[3.3] TheAmigoShotz! -Lifebased Windripper Raider! Insane Clearspeed + Deathless Shaper!

Cant open the skill trees tho

5k Life and having quite a problem with reflect, can just barely survive if im not in +50% PB range
even with Vinktar's up. Is there anyway to remedy this? I can't hit the strength req. to wear a
Kaom's without drastic changes to gear. (losing 75% MH crit%/WED on gear/etc.)

In terms of QoL/Damage/Speed which purchase, do you think would be the best investment?
Legacy WR? +2 TS Proj Rat's nest? Maybe something else i'm over looking?
YamFarmer#5387 님이 2017. 4. 4. 오전 5:41:34에 마지막으로 편집
Can someone add link to passive tree as the one on first page does not seem to work. Ranger/Raider please
This build has mana big problems. With 7L lioneyes vision LA costs 77 mana.
piedro#6788 님이 2017. 4. 5. 오전 7:33:44에 마지막으로 편집
Hi guys, newbie here. For now I'm doing quite well on mid-tier maps with what I have, but what should I prioritize buying, 6L Windripper, Kaom's or Vinktar's. Also which is the best Vinktar variation for the build? Any help would be appreciated!

Here is my current gear:
Nikiko#3248 님이 2017. 4. 6. 오후 3:14:05에 마지막으로 편집
piedro 님이 작성:
This build has mana big problems. With 7L lioneyes vision LA costs 77 mana.

Try get some of the mana leech passives (next to life leech passives) that are down the bottom of the passive tree thing. Helped me a lot with TS
YamFarmer 님이 작성:

5k Life and having quite a problem with reflect, can just barely survive if im not in +50% PB range
even with Vinktar's up. Is there anyway to remedy this? I can't hit the strength req. to wear a
Kaom's without drastic changes to gear. (losing 75% MH crit%/WED on gear/etc.)

In terms of QoL/Damage/Speed which purchase, do you think would be the best investment?
Legacy WR? +2 TS Proj Rat's nest? Maybe something else i'm over looking?

Nice rings! May I know what your dps is atm (for TS)?
Magma_Claw 님이 작성:
YamFarmer 님이 작성:

5k Life and having quite a problem with reflect, can just barely survive if im not in +50% PB range
even with Vinktar's up. Is there anyway to remedy this? I can't hit the strength req. to wear a
Kaom's without drastic changes to gear. (losing 75% MH crit%/WED on gear/etc.)

In terms of QoL/Damage/Speed which purchase, do you think would be the best investment?
Legacy WR? +2 TS Proj Rat's nest? Maybe something else i'm over looking?

Nice rings! May I know what your dps is atm (for TS)?


Unbuffed h/o DPS = 36,227
Buffed h/o (wrath, HoI, Ice golem) = 53,712
Buffed max charges, no flask dps = 133,083
Buffed max charges, vaal haste, flasks, blood rage = 204,643

YamFarmer#5387 님이 2017. 4. 8. 오후 9:41:03에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for the build guide, any chance you'll update the build skilltree upgrade order to match the changes?

["Skilltree Upgrade order"]

BobbinC 님이 작성:
Thanks for the build guide, any chance you'll update the build skilltree upgrade order to match the changes?

["Skilltree Upgrade order"]

ill do it once i get time, but have no time at the moment. Check out the hardcore build guide video for the order :)
I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.

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