Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
I've regretted my character and changed to Occultist Vaal Cold Snap + Vortex, but I think this build could have benefited from Presence of Chayula (https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Presence_of_Chayula).
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Whispers of Doom for additional curse vs. Large Jewel Socket
I am playing with Hands of the High Templar. I got an additional curse on my body armor. I got Assassins Mark on Hit on my ring. My Hands got: +1 to Level of Socketed Gems 8% Cast Speed Curse enemies with Level 10 Enfeeble on Hit Curse Enemies with Level 11 Elemental Weakness on Hit That means I could use 3 curses on hit with Whispers of Doom (3 passives plus some extra curse effects) on cost on f.e. the large jewel socket (with some extra mana) in the upper right part of the tree. So, the problem is: I am at the very beginning to understand the game mechanics. Level 11 Elemental Weakness on Hit means -30% Res for that bad boy on the other side of my arc. Sounds pretty imba compared to the jewel (for the noob). What do you recommend? Thank you. cadiff#7780 님이 2020. 3. 30. 오전 3:00:00에 마지막으로 편집
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" @enki91 this would be nice, although i am one of those who can actually clear the content, i am stuck at lvl 90 due to the amount of deaths resulting from the build being so weak defensivelly (mostly delirium situations ofc). (also if you have a discord where you trade ideias often it would be nice). the dmg we dish isnt a problem tbh (not that high that we oneshot stuff like some of most op builds though), and there is not much investment needed to get enough dps to clear content. but the survival is just atrocious. my worst complain would be spell echo, the stuff that oneshots us is too much and the moment i cast arc and see something bad and want to flame dash away my char is stuck casting the echo and doesnt dash away right away which leads to sooooo many deaths (even more to me since i come from other games where movement skills have prio over all others and casts imediatly. i am still in the process of adapting to this XD). i know delirium makes defensive options in this kind of builds look like trash, so i dont rly expect much improvement here. but if we cant survive the hits then better blow them up before they blow us up XD on another note, and this is probably a complaint from everyone: GOLEMS and their death rate in t16+ content and delirium situations. i run meat shield support to take out some atention from me and give them some more survival but its just not enough. they die from everything left and right and it reflects in our dps + survival (damn chaos golem i swear! the bastard is always dead!). i think they are more of a problem than a solution for the defensive and offensive sustain of the build since their uptime cant be garanteed, they also dont do much on thier own dps wise as the build isnt focused on maxing them like golemancer builds is ofc. in fights like Sirus my golems were almost perma death and i had to fight it without golems 90% of the time anyway (awakening 4 only also) so i see little point in investing so much in them and im currently looking for other options to swap them for a better defensive option but im kinda of a new'ish player so i cant find a great solution XD. anyway great props to the build and guide, it allowed me to properly play the game with almost no knowledge of it and this is saying more than enough in such a non new player friendly game. Softseek#7798 님이 2020. 3. 30. 오전 6:45:10에 마지막으로 편집
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@Softseek: And that exactly is the problem, and why i'm hoping for an Elementalist rework for so long already. Currently the Ascendancy is Elemancer + two other Ascendancy nodes which only looks good on paper or while it works ingame. I've tried heavily investing into golem survivability and even then they still died to basic game content too easily, and for that kind of investment the buffs we get aren't good enough.
Matter of fact is, Elementalist is one of the worst, if not the worst Ascendancy in terms of reliability and defenses, and even its damage aspect isn't that great. There's so many good mechanics already in game that would make sense to be part of it, not to mention that some Ascendancies even got their own buffs created for their rework (e.g. Elusive for Assassin) so I can't understand why we're still stuck with this terrible excuse of an Ascendancy. Only reason I still stick with it is the easy access to leech and reflect immunity, which are invaluable for new players to explore the game without needing specific gear or gem swaps for things like Atziri. Speaking of defenses, i've already tried all layers over the last few patches and nothing worked reliably enough, while also being attainable for this builds playerbase and not giving up too much damage, which we are already on the lower side at thanks to the massive boss buffs. Unfortunately, it doesn't look good for this builds future right now. I've tried a manabased Archmage version earlier and well, it honestly felt even worse. twitch.tv/enkivt
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@Enki91 This build has been amazing for me this league so thank you for all of your hard work! Just one question for you, at what point in your "Suggested Upgrade Order" would you put support gem upgrades to 20/20qual? I have a good arc and Orb gem but have upgrade gear/flasks over the other gems, is that incorrect?
Thank you! Mindalus |
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So here I am again. I managed last night to grab a couple itens for the build, as you can see in my character tab, TiaDaniela. Actually I think I just need to 5 link the staff and maybe a better amulet and belt.
Okay, I'm still lvl 71, far away from a full skill tree... But is this really weak on single targeting? Or does the 5 link on orb of storms and a more complete tree make a huge difference? Because I'm struggling to kill even T1 map bosses. Defensivelly I'm sitting at 3.6k life, 2.1k shield with discipline, I'm able to hold zealotry, flesh and stone, discipline and wrath, I even managed to get an watchers eye with lightning damage being leeched as ES while affected by wrath. I know this build is not meant to be something good defensive wise, but having problems with t1 map boss kind of put me on the way to pursue another character... |
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Hey Enki!
Thanks a lot for the great build. After seeing your update about feasibility of your build's endgame, I just wanted to let you know that I'm amongst the people that are doing pretty well. Maybe performance of the build is worse on the low budget, because I also had a little struggle in the beginning of mapping progression but once I got some better gear it got easier. Other factors may be also getting used to the playstyle, to the delirium and patches for delirium. And btw, my golems sometimes die but I don't find it as problematic as some other people - I don't know if it's about some stats or just personal preference. Now I'm mapping pretty smoothly. I've completed most of the hard fights: Sirus (A7), Uber Atziri, Uber Elder, Hall of the Grandmasters, 100% delirium shaper and elder guardians, Simulacrum (that was really tough though). Maybe it's not the fastest/strongest/toughest build but it's capable of doing everything I need it to do and it was stated in the preword that's not the top 1 meta build, nor the pros/cons list is like in some other builds with 95% of positives. So no complaints from my side :) I uploaded some video for people to see how the build performs while you have some exalts (but I'm not like super rich). If you'd like to add it to the videos section, feel free to do it - and I can make some more of them if you'd like :) Videos My profile (ltsElectric) A difference from your build is no "Trigger a socketed spell..." on the staff (a tough call) and Rumi's Concoction as one of the flasks. Probably my worst stat is movement speed but I couldn't resist Elusive + Tailwind boots with life and I'm not willing to trade flask but maybe I should. I also have some questions for you if you find some time to answer them :) 1) I'm using Innervate in Orb of Storms to get a little utility instead of OoS damage. Do you think is it maybe worth to go full util on it or its pure damage is too precious? I thought about something like: Power Charge on Crit, Innervate, Culling Strike, Onslaught, Curse on Hit (as many of those as we can fit). 2) PoB shows that helm enchantment "#% increased Arc Damage" isn't that much worse DPS-wise than "Arc Chains an additional time" and yet you ommitted it. Is it just because it would be worse for clear than chain and hence you prefer golems/steelskin buffs? 3) Do you think is it worth to go for a corrupted jewel with implicit: "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you" and getting the Blood of the Karui or just different suffix on the life flask? Or is the normal bleed to dangerous anyway? 4) What do you think about Rumi's Concoction? Do you think it's better than Quartz or Basalt if we have all essential suffixes covered (bleeding, curses)? 5) As someone stated sometimes flame dash doesn't go off which can be lethal. Do you think it may be due to getting stunned and is it important to prevent it? Do you recommend some good defence against it - maybe just using Soul of the Brine King in Pantheon? 6) You mentioned some cluster jewels. Do you think is there any outstanding that you would go for in the first place (also with the best modifiers since I haven't yet analyzed cluster jewels)? Or it's pretty close between them and everything depends on the current state of the character. Again, thanks a lot for all your time spent to prepare the build, update it so often and all the replies in this thread :) Keep it up! Gosu_z_kosmosu#5310 님이 2020. 3. 31. 오전 11:01:59에 마지막으로 편집
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" You stretched yourself a little thin traveling to so many life nodes and setting up EB + MoM and the 4 auras at your level. There are a lot of damage clusters awaiting you. Also your staff is very weak. Even a 4L Agnerod West would be a big DPS bump for you. Atziri's Promise would provide another cheap bump. Damage isn't impressive on this build without heavy investment but even with budget gear you should be able to make short work of bosses up through yellow maps at least. |
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@Gosu_z_kosmosu: your gear (and your videos) show the true potential of the build, but for a player in their first full league like myself, where an ex is an almost mythical unicorn, that might as well be another game.
I personally am around the same stage as Softseek, though it's my lightning golem that usually wins the "butterfly flaps it wings, I die" award: -lvl90 , 4.9k life 2.1k ES -250+ deaths total (delirum.instant.death <> fun <> any conqueror) -managed wave15 in simulacrum on only attempt today -just did first rare t16 with a few deaths -can't finish rare t6 blight maps (bosses too much life) -just hit a4 so no Sirius, but I would expect I would die horribly (al hezmin pwned me 3 times at A2) I mapped delirium end to Y next to skills, and usually hit it when 3/1 gets completed or the death counter goes up again @Enki: I know the above sounds negative, but thanks for the depth of the guide, I've learned so much and it is perfect for new exiles. I don't think I have a way to farm the currency (15ex+?) to boost this character with the staff I think it needs, but I like delving so will just try that before trying to figure out another character (so many ascendancies/classes to be played still) | |
Gem set-up detailed in gear section? No it is not...
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