Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Been playing this build in Warbands since the expansion, and I've got to say - it's SUPER fun. Even more so when you made the CoH changes. I have no problem doing 76-77 maps atm. The only concern I have so far is that I have to skip most bosses with a rating of 4 or more in the wiki (with some exceptions), because I'm too scared of dying (level 91 atm). I feel like my character is super squishy. Capped on resists (chaos is -40 though), I have a bit over 4k life, around 760 unreserved mana and around 165 mana/s. Are there any gear upgrades I can make aside from getting chaos res/more life?
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Just came back from vacation. Thanks to everyone who answered all the questions in this thread while i was absent!
@thyshaw: Your base crit is fine. Spells aren't affected by accuracy, so unlike attacks the crit chance shown in your char sheet is your actual chance to land a crit. Don't worry about getting catalysts, they work with many builds and are never wasted. If you get bored of this build, you can just use them for something like crit ele ground slam etc. @Grossmeister: I'm at 4.4k life with 700ish ES and 800 unreserved mana. Life rolls on my jewels would boost me to 4.6k+, but couldn't find any good jewels like that yet (or didn't really look for them). @Caelsora: I'd save for a 6L and/or a good rare ring similar to yours, but with 60+ life instead of ES. If you choose to go for a 6L, i'd recommend either a Kingsguard for the nice flat life+mana, or a Carnal Armour base with high life and possibly mana roll. @UhYuuki: Taste of Hate is definitely worth it, that flask is super strong and useful for about any build. @baiumbg: Thanks! Your gear is extremely good, can barely find any room for improvement. You could try to aim for a similar 6l chest with t1 life, however i'm not sure if that even exists on warbands market. Another thing you could do is look for some gg jewels with life and crit and spec out of one crit cluster to take the jewel slots. twitch.tv/enkivt Enki91#7725 님이 2015. 8. 15. 오전 8:42:46에 마지막으로 편집
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Welcome back!
Anyone ever play with innervate? I can't log in right now but when I can I'm gonna swap it in for poacher's mark. I don't know how it'll work with Three Dragons, which I'm stuck with for now, but it reads as thoigh it would be a permanent onslaught for anyone using CotB. I'd imagine it's way better than poachers if you have the mana to sustain the 20% cast speed. MalaikatMaut#0081 님이 2015. 8. 15. 오후 7:36:10에 마지막으로 편집
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If i have to run assassin's mark due to duo'ing with another critical based character (who runs blood rage) i'm gonna drop poacher's mark for assassins mark. Would this allow me to also drop PCoC from the arc chain and what else would be ideal to add to it? (Maybe a priority list of gems that affect arc best?) I'm thinking something like this: Spell Echo>Lightning Penetration>Empower(If 2+)>Faster Casting>Life Leech (Maybe switch these last 2?) I'm not sure how much leech is really necessary to survive later, so I'm rather iffy on the life leech gem when there's already the 2% warlords leech...and I'll have somebody else melee range, so the mobs won't be after me as much. I was considering dropping life leech gem entirely in lieu of damage, what would suggest for an arc setup (4l/5l) that doesn't involve life leech or PCoC? (If you think life leech would be droppable in my scenario) Thanks in advance! awesome guide :) |
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@MalaikatMaut: That could be interesting. I assume it'll be very tough to sustain the mana with MoM, then again the movespeed from onslaught can help dodging any damage even further.
@Bloodytrailz: You could try Empower and if you use CotB, Cold Penetration. If you stay back and watch out for reflect for your friend to kill it, you could get away without leech. Your bosskill speed will suffer without PCoC, but that should be ok while duo'ing. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Your gear looks fairly good. I don't see any bad pieces. I guess incremental improvements (more life and mana, if you can maintain your resistance cap) to your amulet and ring. Good luck and have fun. |
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" I do plan on getting a CotB And I'm probably going to carry a PCoC with me anyways in inventory, and if we hit bosses with no minions i'll just drop faster casting (or cold penetration if i go with that).. something minor will get swapped for PCoC as need be. ~~~***** After reading the FAQ i failed to read earlier, I might stick with PCoC after all... I'm gonna play without it, see how it goes, if my power charges are consistently slipping off, I'll just slot PCoC into place *****~~~~ Also, few more curiosities: ~~~**** FIRST ONE HAS BEEN ANSWERED BY OTHERS BELOW ****~~~~ Why do you favour wands so much in a crit build? (Seems like daggers support crit better?) **For now i'm going to use daggers because I have 2 good crit daggers i had from my previous character...just curious** or should i use 1 dagger+Shield? Why ice elemental over fire elemental? (The crit bonus of the ice elemental -maybe 1.5-2%- is so small compared to the damage output of the fire elemental, this was my experience with a lvl 80 shock nova shadow that had 63% crit chance) *As of right now, Ice golem is 4841dps and flame golem is 5058dps, +217dps without charges* *With 6 power charge, Ice golem is 6408dps and flame golem is 6694 dps, +286dps* The better stats get, the better flame golem scales...is there something I'm missing? I don't really like frost wall that much as a skill, what are some alternatives? -I'm thinking i might throw molten shell in its place (armor+absorbtion), any other valid alternatives? How about Hypothermia instead of cold penetration as a possible gem with CotB? (Possibly in place of life leech or PCoC, if i decide either is a droppable gem) Bloodytrailz#1975 님이 2015. 8. 17. 오전 2:41:42에 마지막으로 편집
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Wands get a cast speed mod and damage/speed inherent, but previous iterations of this guide have incorporated daggers.
MalaikatMaut#0081 님이 2015. 8. 16. 오후 2:42:58에 마지막으로 편집
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MalaikatMaut is correct. From the FAQ section of Enki's guide: " Glad to see you experimenting with the build, Bloodytrails. Let us know how it goes. |
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Aah, I must have missed the FAQ!!
Thanks for the replies! |
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