[3.3] TheAmigoShotz! -Lifebased Windripper Raider! Insane Clearspeed + Deathless Shaper!
I just leveled up to 66lv.
Thinking of replacing Pierce with Concentrated elemental support. Is 50% pierce chance ok for tornado shot? Getting Conc. Ele support is better? I'm 66lv with 57% Critical chance and 19k DPS. |
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" You will not be able to shock with that support gem. That's why i think Pierce is better, since you might get a little bit lower damage, but you also get 50% MORE damage because the mobs will get shocked I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
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" I don't generate endurance charges :) -the only reason i'm using it, is to not die instantly to porcupines, when i kill them all that the same time. I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
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So, I was using this, and I was getting overall better outcome than the Windripper. Can I get your up-to-date opinion over Windripper versus something like this? |
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How can you use Elemental weaknees+blasphemy,HoI and Wrath all together?
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Hello guys, freshman here, (1 month play)
Very liked video, so wanna try to make this build as i count... overall price of this build will be (newbie style) 2 ventors game = 50-60 chaos (2 resist 30+ 1 res 20+ rarity ~30%) Windripper 5l = 40-50 chaos Kaoms heart = 40 chaos Drillneck = 5 chaos Rats neck = 5 chaos Facebreakers = 20 chaos (795%+) Boots = 25-50 chaos (with 25+ res & life 50+) Amulet = 25 chaos (idk, hard to find amulet) Belt = 50 chaos overall ~~~~~ 300 chaos Without flask.... Are flask requerd for this build works? or i can go without Dying sun Is it all enoth to start? |
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Have 107k full baffed. zbs
John_Psina#3086 님이 2017. 2. 2. 오전 8:00:27에 마지막으로 편집
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" You don't use Facebreakers in a build like this for unarmed damage, you use them for critical multiplier. High unarmed roll facebreakers will not do anything for you, since more unarmed damage is just what it says: unarmed, without weapons equipped. You use facebreaker in build like this for the critical damage multiplier, so you could have got 600% facebreaker and have exactly same damage output. Aside of that, I much more prefer and advise on Maligaro's gloves now, unless it is a legacy facebreaker with 90 crit multi, or good old Shadows and Dust gloves (more expensive, about 80c now in Breach) |
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Can anyone give me a reason for the Ascendancy? I honestly believe that Deadeye would be great, and with some small tweaks to the skill tree maybe some DoT could work since it goes up to the shadow area. With the bonus crit chance to bleeding enemies and some of the bonus DoT nodes (maybe with posion considering its mostly poison/chaos dmg) but it just seems like it could work really well to me
Edit: also how good woudl choir of the storm be for this build? Seems really good considering the crit is lightning dmg You know i thoght about it a bit and i guess youd have to change pretty much everything in the build to make it work with posion but my other questions stand ICannotThinkOfAnything#4659 님이 2017. 2. 2. 오후 2:31:52에 마지막으로 편집
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" Ty for info, i understand it after posting this massage... xD Using Maligaro's gloves atm... (just reach 4 act middle difficalty, lvl56...) As i see on poe.trade shadow and dust 50c atm, its okay for me Trying to buy Windripper Bow 6l, but price about 300 chaos, and i think its 2 much for it (thinking about 200c its good, 250 its ok) ____________________________________ find good ventor for 1 chaos today res - 41.23.8% + quantity 7% + rarity 47% |
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