[3.3] TheAmigoShotz! -Lifebased Windripper Raider! Insane Clearspeed + Deathless Shaper!

Littledreamer1397 님이 작성:
Hey guys I'm currently trying a mix (logically mixed) of the Tornado Shot 2.5 Ranger...I'm a Deadeye but I'll change to Raider as I can see it's better atm.
Now I had a Belly 5L and I bought a 5L Kintsugi as soon as I read this guide. Now I'm still getting one shot from Bosses. I died on Malakai approx 10 times before killing him.
Mh hp is 2,2k with Kintsugi and 2.5k with Belly... What do i Do ? Fres and Cres are capped and I'm trying to find better jewels to cap Lres too.
Any help is appreciated :D

2500 life is wayyyyy to low :) you want atleast 3500 when running maps :)
I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
Pectoral 님이 작성:
Holy smokes the damage on the new video is insane. I thought it would never reach BV/BF poison double dipping levels of instant deletion but now I have to try this build.

I was thinking about playing around with, Darkray Vectors or even Hinekora's Sight to for accuracy and dodge. It'll of course be more of a pain to cap out resists while wearing that many uniques while also trying to roll for crit on amulet and accuracy/WED on rings.

I see that you have two skill setups, one is with a seperate barrage for single target and another one is full Kaom's and a additional projectiles tornado shot rat's nest. Why is this so and which one do you prefer? Which is more powerful for single target? Tornado shot or barrage?

I use tornadoshot for basicly anything, except atziri (because of her reflect phase) and izaro (to not accidently kill stuff which makes me lose keys), but i think it's personal preference. Normally i just swap out my Tornadoshot gem for the barrage gem in atziri, but i recently aquired the Lioneyes vision with 5 off-colors. It makes my barrage tooltip go up to around 170k while full buffed with 9 projectiles :) -it's pretty fun, but i have lower life, due to not wearing kaoms.

On paper, i think barrage would give the most single target dps, but i think it's harder to aim with, unless you stand right on top of the boss. And if that's the case, then i'd recommend spending two points for point blank :)
I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
Yeah but thing is I'm following the tree but still not getting as much HP. Do you think I should switch back to Belly? But that's not much of a difference.
Also can I complete the Ascendancy Labyrinth before regretting the Ascendancy points?
Windripper is still the best in slot? also, i am getting rekt by elemental reflect... soon investing in more life to see if it gets better
rafaelcnunes#4587 님이 2017. 1. 5. 오전 9:52:29에 마지막으로 편집
Littledreamer1397 님이 작성:
Yeah but thing is I'm following the tree but still not getting as much HP. Do you think I should switch back to Belly? But that's not much of a difference.
Also can I complete the Ascendancy Labyrinth before regretting the Ascendancy points?

yes you can, but remember that each point you spend will cost 5 respec points to respec.

Also if you still have that low amount of life, i'd recommend getting some more life on gear, like boots, jewelry belt etc. :)
I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
rafaelcnunes 님이 작성:
Windripper is still the best in slot? also, i am getting rekt by elemental reflect... soon investing in more life to see if it gets better

do you have all the leech nodes and capped resists?
I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
TheAmigoBoyz 님이 작성:
rafaelcnunes 님이 작성:
Windripper is still the best in slot? also, i am getting rekt by elemental reflect... soon investing in more life to see if it gets better

do you have all the leech nodes and capped resists?

i am having trouble to cap the resist... should i set maligaro aside and use a rare glove instead?
Completed 1 ChallengeLittledreamer1397 wrote:
Yeah but thing is I'm following the tree but still not getting as much HP. Do you think I should switch back to Belly? But that's not much of a difference.
Also can I complete the Ascendancy Labyrinth before regretting the Ascendancy points?
yes you can, but remember that each point you spend will cost 5 respec points to respec.

Also if you still have that low amount of life, i'd recommend getting some more life on gear, like boots, jewelry belt etc. :)

Hm what do you recommend?
I got Kintsugi ,Windripper , Maligaros and Rat's nest. So I can only get hp from Boots , Jewelry Quiver and belt.
Will it make any difference when I change to Raider (I'm currently Deadeye)
Also one thing. I've got Hatred , HoI and HoA which takes me to 100% Mana reserved. Which should I use and why?
Thanks for all your effort!
Littledreamer1397 님이 작성:

Hm what do you recommend?
I got Kintsugi ,Windripper , Maligaros and Rat's nest. So I can only get hp from Boots , Jewelry Quiver and belt.
Will it make any difference when I change to Raider (I'm currently Deadeye)
Also one thing. I've got Hatred , HoI and HoA which takes me to 100% Mana reserved. Which should I use and why?
Thanks for all your effort!

Changing from Deadeye to Raider will not fix your HP problem. Only getting more life nodes from the tree or more life on gear will help you there.

This build doesn't use Hatred or Herald of Ash. You should be using Wrath and either Herald of Ice or Herald of Thunder.

Since you seem to have survivability problems you might consider the following:
Run HoT + HoI + Arctic Armor. Arctic armor gives physical and fire reduction. You might have mana issues with this setup, in that case, drop one of the heralds.


Blasphemy + Warlord's Mark setup + Herald (either Ice or Thunder). Warlord will provide more leech and endurance charges. Enfeeble or Temporal Chains are also options for this.

Also, if you make your characters public, people can give you more detailed help.
Hm Yeh I'm currently running Hatred + Herald of Ash so 75% is Viable for now. I raised my Hp from 2.2k to 2.5k just by getting rid of Carnage Heart Onyx Amulet which I was using. Still no difference though because my problem isn't survivability as a whole. I'm just getting one shot by Unique Bosses.
For example Voll's Charge on Merciless instakills me.
Used to Run Arctic Armour But I don't know how much of a difference it can do.

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