[2.1 Video Guide] Tanky Beginners SRS/Summon Raging Spirit Build [Atziri & HC/SC Viable]


I did the same a while (using Temporal Chains instead of Enfeeble because of the green socket), should be ok for now I think.
With a 5-Link mana should be no problem, at least if you are 80+ I think (having most or all mana nodes from the suggested passive tree).

You can use unique jewels to help with mana cost, or better get some mana regeneration on rings.
The passive tree only has around 140% regeneration rate, if you add only ONE ring with ~55% mana regen you add more than a third to your overall regeneration!

Not being able to sustain mana with Vaal Haste is ok I think, main benefit from Vaal Haste is to pump out srs faster and higher movement speed - don't think additional minions are that important, it's pretty easy to hit 45+ anyway.
2.2 a Templar will be possible to summon 3-4 totems, I was thinking to use Templar + Spell Totem / SRS - anyone thinks that will be viable?

4x Totem should cast SRS faster than 1x Player?

Or is it a stupid idea? Probably because I am a noob. :)
Please go either full SRS or full Totems, both would be mediocre at best as you would have to dip into both minion damage AND totem life/damage nodes.

I don't think this is a good idea.

/Edit: Cast speed helps pushing out more SRS, but in the end the base damage that your SRS are putting out is much more relevant. You can reach max SRS with Spell Echo relatively easy, so that is normally not a problem.
daish0 님이 2016. 2. 4. 오전 5:58:17에 마지막으로 편집
hey there, i wonder... what can we do with more budget ?

like.. replacing belly with a kaoms heart ?
any "good" to "highend" uniques that make a huge improvement ?
what about a good +3 staff instead of pledge ?

i would like to play the build since im not too experienced with srs, i like tanky chars and i love the idea of that one - but im not limited to a very budget-friendly gear... i got my stash filled with stuff like good caster gear, kaoms, lightning coil, some legacy stuff etc

someone that used the build and then "evolved" it to the max ? i wont be able to get mirror-gear, so i mainly ask for the "improved" endgame gear for that babe :)
Mericat 님이 2016. 2. 16. 오전 9:37:13에 마지막으로 편집
How the hell do you do damage with this build.

Ive tried this now with pledgestaff, empower, splash, multistrike, added fire, and switching here and there.

The dmg is so low, and clear speed suck ass. I followed ur guide to the point..
Mericat 님이 작성:
hey there, i wonder... what can we do with more budget ?

like.. replacing belly with a kaoms heart ?
any "good" to "highend" uniques that make a huge improvement ?
what about a good +3 staff instead of pledge ?

i would like to play the build since im not too experienced with srs, i like tanky chars and i love the idea of that one - but im not limited to a very budget-friendly gear... i got my stash filled with stuff like good caster gear, kaoms, lightning coil, some legacy stuff etc

someone that used the build and then "evolved" it to the max ? i wont be able to get mirror-gear, so i mainly ask for the "improved" endgame gear for that babe :)

Kaom's Heart would give a lot of life, but it has a huge drawback too.
This build is already starving on gem sockets (if you run Zombies) which means you may not have a CWDT setup. Personally I would prefer a CWDT+IC setup over more life to not get burst down occasionally by a series of physical hits.

For a +3 staff you would have to choose a different build/tree which is not covered here (search for other SRS builds in the forum) as all those mana and mana-regen passives are worthless (because you probably want to craft Blood-Magic mod onto a rare staff). All those freed points can go into more life nodes or e.g. up to the spectre node to get a bit more extra damage (minion damage and attack speed).

Whether to Pledge or +3 staff I cannot say exactly. We are not sure if the SRS data on poedb.tw is correct and for Ascendancy I think we have wait for patch notes anyway.

paraply 님이 작성:
How the hell do you do damage with this build.

Ive tried this now with pledgestaff, empower, splash, multistrike, added fire, and switching here and there.

The dmg is so low, and clear speed suck ass. I followed ur guide to the point..

1. Clear speed is good with this build, you can literally cast a few spectres, moving a few steps, cast a few new spectres, moving ... etc. (you're not hitting max spirits this way of course, max spirits you usually only get while standing still or vaal haste and a lot of cast speed on gear)

2. In a Pledge of Hands:
SRS - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Melee Splash (switch this with another damage gem if you are doing hard bosses, keep it for clear speed) - rest would be Empower lvl 3 or Added Fire and Culling Strike (with Quality).

The first 4 gems (SRS, Minion Damage, Melee Physical Damage, Melee Splash/Multistrike) are mandatory ... the rest depends on what you have to get the most damage out of it. (culling strike for example benefits a lot by it's quality and level, if you have no quality gem and low level maybe better take Added Fire).

3. are you using Spell Totem + Arc in conjunction with Elemental Equilibrium for bosses? This could speed things up a bit, although not mandatory/necessary for mapping in my oppinion (takes too long to cast everything).

Also use Flesh Offering a lot ... this is a HUGE boost to your SRS! (for Atziri Trio for example I also took Descecrate gem with me to have some corpses in there for Flesh Offering buff)

If you are expecting a clear speed of e.g. Vaal Spark Dried Lake or Voltaxic or CoC ... no, SRS is not that good. But it is a build where you can cast some spirits while hiding behind pillars (at rigwald for example) or just stay safe and your minions do your work while you run around like a chicken.

4. ah and because I mentioned it above already ... Vaal Haste is a big boost to clear speed too, and you can keep it on all the time usually (if you use 2, it is not even a problem when you have times without large packs)
daish0 님이 2016. 2. 24. 오전 7:34:44에 마지막으로 편집

I wanted to take a second to thank our LiftingNerdBro for this build. I've played POE since open beta but this was my first earnest go at SRS; it worked splendidly in 2.1 HC. I easily reached maps and suicided with much glee against a Zana-provided Shock & Horror boss at the end of the league.

Leveling SRS in a Reverberation Rod + the Hakuna Matata :) Shield from level 25 on worked flawlessly. Gameplay was *not* just "hold down 1 button and win", but I could easily pick a speed, either running through zones brutally fast, or taking it extremely safe killing certain bosses or rares from off-screen with my skulls. The personal character defenses seemed alright.

The tree seems nearly optimal to me as well and seems to have more +% to maximum life than most other SRS builds I saw here. Also, I find it especially nice that the build only uses Zombies and does not branch into Skeletons or Spectres - I cannot stomach the classical Zombie+Skeleton+Spectre style summoner builds.

I'll take it into 2.2 as my first self-found farming toon and see what happens; so far I saw nothing that would affect it negatively, and the Necromancer is ideally suited for it of course due to our 100% offering uptime etc. :) Sh

Thanks bro!
Looking forward to seeing 2.2 Update - though trees for SRS have not changed much, outside of going Witch (Necro).

My main question is what peoples thoughts are on going FULL HP SRS (2.1 - poeurl.com/ylP) compared to some of these other builds floating around.

This is purely from a Hardcore (Perandus HC) perspective.
Any plans to update this with the new ascendancy version of the game?
Hello, can I ask author to update the skill trees because it's doesnt work with new update.

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