Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Great guide! Character has been very fun to play and has been the most productive I've ever been in trying to complete content / challenges. I just spent the majority of the currency I've saved and will be trying to beat Shaper for the first time (on any character). Wish me luck!
Note: Decided to get that node that applies minion damage to you as I was having trouble a good helmet with an additional arc with other stats that I liked. Item showcase: |
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This is a very enjoyable build and I am having a lot of fun. Can you give me some feedback on my char on what I should focus on?
www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Sassy___Pants/characters Thank you for the build! |
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Fair enough if it works, however adding different trees to this build did confuse too many people in the past so i'd like to avoid that.
I find darkness farming is mostly about life regeneration and keeping your darkness resistance & crawler light radius up. What you could do is get a belt with max flask duration roll to maximize the Sulphur duration or farm the "2% of life regenerated when.." boot enchant and "..of light" glove enchant. Could also try to push more life regen% into gear, tho that may get expensive. And quality all your flasks and roll the Sulphur for Experimenter's.
It can greatly boost your single target damage, and it makes it safer to pop huge packs with allies can't die aura somewhere in them.
I see what you mean by variation, an sorry to say but that's also why your char is stuck now. The tree is very inefficient and the gear just doesn't synergize well, a full set of uniques is usually not a good idea to begin with. Cast Speed is one of the most important stats for Arc, and you're just heavily lacking that. Switching over to this builds setup would already improve your damage by a lot, and also your survivability which in return allows you to actually deal the damage without having to move that often.
Your char tab is private currently, so can't check. Empower is only worth it with a +1 to socketed gems Inpulsa and Lv21 Arc/Lv4 Empower combo, before that the regular support gems are better.
As Kirian42 wrote, definitely worth to grab a temporary 5L Inpulsa. The currency is also not wasted, can always sell it again once you got your 6L.
A non metamodded one with better rolls and lightning/elemental damage instead of spell damage would be better, I just crafted mine in Standard like this because there was nothing good available and I got the base drop from Uber Elder. Mana would be the best craft on yours. Best upgrade for you right now would be getting the Alchemist nodes, they are extremely powerful. Gearwise there's not much really outside the enchants you already figured.
Only for shock and chill, freeze still has its regular treshold.
As muramiri wrote, the "while holding a Shield" is in brackets to signify that either of those stats work.
That's very weird about Cerberus Limb, have you sent in a bug report?
Uber Lab should already work, check what buffs Izaro has to know how careful you need to be. Replace your Diamond Flask with an Atziri's Promise and try to roll the Basalt and Sulphur properly, shouldn't take more than 100-200 alts at most. Gearwise i'd recommend a belt with life on it, an Inpulsa and maybe a better sceptre, then eventually a Watcher's Eye for mana leech.
Mana Leech Watcher's Eye and an amulet with life are the biggest upgrades I can see there. Empower would be a downgrade until you reach a Lv26 Arc with it.
As Mispleled wrote, it's the Purple Arc MTX and it's just a cosmetic effect, doesn't affect damage.
I think Nhmrath already answered most of your questions, so i'll just cover the rest.
Your current weapon seems fine, obviously has upgrade potential but a Watcher's Eye definitely has priority over this. Ahn's is a great shield, i'd definitely recommend the switch. The extra maximum resistances will make you noticeably tankier, especially in Delves where things can go crazy sometimes, and the Onslaught will help with single target. Cast Speed is useful until you reach 5 casts per second with Arcane Surge up, this also includes the Onslaught from Ahn's. After that it's best to stack as much lightning / elemental damage% as possible, spell damage only if there's no better damage prefix, such as on amulets. All three stats give the same damage increase, however only the first two boost Inpulsa explosion damage so they should have priority. Penetration is good to counter Resistance / Elemental Equilibrium mapmods, but you should only invest into it if you don't have to sacrifice the other stats for this. Elemental / Lightning Penetration is once again the same for us, so whatever gives the higher value is better. I know it's annoying and takes some time to do, but i'd recommend you to rebuild your whole character in Path of Building so that you can easily compare between different potential upgrades. The rare item presets are missing most bases, but you can find them all when clicking on "Craft Item".
Alted until I hit the penetration suffix as single mod, then regaled and got lucky with annuling off the regaled mod. In Delve i'd recommend using Fossils tho, undelorth has posted a good Fossil combination that i'll add to the main post soon.
Also good luck with Shaper! :)
First of all, thanks for the Fossil combination, will add it to the gear section if you don't mind!
The DPS difference shouldn'T be this big, did you activate "Enemy is chilled" in PoB? Honestly can't see much to improve, amulet has the biggest potential but then again you'd probably have to drop those Kaom's Roots for that. One thing i've noticed is that your Basalt is missing quality.
Empower, only relevant with a +1 to level of socketed gems Inpulsa tho.
You could try Efficacy or Faster Casting.
Honestly don't really know how impactful the glove enchants really are. 16% Spell Damage is not that much, but then again it also may take some runs until you get the right enchant so i'd probably just keep the regular implicit.
Yeah those gloves are great, but might take some Vorici to get the right colors. I'd recommend to use a 20/20 Faster Attacks despite the Lv20 Faster Attacks it grants, just for the extra attack speed from quality.
Make sure you keep EO up. Your flask setup is also suboptimal and you're missing the Alchemist cluster, this will greatly increase single target damage. Could also farm one of the single target boot enchants, but that may take some runs-
Catalyst is good enough, for mroe single target you could use a Stygian Vise for another jewel + flask duration on belt, and boots with a single target implicit. Some of your flasks are also missing quality and haven't# checked if your lightning res is highest for Wise Oak to give penetration, so that too if it's not the case yet.
Gear looks overall solid, i'd just recommend a mana leech Watcher's Eye over your current one so you can replace the mana flask with a Wise Oak. And after that, maybe a new sceptre and shaped or enchanted helmet.
You can replace Mind of the Council with a rare helmet, either enchanted or shaped and then replace your amulet with a more DPS-oriented one. I'd also recommend Wise Oak over Vinktar and get the Alchemist nodes, gives you more damage and sustain during bossfights. Rest of the gear looks fine, maybe get a Lv21 Vaal Arc if you can afford but that's about it.
@everyone: Thanks, glad the build is still very liked and helpful to the community! Sorry for my lack of activity recently, i'm just kinda burnt out and not feeling very well, but i'll try to get on and reply from time to time. twitch.tv/enkivt
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excuseme, What's your amour pack?
huytranpoe#1148 님이 2018. 9. 28. 오전 6:00:18에 마지막으로 편집
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" Journeyman, it's from an old supporter pack and not available anymore. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Thanks for this nice build!
Upgraded most of the suggested items, but upgrades get expensive now. Anyone have some tips what to upgrade next? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/kuchen85/characters Char: Cayaliona I am at 4.4k HP and unbuffed (only golems) sheet damage 23k. kuchen85#0913 님이 2018. 9. 26. 오전 5:55:16에 마지막으로 편집
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TY for answring my message .
What is the best way ot keep EO up? ill work on getting alchemist node but tbh actually my wise oak too is kinda fuked up since i got my fire res at 130 ish , need to work on getting lightning n°1 . did some upgrade on gear , well i mean i try ^^ scpeter is okish i guess , ill work on upgrades ! just need to know what is the best way to keep EO up i dont think im proccing it so often... |
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My apologies Enki, I had that on by default for some reason. But your answer makes sense. I'm working on upgrading my gloves/belt for now and getting a better enchant for my shoes.
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" EO Should trigger enough. Having controlled destruction makes it so we don't have much crit chance, but we compensate that with a lot of cast speed. So the more you attack the more you'll proc EO. So for example while delving, you'll probably have EO up all the time, while mapping you have to go fast between mob stacks so you don't have time for EO to be up for 8 secs w/o attacking again. " Skullhead is more of a leveling/budget helm. You can search for a Shaped helm with Adds x to x Lightning damage to spells, life, resistances, and optionally Mana regen. Also you can look up a Stigyan Vise belt, with proper resistances, life, and X% increased lightning damage and a good abyss jewel with shock, life and hinder/lightning damage Ury401#7780 님이 2018. 9. 26. 오전 9:15:28에 마지막으로 편집
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I'm enjoying the build so far, but I'm stuck in upgrade path #4. I don't know what to upgrade first with my 7ex. I feel like if I buy something, it will not give me the needed help I need.
I have 6L Inpulsa, and the watcher's eye that I need. I still can't do Uber Elder (almost though lol), and can't even stand in front of shaper. If anyone would want to help a dumb player like me :) You can link poe.trade items for me if you can, (srry) dnates2014#0033 님이 2018. 9. 26. 오전 10:56:36에 마지막으로 편집
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