Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
in your video of uber elder kill you dont show your tooltip dps for arc, i-ve wasted like 10 sets and still keep getting one shooted, you should give mroe info about how to do uber elder cause seems impossible with this build
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Hey Morkonan, not sure if you're still in the thread, but thought I'd respond to some of this and hopefully get insight on some followup questions.
" What is it in particular about Elder helm/gloves/boots that makes them special? The extra supports don't seem to be great for most of what we are using. Are we just looking for the increased cast speed etc.? " So basically: aim for no resists on belt/amulet/ring? OK, interesting. I think we can probably get to all 101 between those three... with a lot of cash or luck maybe. Or go ahead and use a ring for high resists as well for the nonce, and just none on amulet? " I actually have 20% duration on there, top T1 mod. It's why I kept that drop in particular. It probably will need replacing though. " Gonna admit, the whole Delve thing just hasn't been great for me. Going for fossils and other side stuff has killed me so many times it's just not fun; I'll delve just for the nodes though. And "hoping" for a good craft with Delve is just... eh? " Yeah, other than using Lightning Warp instead of Flame Dash it's pretty much exactly Enki's. " Sounds good. What does having the Darkshrines do? While I've passed uber lab, it was dicey (though I've upgraded a bit since then). Does having better Izaro drops/etc change what you get for enchants, or are enchants just literally completely random? Also, it seems odd to get enchants on gear, then worry about getting them *again* on upgraded gear, which is why I've been waiting on getting lab enchants. Thanks for any further thoughts! |
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" Empower? Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
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Hey Enki, I just wanted to say that I followed your build guide step by step, and I have to admit I was skeptical at first. I haven't played a build that was more fun than this one. It wasn't only fun but a learning experience for myself and getting to better understand how skills work with each other.
With that being said it is a wonderful build and I was wrong to be skeptical of it but rest at ease knowing this was only because my previous builds I was barely able to pass tier 10 maps, hit level 85, do better than Cruel Lab and needed to be carried through Merciless and Uber Lab. With your build I was able to get to level 90 (so far) get to Merciless Lab and Uber Lab and complete them on my first solo attempts. From level 1-90 I only have died 30 times, roughly 60-65% of those were me trying to survive darkness in Delve a little too long, the others were mostly because of my rusty dodging skills and not a fault of the build. If you do any other builds I would love to see them and try them out. If this build isn't killed off in the next league I will be doing it again and may even continue my current character in standard when Delve ends. I thank you for all the hard work that you not only put into the build but also the guide, from starting in act 1 to endgame. The guide was what gave me a lot of hope that this would be the build that got me further than I ever was before and I got you to thank for that. I hope your build and the guide can continue to help inexperienced players such as myself move to new heights and learn more about the game as I did. Jessii_XD#6724 님이 2018. 10. 23. 오후 12:40:16에 마지막으로 편집
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" "impossible with this build" - that's just not true. Uber elder fight is all about knowing mechanics and movement. I did more than 50 uber elder kills already with this build, half of the time deathless My video of uber elder recorded 10 days ago. I have a better gear now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvk5Pc5WdOg Yes, you can't facetank uber elder with this build, you have to dodge pretty much everything to stay alive. But your DPS is on the low side. You should add at least 1 cold damage source to your build to make hypothermia better, you have 0 right now. You got so many jewels with elemental resistances, it's really bad too. You are losing a lot of damage because of it and can't use ahn's shield for permanent onslaught too - cast rate is lower than it should be for comfortable uber elder fight, it's hard to react to threats properly with low cast speed. You can try to respec some +5% hp talents and get Nimbleness for more cast speed and DPS, should feel better. And yes, tooltip damage doesn't mean anything in this game. Download Path of building, it's the most powerfull tool you can get to make your character stronger. And don't give up on your uber elder fight, as long as you are learning from your attempts - fragments are not wasted :) Watch the guide, it helps a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d29NT6uxc0g&t= " wait Replacing lvl21 added lightning damage to lvl4 empower gives you 30k "boss" DPS (enemy shocked recently, enemy chilled, enemy is shaper/guardian") it's +107k from added lightning damage vs +137k lvl4 empower You are doing something wrong in PoB blg_RealiZe#1295 님이 2018. 10. 22. 오후 6:50:02에 마지막으로 편집
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" I should have just said "Shaped." Read Enki's Gear Guide. If you're following the progression, you're basically going to move to Shaped gear in those slots. It's better to start looking at that as soon as you can. Later, you'll end up with ring slots with little in the way of resists, Shaper ring and Elder Shaped Essence Worm for end-game. So, what's left for you to "Customize" for your build in those slots? The shaped affixes, Lab enchants, etc, and that's it. Keep your eyes open for good shaped gear for those slots if you're sticking with the standard build. If you don't see any, look for high ilevel gear and you may as well start throwing some Delve Fossils at them to see if you can get something that's useable, later. " The belt is fine with some resist on it, of course. If you're using an Abyss belt, you might even get lucky and get a twofer on an Abyss Gem. but, you'll want the Duration and that Abyss gem might, depending on your stats, be better with dmg affixes or life or Hinder or +Cold Damage on it, so you'll be looking/rolling for those first. Incidental resists are great, though, when you can get them. But, you can't always get them. :) Eventually, if you're strictly following the guide, you'll end up with a Shaper Ring, Elder Essence Worm, and likely an Amulet with lots of damage affixes, if you're lucky. So, for "Planning" purposes, don't count on having a ring or amulet slot you can load up with a piece of pure resist gear. You "could" do that with an Amulet, but that's a secondary choice, since Amulets can have a lot of juicy damage affixes on them. ie: It's just part of planning ahead for the "Endgame Build" version of the Build, if you can manage to get that far and go with the Shaper Ring and Elder Essence Worm combo. Neither of those rings have +resists on them, so you'll have to pick that up somewhere and your "flexible" choices are Helm, Gloves, Boots, Belt and Amulet, provided you've got some really great Jewels or affixes on other items making up for the lack of dedicating that Amulet slot to primarily +dmg. " You shouldn't be dying to anything in Delve pre-200. Your Darkness Resist should be 75% and your Light Radius should be %150 all the way past that, I think. I'm only around that level myself, atm, but haven't even blinked an eye at anything in Delve so far. It all just 'splodes. Vall areas are fine, too. The one Delve Boss I've encountered so far was a wuss. I play on XBox, btw. AFAIK, it's the exact same game. (NOT at all like Diablo vs Console versions.) When I'm in a Delve, I use the Map Overlay function almost exclusively and hardly ever even "look" at the underlying screen. I press the "Everything Assploads" button, press the "Flasks Make Me Mighty" button every once in awhile, just for an extra punch through on rares blocking the way, and then keep the little "You are here" marker on the overlay map in-between the walls until I get to the Node. I'll dump the Overlay, spam the "Everything Assploads" button until everything has assploaded... and collect loot. When adventuring into the deep dark depths, I have 12 Flares (Should probably get some more) and max Dynamite. I have a "feel" for the map generator now, so it's pretty easy. I run face-first into the dark, pop Orb of Storms, and then use the "Happy Grenade Wants To Meet You" method of "Grenade Reconnaissance" with my Flare...and I press the "Everything Assploads" button and everything dutifully assploads. :) If needed, I'll dump a Decoy Totem, but that's just to lure the mobs out if they're hiding in the shadows behind stalagmites, which ends up making them invulnerable and they might need to be pulled out a bit.) " Read up on Darkshrine effects in the Wiki. The only reason I mentioned it because finding a "Twice Enchanted" (or whatever they call that Darkshrine) is well worth the work, since it will give you two uses of the Enchantment device, which is better than having to buy a "Twice Enchanted" prophesy or having to constantly dump/fill prophesy slots, hoping to get lucky. I "dislike" running Labs, but with this build it's a non-issue as long as Izaro isn't dumping huge amounts of Physical Damage on you. Flame Dash makes all Lab traps trivial as long as you have Bleed effects taken care of on a Flask and maybe run the Stone Golem for HP. IOW - When I run Uber, I don't care about any loot, keys, or Darkshrines other than the one that gives me two uses of the font. MAYBE the one that disables the Traps at the end encounter or something, but that's just a bonus if I get it. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Mysterious_Darkshrine https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Twice_Enchanted " Eh, it's part of the game, I guess. It's usually an issue that crops up at some time if you can't afford the best gear as soon as you become level-eligible to wear it. XBox's Marketplace sucks.. There is literally brass-plated crap for sale at ridicustoopid prices. And, the prices don't matter to me, either, since, thanks to Delve coupled with this build, I've got more currency to spend than ever before. There are no rares worth buying and I'm still running with Shaped gloves, with cast/attack speed, but with a crappy ilevel and junk-tier affixes 'cause there isn't anything else out there better than they are. (They are pretty decent for their Tier, though.) All my resists are capped thanks to a nice corrupted two-stone ring I made with wtfawesome resists all over it... And, I'll have to drop that if I want to go with the Shaper/Elder Worm combo. But, I can't do that until I upgrade the gloves and maybe do some crafting. (I throw fossils and essences at some good ilevel items every once-in-awhile, though, just to try. Master's should be 8 by now, but though I have a good amount of currency for me, I can't afford some of the better mastercrafting strategies/blocking yet.) So... That's one reason why I was suggesting you to start looking towards upgrades. It's easier on PC to actually find them if they exist than it is on XBox, thanks to the purposefully weak searched functions. (XBox has an online marketplace, but with no ability to selectively search it well nor can you cull any results of searches. I searched through 300 pages of pure crap for a decent pair of gloves a couple of nights ago... only to find nothing. 300. Pages. Crap. :) :/ PC wants a "Marketplace." OK. Just... don't hope for what XBox has 'cause it would cause PoE fans to riot. The Console Marketplace is a torture device. It's purposefully, according to GGG, designed to NOT be an efficient way to look for gear. Purposefully. They didn't want the game to be made easier on the console edition because of the included online automated trading that the base PC game does not have and that they don't want to have to rebalance for in the end-game. Sorry for the mini-rant. :) TLDR - Just plan ahead, always. Stay out of Izaro's way in Uber. "Don't stand in the fire" (ie: Keep moving, watch your feet, like Vagan always says, keep your cast speed stats as high as you can so you still get good dps when repositioning so much). Flame Dash is worth it in Uberlab, IMO, over anything else. (You do not "touch" ground effects when Flame Dashing and the dash is instant.) Equip a Flame Dash instead of Lightning Warp just for Uber if you have to. PS - I've only been playing since Abyss league. IIRC, PoE came to XBox in the last quarter of 2017. I've played a bunch of builds, made dumb decisions on them when I first started, and have slowly ramped up my "Build Selection" game before a League starts. By far, this is the most powerful build and easiest to get that way that I have played. The only one that comes sufficiently close was a Phys Damage Totem Warchief build or a Molten Strike build I played, and BOTH of those hit a "Hard Wall" in mid and late tier maps as gear tweaking becomes more necessary. The lower level Red maps I've been playing are a non-issue in terms of survivability except for one I had trouble with, likely due to XBox lag - "The Core", Elder shaped, with so much going on during the last fight that I literally couldn't do much of anything. Note: With multiple eligible targets, XBox has a "preferred target" scheme, since I can't target anything manually with a mouse. That means I was blasting crap lnike zombies and terrain effects instead of the boss, half the time in that fight. I haven't died in a Map Boss fight except for that and one weird lag-fight in another map. ie: Not my fault. I died once on a mid-tier Elder due to one stupid thing I can't remember. Best. Buld. Evar. :) PPS - Everything Enki says is "Right." Any advice I give or suggestions I may make are dubious, at best. I'm just continually enthusiastic about this awesome "Gift" of build that Enki has managed to create and maintain for Four Years... and, hopefully, for Four Years more! I could see myself just amassing a huge stable of Enki Arc Witches after multiple leagues... I'll have my own coven! :D Morkonan#5844 님이 2018. 10. 22. 오후 11:30:25에 마지막으로 편집
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"Quick" question concerning the build:
Is there any specific sceptre out there or for what stats should I look around to make boss fights faster/easier? Lightning penetration maybe? If yes, how much elemental damage must the new sceptre have to result in more damage than the current set up? Here is the link of my arc witch. The gambler ring normally is replaced by a damage support ring. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Becks0816/characters?characterName=IronDuckJr Just found out how to generate a code using POB: https://pastebin.com/Nd7z0YmP Becks0816#5458 님이 2018. 10. 23. 오전 10:21:52에 마지막으로 편집
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HEY Enki ty for this build its one of the best i have ever played.
Can someone tell me whats the next step for min-max my build pls. here my pob https://pastebin.com/4UtSk6CR Valele#7552 님이 2018. 10. 23. 오전 10:16:46에 마지막으로 편집
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"secret_service86 Your gear is overall pretty decent, what you should go for next is fixing the flask setup and getting the Alchemist nodes. To get your lightning resistance highest for Wise Oak, you could put that as mastercraft on your gloves. After that's done, just follow the Upgrade Order Guide from Step 3 onwards. The Lightning Damage nodes are indeed a little stronger, i've just let them out since we're already very tight on passives. I'm planning some changes for next patch, so maybe they will find their way in" Thanks very much for answering the above! One question I have now however after analyzing the tree more, when looking at your characters, on both your current delve league witch Goodbyetoeverything and your standard league witch Whaitiri which seems to be the most min/maxed/expensive one of your witches(?) you have gone for the Spiritual Aid/Righteous army passives above the Celestial Judgement/Celestial Punishment on the left side of the tree, so that increases and reductions to minion damage also affects you, is this the ultimate end-game option with super gear or some other reason you have gone here? this is not mentioned or shown at all in your guide on the passives section, why ? really wondering why and if we should also take this ? It seems that if going here we have to skip taking Elemental Focus/Coldhearted Calculation on the right side of the tree, basically, (unless we also skip something else like flask nodes and/or regen from Sanctity etc like you did on your standard league witch I guess?) Any point for me or the rest of us copying this and also going for the minion nodes and making them affect us,or no point and instead should go with the Elemental Focus/Coldhearted calculation on right side of tree, with my cheap gear and so on? (looking at your SSF league arc witch Anpanman you have not gone for these nodes, for example) (so if I want to go for the super duper high endgame gear/setup I should be more or less copy your Whaitiri character or?) Thanks again for best guide out there, and looking forward to upgrading and minmaxing this witch to take her deeper into the atlas! PS! if you have the time and energy I would really like to know what is better corruptions for our gems, level 21 or 23 quality, does it differ depending on gems and why? I can guess this is not fast and easy to answer but in this specific builds case it would be very much appreciated with answer since im planning to go all the way and dump a lot of currency over time into the build and character, is it even better with a level 4 empower together with +1 inpulsa instead of hypothermia for example? ! thanks a lot again, cheers! secret_service86#3947 님이 2018. 10. 23. 오전 8:15:26에 마지막으로 편집
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Hey kind of a noob here, been following this guide for couple of days now and i was wonder as of why i'm not seeing any chaos resistance anywhere on the items you've linked. Do we need chaos resistance or is it replaced by the potion which we always need to have up?
I think im lost a bit, can you give me a hand on this and check if im doing anything wrong? |
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