[3.2] Scionic Flametank "16k ES ed." (ES-CI-ZO-GR, SR-CWC-FS, extensive guide)
Sigh. This time I thought I was prepared. The fight started and I had a good single 12k Incinerate stream on him. Then my screen froze, heard lots of noises, saw that I was between two gears but couldn't move and SPLAT I'm dead. Just too many objects flying around the room...which also was part of the problem last time.
My poor old computer just can't cut it with that much stuff going on. I had no time to react to anything. So damn frustrating. I think I'm going to take a few days off, get outside a little and look into getting a new computer! Best of luck to the rest of you. ;) |
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Too bad, SasoriOtoko.
It must be darn frustrating to be defeated by your hardware rather than by the game. I breezed through cruel earlier today. It is rather ridiculous to run through cruel Labyrinth with a level 93 character, but I have slightly less ES regen than you and (as hoped and expected) didn't have any problems whatsoever with Izaro getting all the bonuses from the two first fights in the final fight, for what it is worth. It is clear that it is not Izaro's damage that's a problem when you are overgeared but the traps. That said, I'm sort of looking forwards to meeting him in a few weeks with a character that is a) level-appropriate, and b) NOT regeneration based. It'll be a whole different experience than this one where I can run straight through many of the traps so long as I don't maintain contact too long. Not that I recommend running through the traps. Most of the traps deal considerably more than 14.55% ES damage per second, and if you misjudge the timing it is curtains for you. But still, compared to how it must be for a non-regeneration life based character where I'd have to hammer life potions like there's no tommorrow and be extremely careful in general... I'm happy I get my learning done with a regeneration tank, is all. :D Pi2rEpsilon#4367 님이 2016. 3. 5. 오후 5:07:11에 마지막으로 편집
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If it makes you feel any better SasoriOtoko i wiped 3 times on the final stage before i realized there was the option to do it on normal and cruel difficulty lol. I breezed through normal/cruel then 1 shot merciless after having some experience. For the final step i had no problem face tanking him on merc, the only thing you need to watch for is the big green circle that pops around him, thats what ports you to the random traps in room. Ps im 87 with about 11k es and 2.5k regen..my dps is only 5k..fight took a few minutes :(
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Ascended, Berserker-Occultist using Enfeeble/Temporal Chains.
Current level 93 tree is this one. Current ES: 15.3k. Current damage: nominal 11.8k stage 0 when EO isn't triggerred, so maxes out at ~ 41.3k stage 3 when EO active. (This before considering resistances.) I'm still not quite sure how I want to run the EO generation. CWDT-ICS-Ice Spear-Tempest Shield feels okay most of the time, but then there are those streaks when nobody engages in melee and it would be preferable to have another high-crit spell in its place... And I keep coming back to the idea of using frost orb to have a guaranteed crit generator on command when such would be helpful, in the sad situations where nobody is hitting the Scion.... Decisions, decisions. |
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Dear OP,update pls skill tree leveling,links dont work:(
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" I know. The note at the start of the OP says so and provides a rough 30 pt and level 85 build. I'm hard at work updating the links in my source document and expect to have it done within an hour or two. |
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OP has now been updated with my current skilltree and the latest skilltrees for leveling purposes, using GGG's awkward builder rather the POESkillTree. Also, the section concerning gem-links has been updated based on the most recent experiments with Elemental Overload.
It appears to fuck up the calculation of Ascendancy points where Scion is concerned, so don't be surprised if some of them mention having -1 or -2 ascendancy points, and only having 123 skill points max despite Scion getting two extra, e.g. listing 118/123 in my current build. If there are any errors in these new links apart from GGG's viewer messing up point totals, please shout. Pi2rEpsilon#4367 님이 2016. 3. 6. 오전 9:15:51에 마지막으로 편집
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" I just specced my maruder into a incinerate build but im unsure if it turned out good , i ran incinerate+ controlled destruction+elemental focus+ iron will+faster casting + fire pen . I also specced into elemental overload, and tried out cwdt with those spells you tried, but the crit chance wasnt consistant so i tried out blasphemy + assasins mark which gave me almost 100% uptime with elemental overload. Doing this and turning on rf gave me almost 20k dps unbuffed, i still need to work more on this though, i also used blood dance boots, and used frenzy to gain 1 charge and then i could keep it up using incinerate, having the life regen per frenzy charge on boots made it possible for me to keep up rf aswell! |
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" Well my hardware has been a major problem since I started playing a year ago. I find it amazing that I got two characters to Lv 90, one to 92 and another to 94...especially considering most of my deaths happen when the screen freezes and I can't react normally. I'm more of a console gamer and only tried POE out on a whim about a year ago...never imagined I'd enjoy playing it so much. This is what I get for being a cheapskate, lol. New hardware should arrive in a few days to make a kick ass new gaming system so I'll definitely give the Labyrinth another go then. Oh, and congrats on your Ascension. :) |
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" To keep up Elemental Overload I'm currently running: CWDT(1) – Increased Critical Strikes(max) – Ice Spear (8) – Fireball (11) It seems to work well enough: * When I'm killing enemies so quickly they don't get to hit me regularly it seldom procs EO, but in these cases I don't need it in the first place. * When enemies do get to hit me more than occasionally, EO triggers quickly. So I don't get 100% uptime, but it is up most of the time when it matters, and that's good enough for me. I am obviously helped here by the Consuming Dagger granting 60% increased critical strike chance to improve on the already significant boost ICS provides. (Equivalent to T3/T4 mod on random fire wand). |
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