[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Going pretty good atm, had luck linking a nice bow and had luck rolling a good helmet enchant and the one on the boots isn't bad either.


Also got a carcass jack but lacking severly in resists atm to pull that off and dmg is good enough for 8+ anyway, Izaro is also a joke but I also went for more life then IIR on rares, but most of my gear is still meh.

I'm using a Utility Flask instead of the Catalysed Eternal, but not sure which would be the best can't decided between Jade, Basalt, Stibnite and Quartz, atm using this one though:
PureRnd#3957 님이 2016. 3. 8. 오후 8:47:48에 마지막으로 편집
what skill should i get on deadeye and occulist?
surferforlife 님이 작성:
what skill should i get on deadeye and occulist?

You just pick up the nodes.

How do you get 100% pierce chance with shadow?

You don't.

You get 60-75%, depending on whether or not you feel like using Poacher's Aim for additional utility.

Pierce gem doesn't trump Empower though. So you cap at 75% Pierce from Shadow.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Serleth#4392 님이 2016. 3. 8. 오후 9:45:05에 마지막으로 편집
Got the the square of life and upgraded/craft HP on some gear, now I'm close to 4K hp, is it enough now? xD

Gear (Still need Haku 6 to craft hp on helm and craft life on belt too)



spetakju#0294 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 12:12:30에 마지막으로 편집
Anyone running with this chest?

Seems like the 10% movement speed from goldwyrm feels so slow in maps..
Moksu#6517 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 3:08:27에 마지막으로 편집
Moksu 님이 작성:
Anyone running with this chest?

Seems like the 10% movement speed from goldwyrm feels so slow in maps..

2x Ample Quicksilver Flasks of Adrenaline.

Solves that problem.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Pretty sure we're better off using the new Chemist's prefix on quicksilver flasks. They both net you 3 uses with a bit left over, but the Chemist does it with 50 charges instead of 70. Running two of them, you have a use every time you kill 7.5 creatures instead of 10.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Serleth 님이 작성:
Moksu 님이 작성:
Anyone running with this chest?

Seems like the 10% movement speed from goldwyrm feels so slow in maps..

2x Ample Quicksilver Flasks of Adrenaline.

Solves that problem.

Still feels a bit slow, or i am just doing all the unnecessary backtracking.

Anyone know does the leech enchant on boots (http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/EnchantmentLifeAndManaLeechOnKill1) work with CA? Seems like i am not getting any HP back.
Moksu#6517 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 4:37:59에 마지막으로 편집
grimjack68 님이 작성:
Pretty sure we're better off using the new Chemist's prefix on quicksilver flasks. They both net you 3 uses with a bit left over, but the Chemist does it with 50 charges instead of 70. Running two of them, you have a use every time you kill 7.5 creatures instead of 10.

Nice pickup. Thanks for the info.

Anyone know does the leech enchant on boots (http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/EnchantmentLifeAndManaLeechOnKill1) work with CA? Seems like i am not getting any HP back.

Leech requires a hit. We aren't hitting enemies with any notable damage, directly. What we're doing is effectively dropping a ground effect, similar to fire trap. So we do not leech.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Hey Serleth, just wanting to let you know I'm having a blast with this build, went Deadeye yesterday and the clearspeed is insane (currently sitting at tier 5 maps). Playstyle is great, very active. Dying is not an issue (yet), sitting at 3,5k life without the cobalt jewel socketed, went IR because I really don't like dodge.

Current gear (I really need regals, not a single one dropped yet):

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