2.2 MinKami_Spark/Vaal Spark 95%Crit Chance High Clear Speed Life based and Cheap SC/HC Viable

SmoczyArchaniol 님이 작성:
I wouldn't take away life but point taken, more dps and works on herald of thunder too.

not bad
minkami98 님이 2016. 2. 6. 오후 10:32:11에 마지막으로 편집
Evasion armor or es?
Anavels 님이 작성:
Evasion armor or es?

Armor Life and light res with lightning coil
What jewels do you use in your setup? do you use the Sacrificial harvest and the chill of corruption jewel in tandem to acquire more vaal souls?
xDionysusx 님이 작성:
What jewels do you use in your setup? do you use the Sacrificial harvest and the chill of corruption jewel in tandem to acquire more vaal souls?

nope :) Max DPS. Spell Damage/Crit Chance/Crit Multi

Due to my bad internet connection today and me being lazy, i did't capture the best dps, but still only onslaught is missing (it goes up to 73k form 63k with it, didn't capture the screen).
Nonetheless this is probably the last update on this league with this build so here it is:

My version of the tree:

Current tree:

My gear:

Stats on spark:

spark - spell echo - faster projectiles - life leech - increased critical strikes/damage

on the side note i think i would drop additional power charge from the tree and alira and go for 4 jewel with only 4% spell damage per power charge from the tree but then i would need to use inc. critical strikes gem instead of critical damage.
aha, lvl 88

just saw new ascendancy scion class... f*** this I'm doing sparker again xD
dead eye's 50% chance to pierce and berserker's 1.5% damage life leech... or maybe assasin with +1% crit chance xD
links: spark - spell echo - faster proj. - inc. crit damage
hmmm... and that would be all. or maybe faster casting for 5l, or cold penetration for pvp who cares at that point :P
SmoczyArchaniol 님이 2016. 2. 26. 오전 5:23:09에 마지막으로 편집
I want create a spark for my next build... and it will be on ascendancy patch for sure in 5 days.

So, get scion class and do basically the same build that u did? And at the end get that life leech + deadeyes 50% pierce?

Also, how good ( or bad ) is spark when starting a new league, since I won't have acess to so many uniques like brotherhood, lightning coil ( not soon ), etc?

My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
imLuCaSsS 님이 2016. 2. 27. 오후 9:19:19에 마지막으로 편집
Spark is good by itself so don't worry. It just gets better with lvls :) the first and the best thing you can get at start is get that "%" on the gem

and Deadeye first in my opinion

minkami what is your opinion on overcharged (over conduit on the tree). It offers constant flow of charges even offscreen and endurance charges too. I think that would let us drop storm herald and some supports on ice herald to squeeze in wrath maybe.
There are also two new skills: frost bomb and the other one to curse on hit maybe.

link to PoESkillTree tree planner (https://github.com/EmmittJ/PoESkillTree/releases/tag/2.2.4)

lvl 100:

lvl 86:

something better, online tree planer:
SmoczyArchaniol 님이 2016. 3. 3. 오전 9:39:25에 마지막으로 편집
Editing Now :) 19-3-2016 New Version Spark. 95%Crit More DPS
Updated Finish 19-3-2016 Come And See it :D

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