[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Gonna be rolling CA as my first toon next league - it's been awhile since I've played CA and it should be really fun; last league I tried various builds planning on making at least one of them into a good MF toon but nothing really worked out.

Just read the 2.3 announcement - looks pretty interesting.
hankinsohl#1231 님이 2016. 5. 19. 오후 11:56:24에 마지막으로 편집
'Elo guys :)

I'm back right in time for the savy hype-train to 2.3 it seems!

Glad you got your 40s done too!
All in all Perandus was fun but I'll be dwelling in the random prophecies it seems. From the very vague change announcements, CA will be spared. But keep in mind that they silently raise / reduce item droprates on the fly, which will affect availability and prices, and that we will only find out after the start most likely.

Let's help Ser while we await 2.3, aye? =)
IGN: WildTortillaFart
A sincere thanks to Serleth and all of the others who regularly post to answer questions, provide anecdotes, and just general encouragement in the completion of challenges. I really appreciate the work that goes into the thread, and the active group who work to maintain it. I have been playing some form of magic find poison arrow/caustic arrow since the 2.0 launch, and this thread has been a beacon of light for the entire duration. With the league in a lull while the Perandus Flashback is going on, and before we start to get too much information on Prophecy I wanted to take this opportunity to share thanks, and introduce myself to the thread.

My level of ‘complete’ for this character is not the same level of Min/Max that I see in a lot of the regular posters upgrade topic, and I usually reduce my overall MF by continuing to look for fishing rods. But, I still have a lot of fun playing this character, tend to find enough to fund the random things I am looking to do including full challenges in Talisman and here in Perandus (I just need to use two ID scrolls to be done). Which I think speaks volumes for how well this is put together and the solid theory and math everything is built on.

So again a big thanks to Serleth for keeping the top posts updated and current. And similar thanks to Chronodroid, Hankinshol, and Hvakhshathra for additional questions answered and enthusiasm for the build. I might start posting more, now that I am all caught up on the thread, and plan on running the character again in Prophecy. If I do post more, my apologies in advance for the addition of another Chrono.
ChronoExile 님이 작성:
A sincere thanks to Serleth and all of the others who regularly post to answer questions, provide anecdotes, and just general encouragement in the completion of challenges. I really appreciate the work that goes into the thread, and the active group who work to maintain it. I have been playing some form of magic find poison arrow/caustic arrow since the 2.0 launch, and this thread has been a beacon of light for the entire duration. With the league in a lull while the Perandus Flashback is going on, and before we start to get too much information on Prophecy I wanted to take this opportunity to share thanks, and introduce myself to the thread.

My level of ‘complete’ for this character is not the same level of Min/Max that I see in a lot of the regular posters upgrade topic, and I usually reduce my overall MF by continuing to look for fishing rods. But, I still have a lot of fun playing this character, tend to find enough to fund the random things I am looking to do including full challenges in Talisman and here in Perandus (I just need to use two ID scrolls to be done). Which I think speaks volumes for how well this is put together and the solid theory and math everything is built on.

So again a big thanks to Serleth for keeping the top posts updated and current. And similar thanks to Chronodroid, Hankinshol, and Hvakhshathra for additional questions answered and enthusiasm for the build. I might start posting more, now that I am all caught up on the thread, and plan on running the character again in Prophecy. If I do post more, my apologies in advance for the addition of another Chrono.

Thanks for the kind words ChronoExile :-)

I see that you're at 39/40 for challenges. Anything I can do to help you get 40?
hankinsohl 님이 작성:
Thanks for the kind words ChronoExile :-)

I see that you're at 39/40 for challenges. Anything I can do to help you get 40?

Thank you for the offer, but no. I have an un-id Kaoms and Taste of Hate in my stash(I have already identified two others). I just have not identified them yet in case I find more of the treasures, and can sell/try to sell the more expensive one.
So I only have 3 challenges left and I was wondering about Idenify these Treasures.
Which items do you lose the least amount of currency? If you wanna resell them identified.
Zargnar 님이 작성:
So I only have 3 challenges left and I was wondering about Idenify these Treasures.
Which items do you lose the least amount of currency? If you wanna resell them identified.

Don't know - it will vary from league to league.

Use POE.trade to determine what's best.
ChronoExile 님이 작성:
A sincere thanks to Serleth and all of the others who regularly post to answer questions, provide anecdotes, and just general encouragement in the completion of challenges. I really appreciate the work that goes into the thread, and the active group who work to maintain it. I have been playing some form of magic find poison arrow/caustic arrow since the 2.0 launch, and this thread has been a beacon of light for the entire duration. With the league in a lull while the Perandus Flashback is going on, and before we start to get too much information on Prophecy I wanted to take this opportunity to share thanks, and introduce myself to the thread.

My level of ‘complete’ for this character is not the same level of Min/Max that I see in a lot of the regular posters upgrade topic, and I usually reduce my overall MF by continuing to look for fishing rods. But, I still have a lot of fun playing this character, tend to find enough to fund the random things I am looking to do including full challenges in Talisman and here in Perandus (I just need to use two ID scrolls to be done). Which I think speaks volumes for how well this is put together and the solid theory and math everything is built on.

So again a big thanks to Serleth for keeping the top posts updated and current. And similar thanks to Chronodroid, Hankinshol, and Hvakhshathra for additional questions answered and enthusiasm for the build. I might start posting more, now that I am all caught up on the thread, and plan on running the character again in Prophecy. If I do post more, my apologies in advance for the addition of another Chrono.

Thanks! Your words are greatly appreciated.

Also, you are now Chrono2.

Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Hi guys

What do You think about 2.3.0 propecy update in case CA MF build.

Best Regards
Won't know more until the patch notes, but as it stands based on what we do know, it will see a slight improvement.

I'll be providing a more comprehensive update (if necessary) once we see the patch notes a few days before June 3.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.

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