[2.5][SC] Morrah's WanderThrow LL ML ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ

hi Mr thank you for the reply but i m using that jewel already.
With Conqueror's Efficiency Crimson Jewel is at 51% for Anger & wrath.
without is 53% each.

maybe i m missing a note lol will recheck again thanks
Ironxbow 님이 2016. 5. 2. 오전 5:59:27에 마지막으로 편집

I've been used LL KB for 3 years.

The weakest point of KB is global defence. and corrupted blood.

I recommend using FLASKS-Vessel of Vinktar,Rumi etc.

cf)https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1618520 ,1560909

also I recommend scion ascendency class- pathfinder+gladiator

enough to attack&deal


Aval1 님이 2016. 5. 4. 오후 9:21:49에 마지막으로 편집
Aval1 님이 작성:

I've been used LL KB for 3 years.

The weakest point of KB is global defence. and corrupted blood.

I recommend using FLASKS-Vessel of Vinktar,Rumi etc.

cf)https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1618520 ,1560909

also I recommend scion ascendency class- pathfinder+gladiator

enough to attack&deal


hah.. thx for comment in my thread :)

1. i check your build well i don't like it and i hate any CI build in principle.

2. i use another gear + i use my build version with Deaeye + Berserk and i like it

3. i don't use DPS flasks now, i tested my build with and without DPS flasks.
it's all good work PS. i have Vessel of Vinktar and Rumi, thx

4. i use now 6L Barrage with second Shavs for fast swap! (for fast kill strong bosses)
it's good work for me. before i use KB only + Frost Wall and it's shitty works vs. Core Malachai.
i see your video KB vs Core map, but you skip Malachai and swap on Blade Fall build.
May be because you don't want lose %, i don't know :)

5. i don't go Uber and Core Malachai - everyday, me no need this.
Anyway if i need it in future - i made special good and cheapest build for this.

Start playing in Feb 9, 2013
My KineticBlast LL ML 400kDPS GMP /view-thread/1466693
Asus LGA1155 P8P67 / Intel Core i5-2500@4GHz / Corsair Vengeance 16GB@1600MHz
Asus GTX970 STRIX 4GB / Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus 7.1
Acer 27 IPS 2560x1440@144Hz [XF270HU] + BenQ 24 TN-film 1920x1080@120Hz [XL2420T]
Ive always wanted to play a kinetic blast build. Looks very fun and may try this out. Anything worth noting for 2.3? Will you keep the build updated?
Nice work on the build btw!
iVisionary 님이 작성:
Ive always wanted to play a kinetic blast build. Looks very fun and may try this out. Anything worth noting for 2.3? Will you keep the build updated?
Nice work on the build btw!

thx for comment

yes, i still keep going update my Wander Build

now i'm wait new patch and test again some stats.

gl! :)
Start playing in Feb 9, 2013
My KineticBlast LL ML 400kDPS GMP /view-thread/1466693
Asus LGA1155 P8P67 / Intel Core i5-2500@4GHz / Corsair Vengeance 16GB@1600MHz
Asus GTX970 STRIX 4GB / Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus 7.1
Acer 27 IPS 2560x1440@144Hz [XF270HU] + BenQ 24 TN-film 1920x1080@120Hz [XL2420T]

What ascendancy would you recommend in 2.3?


Start playing in Feb 9, 2013
My KineticBlast LL ML 400kDPS GMP /view-thread/1466693
Asus LGA1155 P8P67 / Intel Core i5-2500@4GHz / Corsair Vengeance 16GB@1600MHz
Asus GTX970 STRIX 4GB / Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus 7.1
Acer 27 IPS 2560x1440@144Hz [XF270HU] + BenQ 24 TN-film 1920x1080@120Hz [XL2420T]
Is this build also viable without havein atziri gloves and skyforth ?
Can you post a full clear of a T16 map with no loot picking?

IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
hey, have u tried that version of the tree?
should result in slightly more ES, same critchance, higher accuracy, same aps, higher critmultiplier. would like to know which version does the 1 point more DPS.
might need Kraityn for capped resists though.
IGN: Lawyne (Stream: www.twitch.tv/lawyne) [inactive]
100% Life Shaper in 1s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173720595
Practical Blade Flurry https://tinyurl.com/practicalBF

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