Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Hello, I appreciate your time and effort to make this guide and it's great, at the moment I have a lvl 67 with the gear you recommended (my profile is public) but all my resistance are just bad, can't cap them and I tried everything already, have no trouble with the dps though.

Also I'm having troubles with Immortal Call and CwTD... I have CwTD at level 1 and Immortal Call at level 3 like you stated but Immortal Call doesn't trigger/can't use the skill on my keybindings (I have them linked) - also tried another Immortal Call gem at level 4 and that one actually triggers

P.S: I'm new to the game (1st week) and I'm having a lot of fun with this build, but it's a bit sad that I get killed mid-tier maps when I spent my currency to build this character so on a tight budget at the moment...

/Edit: I was watching your Uber Elder video and you don't actually use Immortal Call, so you just let it trigger? If that's the case then sorry lol, I'm stupid, forget what I typed about Immortal Call and CwTD.
Zynkh#0808 님이 2018. 9. 29. 오전 11:40:28에 마지막으로 편집
Slappy_Cheese 님이 작성:

You could throw some divine orbs on your Inpulsa's. When buying inpulsa's I try to aim for 8%+ explosion and 40%+ increased dmg if shocked recently. Your rolls are on the lowish end a lot of the time 6L's with these mods rolls are very expensive so well worth the gamble with a few divine orbs imo

I've done some upgrades. Now it looks like this.

Slappy_Cheese 님이 작성:

You can buy a helmet with a lab enchant on it. Arc is in vogue at the moment so may be on the expensive side.

I'll try to do it self.

Slappy_Cheese 님이 작성:

I'd maybe drop the sulphur flask for a silver flask (unless you have some other waty to get onslaught). The cast speed you get from onslaught should be more damage then what sulphur flask gives you.

I forgot to show my jews, but I've got allready onslaught because im using 2 fragility jews.

About enchance to mana per kill - I have mostly problems while fighting with bosses with no regen maps, or when i had to place orb of storm around to leech some. Also delving is a problem with this. But ill have it on my mind.
ridox112#1893 님이 2018. 9. 29. 오전 11:49:00에 마지막으로 편집
Is this guide still up to date?
Jokke1989 님이 작성:
Is this guide still up to date?

Yes, I'm using it and it's great just got an issue with capping my res% but besides that it's really good.
Jokke1989 님이 작성:
Is this guide still up to date?

VERY up-to-date. Enki, the OP, even pops in every few days or so and replies to everyone's questions!

You can't really get better thread-stewardship than that. :)
Hi i got 130 shock effectiveness and 50 elemental penetration without flask and 5.20 cast speed is that enough?
patrickshu#3095 님이 2018. 9. 29. 오후 11:48:46에 마지막으로 편집
why people got -1 endurance charge jewels in three with this build ?
deqee 님이 작성:
why people got -1 endurance charge jewels in three with this build ?

When you use those with Ahn's Heritage shield for 0 endurance charges you get permanent Onslaught

Good build and details etc, BUT

why not snuck in the pastebin so we who have playd the game and know most of the build already can just copy and paste it in to check end-game gear and link combos. All other info is kind of meh "atleast for me" so please, you / someone eals put in the pastebin ^^, when you open the passive tree links it even says there tree is not up to date for some reason.

But still, nice guide and information for new people.
KGF 님이 작성:

Good build and details etc, BUT

why not snuck in the pastebin so we who have playd the game and know most of the build already can just copy and paste it in to check end-game gear and link combos. All other info is kind of meh "atleast for me" so please, you / someone eals put in the pastebin ^^, when you open the passive tree links it even says there tree is not up to date for some reason.

But still, nice guide and information for new people.

before asking about this why don't all the info or better yet do ctrl+f and search. almost all builds these days have a paste bin. It is clear that you didn't bother to read enough to see it....

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