Block incin and stuff *Discontinued due to Incinerate nerfs*

I'm currently Lv 72, and the dps is really low. about 6k only. I'm running with a 5L now. Do I have to get a 6L to increase my dps , If I would like to try atziri eventually ?
SaoDiSeng#0149 님이 2015. 8. 16. 오후 10:29:53에 마지막으로 편집
SaoDiSeng 님이 작성:
I'm currently Lv 72, and the dps is really low. about 6k only. I'm running with a 5L now. Do I have to get a 6L to increase my dps , If I would like to try atziri eventually ?

I don't think you really need a 6l, the dps increases a lot with the gems lvl and also remember incinerate adds 100% MORE dmg for each stage
Blissey1 님이 작성:
I have a question about the second cwdt combo. Would that not be equally as effective as a cast when stunned gem, since blocking counts as a stun? you could put cast when stunned with tempest shield and temp chains

I just tested this, as it would be a HUGE advantage if it was true... Sadly, it is not. Blocking does not count as a stun, going into the block animation does. You only do the block animation if the damage would be enough to stun you and you block it. With all the other mitigation and the ton of HP this build has, stuns or block animations are pretty rare. Therefore you wind up casting more spells via CWDT then using CWS.

Perhaps mid game, when your HP and defenses are not so high, this would work better.
SaoDiSeng 님이 작성:
May I ask what's the use of the "- 4L: Cast when Damage Taken Level 1 - Ball Lightning Level 1 - Firestorm/Glacial Cascade Level 1 - GMP" ?

What for ?

yotmato 님이 작성:
AL SUSTAIN: We use the Life Leech gem combined with Ghost Reaver to solidify our ES pool, we are able to leech 20% of our maximum ES, which currently is 583 ES per second. We use the Life gained for each enemy hit by your Spells modifier from the Cybil's Paw to solidify our HP pool, combined with a high cast speed Incinerate and a Level 1 CWDT with GMP Ball lightning and Glacial Cascade or Firestorm (Firestorm clutters the screen too much, if you're playing with a party or have FPS trouble, use Glacial Cascade), the Cybil's Paw is passively recovering our HP, together with 5.4% Life regen from tree, we achieve insane HP sustain without any Life Leech.
Hey guys, i play wardbands. pretty much rolled this build as all my characters are normally glass cannons and i wanted to see if i could to atziri, maybe even work up to uber.

Im lvl 87 at the moment sitting at:

HP : 4,786
ES : 2.156
Armor : 7k with granite
DPS : 7.7k + LMP / 11k with slower proj (in 5L)
Block = 58/75 with TS

currently wondering if im ready for atziri yet? if so what should i know about the run/be careful of? :)

tree =
tweedacus 님이 작성:
Hey guys, i play wardbands. pretty much rolled this build as all my characters are normally glass cannons and i wanted to see if i could to atziri, maybe even work up to uber.

Im lvl 87 at the moment sitting at:

HP : 4,786
ES : 2.156
Armor : 7k with granite
DPS : 7.7k + LMP / 11k with slower proj (in 5L)
Block = 58/75 with TS

currently wondering if im ready for atziri yet? if so what should i know about the run/be careful of? :)

I'm not a great player, but I did it with worse stats and without a Rathpith or Rainbowstride. There will be a learning curve, so don't be disappointed if you die a few times, but stat-wise, you're definitely ready to go.

For tips, I found RaizQT's guide very helpful. Google these keywords:

"RaizQT's hardcore RF Incinerate Atziri guide"

(I'm not sure about posting rules on external links, but if you can't find it, PM me and I'll send you the link).

Also, I just used Faster Projectiles for the entire fight (all 3 sets of bosses) instead of LMP. I'm terribly slow at swapping gems and don't have a quality Incinerate. What's nice about Faster Projectiles is the increased distance, which allows me to attack Atziri even when I'm in the corner of the screen hiding from double flameblasts.
anteku#1148 님이 2015. 8. 17. 오전 9:34:05에 마지막으로 편집
Rathik2 님이 작성:
Alonfire 님이 작성:
Did u consider using Iron Will instead of faster casting in a 6L?
Iron Will got a huge buff, no more reduced cast Speed,Spelldmg Quality and most importantly no mana multilpier.
The build got already over 250 str.

I would like to re ask this. Topic is to big to look for its reply.

I'm using Iron Will mainly because I have a corrupted chestpiece with RRRGBB. My gems aren't quality and several of them are still level 19. My strength is about 300 and my tooltip dps is just over 14K. It'd jump a lot once I get 20/20 gems and a Rathpith.

I can't tell you if Faster Casting is better, but I can confirm that Iron Will does work very well.

anteku#1148 님이 2015. 8. 17. 오전 9:51:25에 마지막으로 편집
anteku 님이 작성:
tweedacus 님이 작성:
Hey guys, i play wardbands. pretty much rolled this build as all my characters are normally glass cannons and i wanted to see if i could to atziri, maybe even work up to uber.

Im lvl 87 at the moment sitting at:

HP : 4,786
ES : 2.156
Armor : 7k with granite
DPS : 7.7k + LMP / 11k with slower proj (in 5L)
Block = 58/75 with TS

currently wondering if im ready for atziri yet? if so what should i know about the run/be careful of? :)

I'm not a great player, but I did it with worse stats and without a Rathpith or Rainbowstride. There will be a learning curve, so don't be disappointed if you die a few times, but stat-wise, you're definitely ready to go.

For tips, I found RaizQT's guide very helpful. Google these keywords:

"RaizQT's hardcore RF Incinerate Atziri guide"

(I'm not sure about posting rules on external links, but if you can't find it, PM me and I'll send you the link).

Also, I just used Faster Projectiles for the entire fight (all 3 sets of bosses) instead of LMP. I'm terribly slow at swapping gems and don't have a quality Incinerate. What's nice about Faster Projectiles is the increased distance, which allows me to attack Atziri even when I'm in the corner of the screen hiding from double flameblasts.

Just did atziri first attempt ever :) deathless. pretty sick build thanks!
soo i have a small problem ...
i tried to modify the build for a bit more dmg(i thought)
Passive tree
basically less life/es nodes and one block node south traded for the Burning Damage circle
items 님이 작성:

Jewels 님이 작성:

The Idea was to get extra DPS through Burning stacks.
But this Chance to ignite gem just feels inferior to Faster Casting..
So anyone tried something like this ? Maybe some Math about it.
The loss of 50% projektile/spell dmg at jewels seems not the biggest deal.
Should i skip everything of the idea? i mean the build still works great:p


anteku 님이 작성:
Rathik2 님이 작성:
Alonfire 님이 작성:
Did u consider using Iron Will instead of faster casting in a 6L?
Iron Will got a huge buff, no more reduced cast Speed,Spelldmg Quality and most importantly no mana multilpier.
The build got already over 250 str.

I would like to re ask this. Topic is to big to look for its reply.

I'm using Iron Will mainly because I have a corrupted chestpiece with RRRGBB. My gems aren't quality and several of them are still level 19. My strength is about 300 and my tooltip dps is just over 14K. It'd jump a lot once I get 20/20 gems and a Rathpith.

I can't tell you if Faster Casting is better, but I can confirm that Iron Will does work very well.

Is it the iron will alone thats putting your dps that high?

I am only at 6.3k damage, and thats with a level 20, 10% quality incinerate. Also most of my gems I've made have rolled extremely well, max fire damage/proj damage/health. Only level 76 atm though.
Laere#2957 님이 2015. 8. 17. 오후 6:53:42에 마지막으로 편집

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