[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

Rupenus 님이 작성:

btw guys, this is BiS for your build. annd ehm its for sale. : )

it's not, culling strike is better for nearly most situations

Aleunei 님이 작성:
Hello! Quillrain Incr. proj. speed rare for EA or its doesnt matter?

Not sure what u mean, but go for around 75%+ proj speed on a quill.

unshavedkuba 님이 작성:
does quality on EA work?

isnt it chance to ignite with fire dmg ON HIT ?

imo we dont HIT with fire dmg

it works

Mistletoes 님이 작성:
Nice guide. Do you plan on updating the tree after the Talisman trees come out?

Ill post one before friday, wont be much different tho i dont think many things changed
IamPeyter 님이 2015. 12. 7. 오후 3:26:21에 마지막으로 편집
would it be worth it to to drop some of the life at the bottom of the tree, and path upwards towards the witch fire cluster? or does this build already do enough damage to not even need that? should still be sitting around 8k life?
Pls can you post gears and gems setup for uber atziri run ?
SonicTheHedge 님이 작성:
would it be worth it to to drop some of the life at the bottom of the tree, and path upwards towards the witch fire cluster? or does this build already do enough damage to not even need that? should still be sitting around 8k life?

It already has more then enough damage, even tom94 played, enjoyed and made a character for it and he usually doesnt play anything under 500k dps.

Jakub19911 님이 작성:
Pls can you post gears and gems setup for uber atziri run ?

U'll find it in Page 2. Ill try to add it to the front page at some point.


u guys might want to get a blood dance with +1 frenzy or blood dance in general rather fast.
The Blood Dance now only gives 0.5% Life Regeneration per Frenzy Charge instead of 1%. Old copies of this unique item are unaffected.
IamPeyter 님이 2015. 12. 9. 오후 12:25:32에 마지막으로 편집
New tree impact is fairly minimal.

At the moment, the most I can see that changes is Blast Radius, and then the nerf to Proj nodes at Scion.

With the fate of PA being up in the air without solid numbers, I may run this first in Talisman. Slot in some IIR on easier maps, and hopefully still have a tanky build that is cheap to start, can MF, and can scale with currency investment to Uber/High tier maps.
IGN: PurpleTrapperPuppet / Perandus
New Challenges leagues and ... no changes.

Pretty much the same tree too, an argument could be made to scrap the templar but the build is fine as is.
IamPeyter 님이 2015. 12. 10. 오후 12:13:23에 마지막으로 편집
Rupenus 님이 작성:

btw guys, this is BiS for your build. annd ehm its for sale. : )

Dear god how i hate these harpies... They are everwhere tryin to scam newer players. Almost every swmi popular build has scammers posting shit gear for sale claiming they are BIS...

Its enough you spam every Mathil, ZiggiD, RaizQT build, just f off from non streamers ><

Ps. Sorry but this is just beyond me.
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Ignore the comment that was here before, the tree didn't load properly which is what made me ask the previous question.

How about Marauder start?


I ditched Harrier and was able to get an extra jewel slot.

Just considering Marauder due to gem availability at start of league....
IGN: PurpleTrapperPuppet / Perandus
ElPuppet 님이 2015. 12. 11. 오전 3:18:45에 마지막으로 편집
Thinking of doin EA in talisman HC, what do you typically run in the chest before kaoms happens.
Any chance of an update?

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