[2.2]10K EHP FIRESTORM BATTLE MAGE[updated Feb 29th]

Nashezbaernon 님이 작성:
Hey dude the link for the passive tree doesn't work and want to try your build, the link at the start of your main post is broken according to poe

Yes please, I just got a firestorm i'm level 20 and haven't spent any points. I tried copying your 2.2 link and it doesn't work.
Love the video and the build. Currently working on the build, but have NO luck getting a Pledge to drop. been at it for quite awhile. I have all the gems, just looking to drop them in it!
slaqz1 님이 작성:
Nashezbaernon 님이 작성:
Hey dude the link for the passive tree doesn't work and want to try your build, the link at the start of your main post is broken according to poe

Yes please, I just got a firestorm i'm level 20 and haven't spent any points. I tried copying your 2.2 link and it doesn't work.

Sorry for the inconvenience guys, I have updated the skill trees again, they should be working now.
i find flame totem with this build and vaal skeletons can help a lot for people who are levelling i dont know about end game though as I've not made it that far. i am almost at a wall at 68 as my gear is crap but if I come across and reflex mobs I just let my

flame totem >CD>FC>EF are my support gems for it
Running this build in PHC, works absolutely fantastic :) Slammed my first 2 ex worth of currency into a 5L Pledge and I love it !

Just one question though, why artic breath on CWDT ? It doesnt seem to really add anything :| Wouldnt running cold snap be better (if that works even)?
I did get lucky and was able to buy a Pledge of Hands for one exalted. I had been stockpiling materials and was able to six link it, got all the sockets colors correct and also the gems. I am loving this build. Many thanks!
Just curious if replacing Fire Penetration with Weapon Elemental Damage gem will result in a big boost to DPS? I am kinda new at this and sory for the newby question. Gem is level 2...just got it. Many thanks!
SteelerFan 님이 2016. 3. 16. 오전 12:03:01에 마지막으로 편집
where have you guys gotten your pledges from ive been trying to chance the judgement staff to it ive used like 500 chances and no hope
I got mine mine for 1 ex. It only had two sockets. I had to resocket it to get to six....a pain. Get the colors right....a pain...Ten had to six link it...BIGGEST pain ever. I got all of it done and it is a killing machine :-)
Thanks for the Build ,

5L Firestorm - Controlled destruction - Fast Casting - Fire Penetration -Empower - is it so right?

Because with Firestorm - Controlled destruction - Fast Casting - Fire Penetration - Concentrated Effect i make more damage.
perling 님이 2016. 3. 18. 오전 11:11:19에 마지막으로 편집

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