[2.1] Dbum's Blade Vortex SuperTank [Block, MoM, EB, GR, Cybil's] HC Viable **Video Added**

nekushiggles 님이 작성:
Hey there, I has decided on using this build for my Ascendancy Hardcore Perandus Scion and.. The Update stopped the skill tree's from working is it possible to update each tree (20 point tree.. 40 point tree etc. etc. up to 'max point'?)

I'd really appreciate it, But anyways Nice build! I love the concept :)

Hi pal, I'll link my skill tree from my 54 Scion as a placeholder until OP sorts out the 2.2 skill trees.


Hope that helps somewhat.
"If you nullify 10 paper plates with 10 slices of pizza then the developer nullify's how many slices of pepperoni you can sustain on said slices of pizza. I cannot fathom how the sauce can equate to crust." - Xdevore
Mikchi 님이 2016. 3. 5. 오후 6:47:53에 마지막으로 편집
Im not gona update this, as I do not have enough time to work through it. If someone else wants to start a new thread go ahead.

Sorry guys.

IGN @Dbum
No problem man, you've made a good build guide which can still be followed.

For those who are starting this build there's another 2.2 skill tree build in the bottom post on the front page.
"If you nullify 10 paper plates with 10 slices of pizza then the developer nullify's how many slices of pepperoni you can sustain on said slices of pizza. I cannot fathom how the sauce can equate to crust." - Xdevore
@Mikchi - I must be missing it? Every link in the bottom post on the front page leads to an out-of-date skill tree that refuses to load. Do you have one you can link for us?
I would appreciate it very much if someone can update the leveling passive skill trees.
I've been trying to successfully incorporate Righteous Fire with this build, but I can't come up with a decent tree. You guys have any ideas how to make that work?
ata 님이 작성:
I've been trying to successfully incorporate Righteous Fire with this build, but I can't come up with a decent tree. You guys have any ideas how to make that work?

Yep. Use different build xD

This one have too little regeneration for that, since it uses "life per spell hit" mechanic to get life, not regeneration. Moreover, it uses MoM with ES, which would even increase needed regeneration (since you would need to repleshish both dmg from life and ES). Not to mention we just need shield for getting enough ES, so switching to Rise of the Phoenix is not a good idea.

There are plenty of other builds which mixes RF with blade vortex, try them out. RF-blade vortex with Chieftain could be good since it gives good regeneration, 10% physical to fire and some leeching from that fire.
<removed for hijacking thread>

Wanted info and feedback, hijacked thread instead.
ata 님이 2016. 3. 11. 오전 10:56:39에 마지막으로 편집
ata 님이 작성:
Alex_Lied 님이 작성:
ata 님이 작성:
I've been trying to successfully incorporate Righteous Fire with this build, but I can't come up with a decent tree. You guys have any ideas how to make that work?

Yep. Use different build xD

This one have too little regeneration for that, since it uses "life per spell hit" mechanic to get life, not regeneration. Moreover, it uses MoM with ES, which would even increase needed regeneration (since you would need to repleshish both dmg from life and ES). Not to mention we just need shield for getting enough ES, so switching to Rise of the Phoenix is not a good idea.

There are plenty of other builds which mixes RF with blade vortex, try them out. RF-blade vortex with Chieftain could be good since it gives good regeneration, 10% physical to fire and some leeching from that fire.


Life per spell hit from cybil's will give additional regen which is quite synergetic with RF, obviously.

The idea is removing Mom and EB completely, and using blood magic gem to cast BV. Obligatory getting Rise of the Phoenix.

Flicker and WB + faster attacks + blood magic for initiation and movement (or just one of them adding Fortify).

Auras would be Vitality, Purity of Fire and Herald of Ash covering most of our mana.

Draft version of tree is this:

Ascendancies I haven't worked out yet, but yes, chieftan looks promising. Maybe even scion with Berserker+Guardian.

Considering i have a 83 Scion with a passive respec, I'll try it out.

EDIT: Maybe using self cast Tempest shield for extra damage. Planning on getting spellblock as well via Lazhwar and Rainbowstrides.

EDIT 2: Also, planning on using Carcass Jack, so that's the reasoning behind Iron Reflexes.

EDIT 3: New tree, forgot skill duration.

Congrats !! You just made your own, different build... which just shares one unique and skill with this one but you still posted it here..... I could kind of understand it if there were not any RF-Blade vortex builds out there, or not many using cybil's paw... but none of that is that uncommon....

But congrats anyway.

update ur skil teree for 2.2

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