Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
" To spawn elder you need to clear shaper-influenced maps around elder-influenced area. That way the elder area will grow and when it grows big enough he and his guardians will spawn on elder-affected maps. Your gear is pretty good, for real DPS you should check path of building, because tooltip numbers doesn't mean anything. The only way to gauge your damage in game is to see how fast you're killing things. |
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" I have 0 issues with my flasks. 2 of them have no quality, ill do that, but that's far from game changing. I know Eternal one is better and Rumi's flask imo is fairly powerful with 3000 armour and block it gives. I would take it any day over Sulpfur one, cause when you are moving that consecrated ground is useless and +300regen that it gives won't save you when in clench. Damage is also minuscule. 50% physical resistance is why im not getting oneshoted like pure evasion chars even with 6k life. I had problem with dps output without flasks and I bypassed that with my mod. If I haven't done that char would be unusable or quite crap vs high tier bosses, or I had to invest 40ex which i won't have anytime soon in this league. 40ex invest over switching ascendancy points for the same dmg? Ill take it any day. I don't mind not doing Uber Atziri, it's not worth anyway. Didn't mean to corrupt your guide and i surely won't make my own. Your guide is very well done, especially the leveling part of it. One the otherside build is quite tedious to put together to do the all content with it. TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2018. 10. 9. 오전 7:49:42에 마지막으로 편집
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Also, as you can see most of the confusion comes from players that complain about not having enough damage, and i'm one of them.
It's because the build is NOT beginner friendly. It's very complex with every bit of it influencing the final result. I stepped into making this char from the title (begginer & all content) and when i got deeper into build cause i saw im nowhere near all content with my dps, then i realized how much i need to invest to achieve your stats from UE PoB. You said that you did UE first week of the league, congrats but you are probably top 1% of players by skill and knowledge in this game. I surely can't do UE with ~200k dps in PoB. Same for the majority of the player pool. For the shear map and Delve gameplay, char IS pleasure to play. Probably my fastest leveling char so far. Don't get me wrong. I'm not here to sabotage or annoy you. I'm giving you the input of a above average PoE (but still fall into majority) player with intent to make this guide even better. Cheers |
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Vaal all Crimson Jewels, or if you're short on vaals just save the jewels up until you farm Shaped Vaal Pyramid. You can also roll Jeweller's Strongboxes for additional items and then vaal that box in hopes that it decides to drop some Crimson Jewels.
I'd recommend to stick with your current setup. There's a couple changes you should do in the passive tree, first one is remove that random 8% mana/10% mana regen node above Arcane Will and put that point into Deep Thoughts. You also don't need Nimbleness, you'll still be above 5 casts/s without so it doesn't actually give you any real damage. Put those points into the Celestial Wheel, and then finish the Alchemist nodes to buff your flasks for more survivability/damage and to prolong their duration.
You have a nice setup, only two small details i've noticed: You currently don't seem to have Cold Damage to Spells anywhere so your Hypothermia isn't working at full effectiveness. The other thing is your Lightning Res isn't the highest overcapped resistance, so you don't gain the Penetration from Wise Oak. You can possibly fix that with a different pair of boots and helmet, could use that opportunity to get a shaped or enchanted helmet, whatever is in budget. And then try to farm a boot enchant in merc lab.
You could possibly also spec out of Nimbleness and put those points into Alchemist, and then focus on the missing life nodes. You'd still stay slightly below 5 casts/s with Arcane Surge up, could even fix that with replacing the Behemoth Spire jewel with a similar one with cast speed. In addition to what alex_disp wrote about Elder Spawn, it needs to be 20 maps inside Elder Influence for him and his guardians to spawn.
You seem to misunderstand how Armour works. You don't actually get 50% physical damage reduction, Armour can only prevent up to 10% of your total Armour value from a physical damage hit, and no reduction at physical DoT's (like the ones in Elder/Uber Elder fight) at all. 6% life regen/s is indeed better to sustain whats happening in many high tier fights, and 50% damage is 5% additional monster life per explosion with a 10% Inpulsa, which multiplied by the amount of mobs usually in a pack can already make the different between killing that rare mob or beyond boss with 1 skill use, or not. Plus the duration is much higher if properly rolled, you have a third use compared to Rumi's two uses and you get another extremely important flask suffix.
The PoB linked underneath my videos IS NOT an Uber Elder PoB, and nowhere does it state that. It's simply the gear i've used for the videos and the text clearly states that it's a very highend setup, but still attainable in a temp league. It also doesn't matter through which gearing choices it's reached, i'm at 90% of its DPS in Delve without a +1 Inpulsa or damage-oriented Watcher's Eye, and with only roughly 20-25ex invested into the char. That may sound much now, but really isn't 1.5 months into a league and is also far beyond what is needed. 450k DPS is enough for all content except 300+ depth Delve bosses. Matter of fact is, most people who had damage issues did something wrong. Whether it's ignoring flasks completely, not keeping EO/Arcane Surge up, using a wrong gem setup or what not, even had people using a completely different build. Often this was caused by just jumping to the PoB without reading the guide. But there was always a reason, and the reason was never "lack of highend investments that I haven't even done myself". And the amount of people who had no issues at all far outweighed those that did, you just can't see most of that right here in the comments because obviously mostly the ones having an issue will post. It's understandable that Uber Atziri may not be worth it in a SC Trade League at this point, but now think beyond yourself and imagine a new player wanting to experience all content for once or doing all challenges on their own and not being able to just cuz' the build can't do the fight, when infact it easily could with just a small change. Or doing their first Racecourse map. Or SSF players. Or people playing in permanent leagues. Your version is simply too restricting and directly goes against what this build is made for. twitch.tv/enkivt
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I know how reduction from armour works and hows its different from general phys reduction.
I'm talking about one thing and you about another. We don't understand each other and i'll just let it be as it is. TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2018. 10. 9. 오전 10:00:21에 마지막으로 편집
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I just want to say that the way this build is playing right now for me, I have no worries on whether or not I can take it all the way and experience all the game's content with it.
It's a strong build, easy to get started and it is high on the power-curve as it develops. It's not one of those builds that only becomes viable when fully complete with all min/maxxed gear. A few bits is all you need to start pushing. For League play in this League, the gear is readily available for me (XBox. yeah, I know..) That's unusual, but welcomed. Min/maxxing this build and tweaking it, given there are so many things that one can manipulate and get real feedback from, can be difficult once one gets to the end stages and starts working with the really rare and expensive stuff. But, even if you can't get everything perfect, it's a darn powerful build. A lot of problems reported seem to be either passed-over critical components or deviations from the build and/or general progression concerns. As Enki pointed out, poster's generally post requesting help, not singing praises. (Though many still do.) I'm still working through maps and Delving, so no meaningful hallmarks yet aside from a bunch of regular Elders and no deaths due to a lack of anything in this build. (Player error, lag, wtfxbox crap) I think I've died three times in the entire play experience of this build, maybe four. Wait - Five. Some BS Kitava lag. I have noticed something, though - Scripted bossfights will carry out their phases even though the darn things died five minutes ago from massive Lightning damage and just don't know it, yet. :) Watching regular Elder spasm through his phases with what should be zero hitpoints is pretty funny. All I lack right now, aside from a Wise Oak setup, which I'll work on, is an Elder Essence Worm. But, I'll need to upgrade the other bits as I'm using a nice corrupted ring full of resists to offset deficiencies, there. My advice as someone who really likes this build - Stick with the plan, first. If you're having issues, make sure you have all the necessary components of this build checked off and working as intended. (Lightning/Elemental damage, cast speed, lightning penetration, Abyssal jewel affixes, regular Jewel affixes, enchants, Shaped gear, a correct passives tree, the advised Pantheon, either Doryani's or better, proper flasks and affixes, etc... Lots of stuff to tweak) |
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For very long time this I used this sceptre below. It has higher tooltip dps.
After reading this guide again I decided to upgrade my weapon and get more lightning penetration and I bought this: It has fewer casts per second and my damage lowered by 1k. But It rises my lightning pen from 48% to 63%. The thing is, I don't feel the change. It costed me 2ex. Was it worth it? Will it perform better on maps with ele resist and against bosses? Second question is - 20lvl/20q vaal arc or 21lvl/20q arc? |
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Incognito147, you should start craft things with fossils, I made my scepter with cheap fossils and it's pretty decent at this stage for me
btw. Thank you Enki for your reply, I have filled all mentioned gaps GrommetPOE#5309 님이 2018. 10. 9. 오후 12:31:18에 마지막으로 편집
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Finally killed Uber Elder but died 100-150 times:D.Thank you for this awesome build<3
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Hey guys, just wondering: Which is the better clarity mod on Watcher's Eye: The % damage taken as mana before life mod, or the % damage taken gain as mana over 4 seconds mod? My gut instinct says the first one, but then again the second one sounds pretty nice, too, especially if you're taken smaller chunks of damage quickly.
Thanks for all your help! |
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