[2.1] Damning-King - Tri-Curse ED+Contagion | Super Fun | AoE Smasher | ST Melter | Atziri Viable

GladiatorUA 님이 작성:
After playing a bit with it while Contagion WAS on blood magic, I honestly don't see it work smoothly at all.

Contagion is actually not that big of a problem, quite expensive abyssal cry is more annoying. The key is putting whirling blades on blood magic.

And if ES pool is still an issue, switching to 4l Abyssal Cry-Contagion-AOE-Blood Magic solves ALL of the problems.

First of all Contagion is our most used skill, you want Faster Casting on it for sure.
Regardless, ok so if i put them both in blood magic I can just drop the Dreamer node from my passive tree and spare 2x skill points, why bother EB?
You could do this links setup and be just fine with 85-90 mana un-reserved.

To link my tree after using EB in order to 'spare' points I need to waste some points again, so I don't realy spare anything (maybe 1 point) and even then I skip Faster Casting on my Contagion.

Not worth it in my taste, but if it works out for you so sure, maybe Witch can do it more easily.
In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova).

My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095
My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065
GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346
MagicalCrime 님이 2015. 12. 27. 오후 12:09:12에 마지막으로 편집
hello, i'm leveling this build right now on talisman. Lot of fun really.
I've some problems with colours on gear. I don't have enough currency for 2x3off colours, so i'm wondering if i drop alpha howl and the third curse the build will remain end game viable with only 2 curse (enfeeble/vulnerability+temporal chains).
Also Doedre damning over windscream?
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Kaiser_87 님이 작성:
hello, i'm leveling this build right now on talisman. Lot of fun really.
I've some problems with colours on gear. I don't have enough currency for 2x3off colours, so i'm wondering if i drop alpha howl and the third curse the build will remain end game viable with only 2 curse (enfeeble/vulnerability+temporal chains).
Also Doedre damning over windscream?
Thanks and keep up the good work.

Doedre's damning over Windscream since Windscream literally gives us nothing but the +1 curse. Instead, you can buy rare boots with high life + 30 movement speed (or Atziri step).

Yes, you can go dual curse until you manage to sort your sockets.
In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova).

My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095
My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065
GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346
I was thinking, this build plays a lot like a Caustic Arrow build, meaning most of the damage comes from the gem level of Essence drain.
So, aren't there any 6l items with +1 or +2 gem level where we can put the Essence drain setup?
Maybe a +2 to socketed chaos gems?
Also, I think a corrupted empower with +2 to supported gems level would be the best investment for this build.
aerotsu 님이 2015. 12. 27. 오후 3:25:36에 마지막으로 편집
aerotsu 님이 작성:
I was thinking, this build plays a lot like a Caustic Arrow build, meaning most of the damage comes from the gem level of Essence drain.
So, aren't there any 6l items with +1 or +2 gem level where we can put the Essence drain setup?
Maybe a +2 to socketed chaos gems?
Also, I think a corrupted empower with +2 to supported gems level would be the best investment for this build.

Frankly I have thought about using a staff with +1 to socketed + 1 to socketed chaos gems but:

1) barely any in market.
2) very expensive.

So I couldn't test it yet.

As for the empower, not sure what you meant. we're using empower on our ED links.
In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova).

My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095
My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065
GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346
MagicalCrime 님이 작성:
aerotsu 님이 작성:
I was thinking, this build plays a lot like a Caustic Arrow build, meaning most of the damage comes from the gem level of Essence drain.
So, aren't there any 6l items with +1 or +2 gem level where we can put the Essence drain setup?
Maybe a +2 to socketed chaos gems?
Also, I think a corrupted empower with +2 to supported gems level would be the best investment for this build.

Frankly I have thought about using a staff with +1 to socketed + 1 to socketed chaos gems but:

1) barely any in market.
2) very expensive.

So I couldn't test it yet.

As for the empower, not sure what you meant. we're using empower on our ED links.

Yea, I figured it would be very expensive.

With regards to empower, I was talking about how you can buy a lvl 3 or even 4 (corrupted) empower, which could increase the build's dps by a lot, instead of a lvl 2 empower.
But naturally, a lvl 3 empower goes for 2 exalts, and lvl 4, 30 exalts.
So it can be extremely expensive.
I bought it level 2, but im still leveling it.
Corrupted gem still gains exp and can level up.
In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova).

My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095
My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065
GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346
I took a break from this build after realizing that I needed expensive jewels to survive (sorry, those are nowhere near 20-25c in Standard). Nice to see that you have a Witch variation with a different approach! You abandoned Exceptional Performance and got more +life and even Herbalism. Sounds nice. But losing 45% inc duration - isn't that pretty bad?

Small optimization: drop the aura nodes near Leadership and the INT node, get 4% aura node near Influence. This saves you 1 point. Use it to connect to Deep Wisdom through Practical Application and drop 2 INT nodes on the left. Avoiding interrupts is really nice.
Test in Progress.

P.S : Post Jewels that you are using pls.
mlnecrafter 님이 2015. 12. 28. 오전 6:37:48에 마지막으로 편집

Update: 28/12/15
* Added a new video: [2.1] Abyss map (tier-15) with two bosses.
* Added some pictures of a few jewels im using.



@minecrafter, check the 'Gear' section, i added it.

@Kelvynn I'm sad to hear you decided to do that, and I disagree with Jewels being expensive as a reason to abandon a build.
You could get 2x damage jewels and 1 stat that you don't even need, this will do. You could get more HP via passive tree, I could help you make this tree. You could also drop 1 or 2 jewels and take the Chaos damage nodes at the beginning of Shadow tree.

But its your decision mate! :) Glad you had fun tho.
In-Game Nick: MagicalCrime. || Main Character: Level 100 Witch (Ice Nova).

My standard shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1221095
My Loot Filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1313065
GTS - Stream Game: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1344346
MagicalCrime 님이 2015. 12. 28. 오전 7:35:38에 마지막으로 편집

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