[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

Peyter how much is ur EA Damage tooltip at endgame?
PaigrandeTV 님이 작성:
Peyter how much is ur EA Damage tooltip at endgame?

As mentioned 1 page before the tooltip never changes except for lvl, so its the lvl 24 tooltip damage currently
Build seems really nice only what troubles me litle is i keep hearing the single target isnt that great ):
About to hit 80 on build really solid havent had to many problems with single target mapping up to tier 9, averaging about 130,000,000 xp an hour.
My gear

Running double offensive curse at the moment instead of extra frenzy seems to be going well, had the option of using 6l belly but preferring the life buffer of koams + a 5l quill, cheers op.
Fhark 님이 2015. 11. 14. 오후 5:27:02에 마지막으로 편집
yeah well thinking more t10-t12 mapps or the highest :) just thinking wich1 is better for it split arrow,poison arrow or this build
Its very hard for me to say, would also depend on your gear level budget etc, pa is pretty amazing on a price/power ratio ( but i get bored by the playstyle once levelld) I dont like split arrow, (only phys bow skill i really like at present is maybe la, ice shot is great but underpowered). This build has some of the fastest clear in the game and is a lot of fun.
Why not use Blood Rage. this build have so much regen.
Great build, im lvl 91 currently, and was able to just randomaly get +1 on my rearguard o nthe first try :P

Switched fro ma rare helm with hp+ tri res to a devotos tho, that extra movespeed really helps with just general clear speed.

Anyway, great build!
Ill try uber atziri later today or maybe tomorrow :P
just need to do a few seek the apxes and ill be gtg.

Its really nice build. very high hp. and nice block with rumi's

my gear atm

some gems out of items ) im using Devoto because its provide nice clear speed and more attack speed. and im little bit change tree for softcore league

To those who keep asking about singletarget dmg, ye build sux no deeps lololo (?).
First boss with conc eff, second one i forgot to swap, so inc area +curse immune.

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