look. But i can already say, Vessel of Vinktar is an extremely good investment and reasonably priced in Talisman. twitch.tv/enkivt
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