[2.2] A Storm of Ice and Fire - Avatar of Fire CI Whispering Ice - Uber Viable!

Kelvynn 님이 작성:
wraeyth 님이 작성:
Hey Kelvynn, I'm interested in your changes to the build.

My questions:

1. Level 20 clarity? Isn't it conventional to only level it part way, because the higher reserved cost is more of an issue? How are you currently able to manage that? Using Mikelat's calculator, I would need a pool of almost 3000 mana to be able to use a 20 Clarity with Blasphemy, Discipline and AA all at the same time - and that's using my 6L to link Clarity in to Enlighten as well (level 3). What am I missing here?

2. You don't have Fire Walker / Frost Walker. Plan to take them later? Or just not worth it?

Clarity is only used for curse immune maps, instead of WM aura. I put it in instead of Blasphemy so it's benefitting from Enlighten as well. For any map that's not curse immune, WM aura > all.

I dropped Fire/Frost Walker temporarily because of my current resist situation: 2 of my self-rolled jewels ended up having resists, and with the chest/gloves/boots I have I ended up with 135/138/135 resists without the Walkers. But now I want to use these awesome new Izaro jewels (they are not limited to 1! it's totally amazing for this build). Going to take the Walkers back at the price of some minor ES loss. Funny thing, I am 1 node short for that at lv 93! As _Gaia_ noticed, that switch to the better effect duration cluster costs 1 more node. Guess I can switch back to the original setup, but I'm close enough to lv 94 to wait.

I'm planning to reach lv 94 tonight and post an update.

Very interesting. I'll try it out and see how it feels!

Re the new jewel; if you don't need any defensive stats yeah 50% spell damage is insane! What do you think of the faster ES recharge mod? I have a few decent gems that have it on them.

Gaia/You're right re the extra point, too. I respeced to your method earlier, and took me a few minutes to figure out why I couldn't fix my tree. Just took out another I could afford to take out. I'm only 83, too, so not a huge impact.

Right now my resists are absolutely terrible; 87/94/111. I need to find a way to get those up. Replacing my Black Sun will help, I have a 6L with my auras in chest anyway, so I might as well get more ES.
wraeyth 님이 2016. 1. 15. 오후 1:45:28에 마지막으로 편집
wraeyth 님이 작성:
What do you think of the faster ES recharge mod? I have a few decent gems that have it on them.

I don't think we need any faster ES recharge. It gets back up quickly enough the moment you stop taking damage. And the extra leech from the WM aura allows you to facetank just about anything except hard bosses.

I use Vaal Discipline as my 'Oh Shit!' button. But I haven't used it lately at all.

Izaro's Turmoil should be the goal for all sockets that are not Brute Forces of Fertile Minds. I find it amazing that this jewel is not limited to 1. GGG will probably nerf it at some point. We should take full advantage of it.
I got to lv 94 and started working towards replacing all non-Brute/Fertile jewels with Izaro's.

Resists are tight, but doable. Since we don't want to drop any goods auras for Purities, and we want Izaro's, gotta cap the resists without jewels.

I re-pathed back to the original build, pretty much. Except that I drop 1 socket and take the AoE nodes that allow me to use CE permanently, and being on a tight budget (mediocre amount of ES on gear) I choose ES over Alchemist (Witch area). Here's the lv 94 tree:

This build is complete at lv 91 (without the Witch ES nodes). If you are into flasks, take Alchemist (lv 94). If you are more into ES like me, just go after the Witch ES nodes (I'll finish them at lv 95).

My gems are lv 20 now, and I'm working on the quality.

Current ES is 10,577.
Icestorm tooltip is 5480.

This should definitely be enough for Uber and probably Core too. I'm currently focusing on obtaining 2nd and 3rd Izaro's, and then I think I'll go after Uber.
Kelvynn 님이 2016. 1. 16. 오후 2:59:28에 마지막으로 편집
Is this build currently up to date? Thinking of running it as my 2nd character on Tali HC
Dstry 님이 작성:
Is this build currently up to date? Thinking of running it as my 2nd character on Tali HC

It is, but the 1st page doesn't include the latest 2.1 optimizations: WM aura, AoE nodes and CE, and Izaro's Turmoil. I'm enjoying it a lot.
Kelvynn 님이 작성:
Dstry 님이 작성:
Is this build currently up to date? Thinking of running it as my 2nd character on Tali HC

It is, but the 1st page doesn't include the latest 2.1 optimizations: WM aura, AoE nodes and CE, and Izaro's Turmoil. I'm enjoying it a lot.

Running Warlord's as an Aura using blasphemy?

Care to share a build?
Dstry 님이 작성:
Kelvynn 님이 작성:
Dstry 님이 작성:
Is this build currently up to date? Thinking of running it as my 2nd character on Tali HC

It is, but the 1st page doesn't include the latest 2.1 optimizations: WM aura, AoE nodes and CE, and Izaro's Turmoil. I'm enjoying it a lot.

Running Warlord's as an Aura using blasphemy?

Care to share a build?

Would like to see an update aswell :)
Out of curiosity, how do u sustain artic armour,hearld of ice, and discipline with no clarity. I have pretty much ur same setup and I don't nearly have that much regen
Zerglee 님이 작성:
Out of curiosity, how do u sustain artic armour,hearld of ice, and discipline with no clarity. I have pretty much ur same setup and I don't nearly have that much regen

With 2 x Perandus Signet, I'm sitting at 81 mana regen, which is definitely not enough for Icestorm @ 100 mana per cast. But I'm constantly using Rallying Cry, and my mana regen is 115 with RC (and some extra damage). This is enough for non-stop off-screen spamming Icestorm (and remember, as long as you have 1 monster around you, the extra mana regen is there and still add the same value). So as long as you have enough mana left for 2 casts, you should be fine. Warlord's Mark also take care of mana issue, because I like to facetank stuff, and mobs around me are cursed with WM.

I haven't really notice any trouble with mana in less mana regen map (unless it's -80%, in this case I'll drop Blasphemy for Clarity)
sklipnoty 님이 작성:
Would like to see an update aswell :)

I'm not Kelvynn, but you can see my HC Talis WI tree/gears in the Character Showcase thread in my signature. If you want to focus on more damage for SC, you can switch out Izaro's Turmoil for any lesser damage rare jewel.
IGN: _Gaia_

Where to download my hideout: https://poe.house/hideout/76oNuBpb

Where to trade currency between leagues: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2156864
Kelvynn 님이 작성:
Right after switching from FC to perma-CE, the change in the casting rhythm felt pretty big. But I adjusted very quickly and have no problem with it now.

The thing is, you already use CE for boss fights, i.e. where the mobility matters the most. So you have to adjust to it anyway. May as well adjust once and for all.
I tried it, but I still prefer Faster Casting over CE for map clearing :D I like to cast/move fast mannnnn.
However I've been thinking of getting those AOE nodes actually, because the radius of Blasphemy curse is kinda small for my taste (like half the screen only, while I prefer to hit mobs a bit further for some safety). Although I'm not sure how helpful 20% increase AoE is.
Kelvynn 님이 작성:

Just for Uber Atziri? The regular one is trivial for me with this gear already. As I mentioned, switching to high level CWDT+IC with WM aura completely trivialized the Trio fight. And for Atziri herself I use these flasks:

and they are more than enough. I'm yet to use up even half of their charges on the regular Atziri, so it's mostly overgearing in preparation for Uber. I think it will be enough for it too. Hard to check, with the amount of grind or currency required to try Uber.

Yah, I mostly thinking of Uber, cause it's HC, ya know.... You only live once :( 2 extra seconds of flask might save you at some point.
IGN: _Gaia_

Where to download my hideout: https://poe.house/hideout/76oNuBpb

Where to trade currency between leagues: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2156864

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