Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Rosain 님이 작성:
Hey, I want to start this comment off by saying I'm still very new to the game. However, I've been following this guide as best I can up to level 83 so far. I'm REALLY enjoying it.
So my question is relating to strength and supporting strength gems without having strength traits on my gear.
According to the PoB at level 100 even with the high-end gear options, I'm capping at 104 strength, and I need at least 111 for level 20 gems. For a level 21 increase duration, I require at least 114 strength.
How am I supposed to acquire more strength without crafting strength on my gear or taking another strength passive?
Are you wearing Atziri's Foible? Aside from being a huge boost to your mana pool, the global reduced attribute requirements on it are very helpful here.
Ok so, i got new stuff. I lost Enfeeble and i'm pretty sure that helped me in a Syndicate siege with enemies lvl82 (i'm at 74 right now). Aside from Conductivity from the ring, is there any other way for more curses in this build? My question about the flasks still stand if someone would help me with it and i think i need better gloves and boots? Thanks in advance.
Ditch one of the mana flasks altogether, having 2 is not going to help you at all. Easy and cheap to replace it with one of these:
Don't bother trying to go for 2 curses, it's not worth the investment. Conductivity will be better overall. Enfeeble is great early on, but once you get another 10-20 levels, you really shouldn't even notice the difference with enough mana and mana sustain.
I'd focus on your belt first, you're really missing out on life and mana and an abyssal jewel slot. Then gloves, then wand/shield/body armor (I honestly would not worry about the boots yet). Try to get a Crown of the Inward Eye with an Arcane Cloak enchantment, that will be a big overall upgrade.
does increased cast speed increase your dps? i mean, it sounds like a stupid question because of cos it does but how much mana regen do you really need to be able to cast a full-mana arc with such a high cast speed?
i have 4.5k mana regen/sec standing still, and close to 11k mana pool now. after 3-4 arc casts my mana is close to 50%.
what am i missing?
also, what jewel implicits do you look for in your base/abyss/cluster jewels? right now i'm running only 2 kinds:
- 1% increased movement speed
- 1% of damage taken gained as mana over 4 seconds. quick question, is this damage mitigation, or it's just a secondary form of mana gain without reducing the damage taken in our case?
edit: maybe with enough 10% to avoid stun we can change from soul of the brine king to another pantheon? or maybe 10% to avoid shock?
Yeah, cast speed is a big factor in DPS. I definitely need to get more, myself. I don't know that you're missing anything; with 11k mana and 4.5k mana sustain in actual combat scenarios, I can't realistically see you running out of mana. You'd have to be standing still and spamming Arc for seconds at a time, which is unnecessary when mapping and probably not very safe against tough bosses most of the time. Admittedly, I haven't played your actual character, so I'm just guessing, but I really wouldn't worry about it unless mana sustain issues become more than hypothetical.
If you can really get 10% stun avoidance on at least 8 of your jewels (seems like a pain to me), yeah, I'd probably switch to Solaris. Otherwise, the two jewel implicits you named are the ones I'd go with. Reduced shock effect is another good option if you're going to stack it. All good ideas, really, and I don't see a clear winner.
does this link work for you?
i don't have access to POB now (at work atm) so this is the next best thing.
it says my cast rate is 5.31/sec
and i have a stupid question. what dps does PoB put me at? i'm seeing 2 numbers, 7mil on sirus and 5.2mil. (i'm actually really bad at PoB lol)
Wow, was totally unfamiliar with that website, so thanks for that. Super interesting, though it takes forever to load.
I don't think it captures everything in the configuration section, so I wouldn't treat it as a real substitute for PoB fork. Also, the skills section is super jacked up (not sure if it's the tool or your specific link). This is the best I can figure out: https://pob.party/share/otinororikooru
Looks like 5.7m Sirus DPS, but I think it should be a bit more at the very least with the real PoB. Send me a real PoB link and I'm totally happy to help you configure that!
WorderMostFoul#7154 님이 2020. 8. 22. 오전 11:33:47에 마지막으로 편집
Sorry for the double tap but I'm at a loss at how to figure out the below - if you could lend a hand that would be awesome!
How did you get both %spell damage and the %spell damage+mana regen craft on your wand?
I'm pretty much up to the last step of adding on that craft(spell damage+mana regen), but it's saying I already have a mod of that type:
He finally accepted that the Elementalist ascendancy is total garbage for this build. It offers practically nothing at this point because golems are impossible to keep alive in the current meta and GGG nerfed Beacon of Ruin into the ground a few leagues ago. Meanwhile, the Necromancer ascendancy offers amazing buffs to sustain and damage mitigation and some good buffs to DPS, too, all at the cost of our corpse-generating and -consuming engine, which only needs 3 gems and 1 crafted wand affix to work.
I personally hate everything with minions so necro isnt an optioon for me.
I played his Arc witch a while ago (I think it was Betrayal league). At that time he used elementalist. Shaper and Beacon worked great for me. I also used Calamity since I wanted to avoid minions/golems. Was this before or after nerfs?
Also he mentioned in his guide to pick up minion buffs to apply those to the player. Now I am searching for the skill but cant find it anymore. Do you know what I am talking about? It was similar to Necromantic Aegis I think.
Nvm I am blind. Its Spiritual Aid
Spitzhorn_Eule#7333 님이 2020. 8. 22. 오후 2:45:10에 마지막으로 편집
Hey Guys,
I really did not want to do this, but I seem to be stuck. its 2nd time I'm playing seriously PoE, my very first guide that I tried was Enki's arc witch Elementalist I think in delve league. Anyway, I read the guide so many times, did the improvements that I could. I did go through some discussion pages over here to see if I have missed something.
Anyway, the problem that I find is that I'm dying. got to lvl 93 and stuck, today from 70% exp I went down to 5% and got upset for the wasted time.
I would like someone to take a look at my gear and tell me what's wrong. As I'm still new to the game I'm pretty bad understanding all the mechanics. maybe some items I got are not good together or something. Would really appreciate some help.
Hey Guys,
I really did not want to do this, but I seem to be stuck. its 2nd time I'm playing seriously PoE, my very first guide that I tried was Enki's arc witch Elementalist I think in delve league. Anyway, I read the guide so many times, did the improvements that I could. I did go through some discussion pages over here to see if I have missed something.
Anyway, the problem that I find is that I'm dying. got to lvl 93 and stuck, today from 70% exp I went down to 5% and got upset for the wasted time.
I would like someone to take a look at my gear and tell me what's wrong. As I'm still new to the game I'm pretty bad understanding all the mechanics. maybe some items I got are not good together or something. Would really appreciate some help.
You just started and your gear is this good? Your flasks are wrong, you need instant recovery for the life and remove bleeding, you don't need the remove freeze or shock. Onslaught is better to have increased duration with remove curses and the armor one needs increased duration with more armor. The other items are pretty good imo, i'm kinda jealous tbh.
Ok so, i got new stuff. I lost Enfeeble and i'm pretty sure that helped me in a Syndicate siege with enemies lvl82 (i'm at 74 right now). Aside from Conductivity from the ring, is there any other way for more curses in this build? My question about the flasks still stand if someone would help me with it and i think i need better gloves and boots? Thanks in advance.
Ditch one of the mana flasks altogether, having 2 is not going to help you at all. Easy and cheap to replace it with one of these:
Don't bother trying to go for 2 curses, it's not worth the investment. Conductivity will be better overall. Enfeeble is great early on, but once you get another 10-20 levels, you really shouldn't even notice the difference with enough mana and mana sustain.
I'd focus on your belt first, you're really missing out on life and mana and an abyssal jewel slot. Then gloves, then wand/shield/body armor (I honestly would not worry about the boots yet). Try to get a Crown of the Inward Eye with an Arcane Cloak enchantment, that will be a big overall upgrade.
Thanks for the help but, what's wrong with the wand? I mean, aside from the lack of another prefix i mean.
Thanks, I consider myself very lucky this league as ex just kept dropping from lvl 74.
I do more reading about this game than playing itself, it got me to the part when i kinda understand how to gear up.
Why remove bleeding? it really helps, died few times without it, currently wanna buy a gem with bleed immunity to make more space for other stats.
Life potions is actually barely needed, since the damage going to mana i dont feel it. However, somehow a lot of melee mobs can just 1 shot me with random sh*t and its annoying.
Is Physical damage a problem for this build? or is it chaos damage maybe??