[2.1] SuperNova - 200k+ AoE dps ! Insane clear speed - Super fun - Atziri viable | Featured by GGG!
I have about 5 80 plus characters and I have to say this is the most fun I have had playing POE. I can see how the original guy got to 100, because you dont mind playing over and over. Something about warping into packs of mobs and seeing them expode just doesnt get old.
As far as having trouble, make sure you get the node to allow mobs to have 2 curses and make sure you are constantly warping to apply the curses before exploding them. Very little running at all. |
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" Thanks for the response, I haven't tried continuing this character yet but it will be my next one I found a relatively cheap build I could farm the league with to gear up my witch, I'll try those items and gems and see how it goes, I felt I had ok aoe damage but was always being one-shot by bosses/unique mobs, I didn't expect it to be fantastic whilst leveling but I got to the point where I couldn't even progress solo, I'll give what you said a blast and see how it goes from there, thank you for taking the time to help address my issues. |
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" Inquisitor the best now! Need two intuitive leaps to get all the life/PC/EC to left and right of trees. Way more DPS way More life. Inevitable Judgement and Righteous providence is sick for this build. http://exilecraft.org/#AAAAAwUAApYEswVCBbUHHgj0CaoOSA+rEQ8RlhNxFr8YahvIHRQgbiLqIvQkiyT9JpUqCyo4LJwwcTLROVI6QjpYPAU9X0GWQ8hFR0WdSVFLeEyzTwRQMFFHUlNTUlVLVcZYB1iuXfJepWHiZJ1mVGpDbAttGXBSf8aCm4PbhXuJ04uMjDaNv45kj0aP+pJukyeVLpeVl/SaO5rgm6Gce5/fogCnCKyYrrO2+rxWwFTAZsCawzrP3dD10nzUI9Wm2fzbXt2o44TnVOjW6+7r9ew47TztYe988B/w1fGK8a/yHfem99f53f/e Git R Dun! Aim_Deep#3474 님이 2016. 3. 15. 오전 7:46:33에 마지막으로 편집
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Nice to see you back AimDeep!
The Skill Tree you posted doesn't show the points alocated with intuitive leap as far as I can tell. Could you post a screenshot or something? Would help me a lot. I tried playing the build again with 2.2 started with Templar and Inquisitor, am level 80 now. Works really good so far even without major adaptions. (Might be because I 6 linked my PoH while trying to 5 link.) Another question: Would the newley buffed increased criticalstrike chance gem be worth it? Maybe instead of fastercasting or instead of Cold to fire? I am really not sure what gemsetup to use now :D Right now I am thinking: 1 Redsocket for Empower/Lifeleech should still be good. 1 Blue for Icenova. 1 Green for Added Cold Damage. 1 Blue for Concentrated. 1 Blue for Faster Casting. 1 Blue for Increased Critical strike chance. The Criticalstrike chance seems really good now, it inreased my critchance from 50% (with powercharges) to 75%. And we want more crits because it ignores resistances. We don't need the red slot for Cold2Fire/Firepenetration because we ignore resistances anyway. I am also right now using Blasphemy to have a Curseaura with Warlordsmark. I can definitly recommend it when you have problems with it on lighting warp. Though it reserves 35%... so no Arcticarmor right now. Lichtbringer_I#5684 님이 2016. 3. 15. 오후 12:18:36에 마지막으로 편집
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Hi - Yes those are best gems. Your crit is closer to 90% with first hit and assassins!
Intuitive leaps you'd grab all lifes, power charges and endurance charge on right and left side of tree. (dont forget nullification) I would show you my tree by I lent all my gear/gems/jewels to a buddy from D3 Should give 180% life vs 125% before I calculated it. Should almost double DPS because you ignore monster resits. Thats huge in late maps where they have lots of resits. Git R Dun! Aim_Deep#3474 님이 2016. 3. 16. 오전 9:20:41에 마지막으로 편집
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Make a new topic aim, this build aint done yet, and ur the only one to keep it updated.
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Here it will be
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1621225 Git R Dun!
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Guys here is what I was talking about with templar and intuitive leaps in Inquisitor tree above.. I'm only lvl 81 but will fill out endurance charge, all life, and PC eventually.
Left side of tree by templar ![]() Right Side of tree by shadow ![]() Git R Dun! Aim_Deep#3474 님이 2016. 3. 17. 오후 11:57:15에 마지막으로 편집
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can we have uptade for 2.2 ? thx a lot
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" Update is not done with witch IMO. It's shadow or templar which I have updated Shadow https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1631000 Templar https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1621225 Git R Dun! Aim_Deep#3474 님이 2016. 3. 24. 오후 5:59:28에 마지막으로 편집
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