[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

What should my Gem Setup look like with a 5l quill ?
How can you deal with chaos? i guess you have about -36%chaos res?

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( . .)♥
redix27 님이 2015. 11. 2. 오전 7:54:38에 마지막으로 편집
1.You need NOT to have any fire damage on gear in order for EE to work right?
2.What armor would you switch instead of Kaom? Legacy coil?
3.The boots are a neccesity? I don't see why they are so good.
Masonic_ 님이 작성:

when the explosions go off, dont the monsters immediately get resistant to fire? Do all the explosions take place at the same time or do they overlap?

They overlap, so yes those monsters not hit by any arrows will have resistance to fire...

In that case, why is EE good? for single target? I cant understand since the explosions overlap, the explosion aoe is huge so monsters nearby instantly become fire resistant...
Maybe im blind but i cant find any +flat cold/lightning dmg items on your rings/amu.

For EE i thought i definitely need flat cold or lightning on one piece of the items.

edit: Nvm, its on your gloves. Sorry :D
Koksii 님이 2015. 11. 2. 오전 11:53:46에 마지막으로 편집
Should i try your build if i can't afford all of those gg corruptions and only a 5L Quill?
Thinking of doing this in standard in order to get some more currency.
Alittleez 님이 작성:
1.You need NOT to have any fire damage on gear in order for EE to work right?
2.What armor would you switch instead of Kaom? Legacy coil?
3.The boots are a neccesity? I don't see why they are so good.

1. Yes, no flat fire damage
2. If kaoms isn't a option lightning coil is the way.
3. They arent nessacary, I equipped them on lvl 96+. They grant u 600+ Life regen, alot of damage, free charges while mapping. To note, at that high lvl of mine the flat life of gear doesn't add that much anymore, that's why i went away from high armour + life boots.

Masonic_ 님이 작성:

In that case, why is EE good? for single target? I cant understand since the explosions overlap, the explosion aoe is huge so monsters nearby instantly become fire resistant...

They become fire ressistant after being hit by the explosion, thats when it's already to late for them. U can also just reapply the EE with another hit ( 5+ Attacks per second

PapaDroid 님이 작성:
Should i try your build if i can't afford all of those gg corruptions and only a 5L Quill?
Thinking of doing this in standard in order to get some more currency.

Yes it's an amazing budget build, I would dare saying it's the best budget build.
U will run around with crazy damage and life even with poor gear while getting sweet drops thanks to all that free iir u can grab ( rings, gloves, amulet). I was running 160 iir in the first days.

redix27 님이 작성:
How can you deal with chaos? i guess you have about -36%chaos res?

High life with okish chaos res handles chaos damage quite well. You can also grab some chaos res rings if u feel the need too.

anvilgod 님이 작성:

could you post defensive stats? Although you already sold me with that high HP.

I'll make a picture later ( Just came home ). But it's like 7k armour with block (quiver) and ~17% evasion. Rumi's greatly increases that.

Hope i answered everything. Happy to see so many people are interested in this build.
IamPeyter 님이 2015. 11. 2. 오후 1:10:24에 마지막으로 편집
IamPeyter 님이 작성:

Hope i answered everything. Happy to see so many people are interested in this build.

What should be the setup in you go with just 5l? I guess EA-GMP-fire pen-slow proj-life leech?
mikerelf 님이 작성:
IamPeyter 님이 작성:

Hope i answered everything. Happy to see so many people are interested in this build.

What should be the setup in you go with just 5l? I guess EA-GMP-fire pen-slow proj-life leech?

4L = EA-GMP-Fire pen-Inc aoe
5L = Add either lifeleech for sustain or Slower proj for damage, I used slower proj.
6l = add the remaining one
Vanilla or Chocolate?

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