Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Cheers for build , atm 84lvl on HC, seems fine just sometimes feels like missing some survivability ;)
I am going the route with wands, why do you pick lightning warp over flame dash?

Just seems to me that flame dash is more useful as it can be used over and over 3 times and recharges fast and is instant.

Please give your opinion on this, and if you were going to use flame dash would you put any support gems with it?

I think i will still try to go with Occultist. I love the idea of dual curse with the power charge on crit just build in the class. Well. Lets see if i oneshot myself to reflect. Would be sad to, because of hardcore ^^
IGN: Mido_Reave
@mace2k: Hadn't had any time to test yet, but just by looking at raw numbers i would guess the difference shrinks to maybe ~20k. However, as doroni pointed out in an earlier comment you can reach the point of too much damage as Assassin quite easily. I'd definitely recommend to give Elementalist a try.

@SimplePrimate: Personal preference, mostly. While Flame Dash is very responsive, i just can't get along with the limited charges. LW is pretty fast aswell, and let's you move through the entire map quickly.
If you wanna go with Flame Dash, you could use the free'd up sockets for another Vaal Haste or a CwDt + Molten Shell setup.

@Endalay @goreaper: Goodluck in HC to both of you!
Btw feels like 2 golems kinda makes chain maps insane dangerous and without golems i got kinda bad dps :(
Just found out my question was utterly stupid and i was able to answer it myself. Sorry
IGN: Mido_Reave
goreaper#6968 님이 2016. 6. 7. 오후 3:55:01에 마지막으로 편집
Enki, do you plan to link your current gear and a new video for 2.3?

I watched some of your 2.1 videos and obviously some things have changed.

It shows you have 100% of your mana reserved and using your life pool, I don't see how all mana is reserved with the build as it is.

I am a bit confused and some updates to the guide would be awesome.

If nothing else if you have a moment to explain some stuff to me would be great, especially if you can message me in game and chat with me a moment.


SimplPrimate#4988 님이 2016. 6. 7. 오후 9:11:13에 마지막으로 편집
@SimplePrimate: I will update it, once i'm less busy in Prophecy and find some time to record new videos for this guide. You're probably referring to the blood magic map, which is the reason why all mana appears to be reserved (but is infact disabled from mapmod).
Enki91 님이 작성:
@SimplePrimate: I will update it, once i'm less busy in Prophecy and find some time to record new videos for this guide. You're probably referring to the blood magic map, which is the reason why all mana appears to be reserved (but is infact disabled from mapmod).

Crap, your right! lol

I did not notice the type of map it was. I was seriously confused, digging through gear and the passives and trying to figure out how you pulled that off, and why. LOL

I am starting to make sense of it, especially the more I play through it. I did swap from flame dash to Lightning Warp and like it quite a bit.

Thanks for the great guide and great build!
2 things:

the description you gave for HC viable, do you just mean as long as your know the game you will be fine with this build?

also, Which class do you recommend out of the ones you have listed.
IGN: hyrenfreak

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